Eddie and Noel

Case Study:

Sean works in a day care centre for older people. He enjoys working with the service users in the arts, crafts and sensory rooms. In the craft room they sew, knit and paint. The day centre provides a range of services including ‘brunch and lunch’ for the service users.

Sean enjoys interacting with and talking to the service users, particularly Noel and Eddie who are both 87 years of age. Both men fought in the second world war and Sean enjoys listening to their stories, particularly as they get more adventurous each time they are told.


1.  Identify and describe one way that the day care centre is promoting and maintaining service users physical development (4)

2.  Noel and Eddie enjoy their time at the day centre. Explain the benefits that attending a day centre may have on their development. (6)

Eddie and Noel


Question 1

1 mark for identification;

-  Arts and crafts

-  Sensory room

-  Teas

-  Lunches and Brunches

-  Knitting, Sewing, Painting


-  Lunches ensure they are eating healthily

-  Lunches provide a nutritious meal

-  Healthy diet essential for physical development and to prevent ill health

-  Arts and crafts promote/maintain/develop fine and gross motor skills/exercise

-  Promotes/maintains sense of touch, sight, hearing and taste

-  The various activities they’ re involved with promote confidence

1-2 marks for brief description eg healthy diet

3 – 4 mark for a fuller description – the identification must match the description given.

Question 2


-  Physicall feel good, diet may improve, develop skills, stimulated through activities, keeps them mobile, physical health and well-being can be maintained.

-  Socially – meet new people, catch up with friends, communication skills developed/maintained, talk about problems, develop networks, maintains confidence/independence

-  Emotionally – will not be isolated or depressed, engaging with others, happy, impact on self-image, self-esteem, self-concept, prevents loneliness and isolation.

-  Intellectually – learn new skills, maintains motivation

1-2 marks; Weak response with only points identified. Any descriptions or explanations will be limited

3-4 marks; Accurately identifies points and can develop accurate explanations. Response lacks balance.

5 – 6 marks; coherent, well structures response which accurately reflects question stem. Good use of vocabulary. Can make valid links.