The Eddie Dyer Memorial Scholarship

Application Information & Cover Sheet

Due Date: Monday, February 23, 2015

This award is named in memory of Eddie Dyer, who was killed in a motorcycle accident on May 14, 2005. Eddie Dyer owned a small manufacturing company in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, that has served the marine industry since 1956. He was known by many as “the last great letter writer,” in that all his correspondence was hand-written on yellow legal pads. He wrote avidly and passionately about his hopes, ideas and dreams for making the world a better place. To perpetuate his memory, this scholarship is made available by Mrs. Cynthia Dyer, his widow.


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled English majors or English graduate students at NAU who will be taking courses at NAU during the 2015-2016 academic year.
  • Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA.
  • Applicants must write a legible, hand-written 1,000 word essay on yellow legal paper.

Essay Topic: “If you could right a wrong in this life, what would it be and how would you go about it?”

This topic invites a focused, thoughtful, well-made essay that addresses a noteworthy social, political, economic, or other injustice or inequity. Possible contexts range from the local to the global. A submission might effectively describe the problem, then persuasively describe and argue for the remedy you envision. Apply what you know about clear style, vivid language, informative support, and cogent argumentation. It is permissible to revise or adapt a previous course paper for this submission.

  • Your submitted version must be legibly hand written on yellow legal paper.
  • You must also sign and attach “NAU’s Scholarship FERPA Statement” for release of information.
  • Essays, with this form attached, should be submitted to the English Department office in the Liberal Arts Building, Room 140 (or mailed to Scholarships, Department of English, Box 6032, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6032).


Title of essay ______

Local address______


What is your student status (e.g., sophomore, first-year graduate student) ______

NAU’s Scholarship FERPA Statement

Release of Information

By submitting the NAU College of Arts & Letters Scholarship Application Form you are giving your consent for NAU to release your personal information to donors who will be considering you for scholarships. This includes, but is not limited to, your application information (résumé, letter, etc.) GPA, year in school, financial need, major, etc. Also, should you be selected to receive a scholarship, the donor may request updates of your progress at NAU including GPA, classes taken, financial need, etc. Only donors seriously considering you for scholarships and approved by the NAU Scholarship Office may have access to this information and no information will be provided to any other outside sources. Submission of this interest form confirms that you agree to these terms and conditions.
I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions. (All data entered will be forwarded to the NAU Scholarship Office.)


Applicant’s signature