The Co-Presidents, the Co-Ordination Committee and the Serbian Forum invite

the National Coordinators and other delegates to Soko Grad, in Serbia to the

Xth General Assembly

from 7th – 12th August 2018, with the theme:“If you remain silent at this time…”

(Esther 4:14):Christian women speak out.

About the theme

Esther is an example of courage in face of difficult circumstances. An example many women in history followed and we are also invited in our own lives and contexts to emulate. Like Esther we are invited not to remain silent in our safety and complacency, but act and speak out. At the GA participants will discuss and explore ways what it means today not to remain silent.

About the venue: Monastery St. Nikolaj, Soko Grad

Soko Town is a fortress in western Serbia near Ljubovija. Soko Town was founded in the medieval Serbia, but its most famous role was the one it played during the Ottoman rule over Serbia when it became one of the most infamous sites of torture of Orthodox people. Some of the earliest data go back as far as 1476 including the mention of the fortress’ commander Sokol Kemal. Soko Town was invincible until 1862 when, under pressure from the world’s most powerful countries, the Turks handed it over to the Serbs who tore it down for most part on their allies’ request after the Turkish army had surrendered. Today there are very few remains of the walls and towers, and within the fortification itself a concrete plateau was built with a big cross on it. The bishop of Savac, Lavrentije, founded a monastery at the foot of Soko Town dedicated to Arcbishop Nikolaj Velimirovic. By the scenic road that leads from the monastery to the fort there have been built 10 stone chapels duly painted and inscribed with one of the Ten Commandments respectively. The iconostase in the chapel of the monastery is done by painter sister Krstana Tasic.

The Monastery will be both the venue of our Assembly and the accommodation site.

Delegates to the GA

Please keep in mind the following:

  1. Each member country can participate with maximum 4 delegates.
  2. In order to ensure equal opportunities and participation, a new policy has been adopted by the Coordinating Committee, namely for the first delegate of each member organisation, EFECW will cover 80% of the total costs (travel+participation fees)
  3. Delegates under 40 will receive 50% reduction or respective Band subsidy (We kindly ask the NCs to encourage young women to participate.)
  4. For the Band countries only 2 delegates can claim for scholarship (one of them will receive 80% support, regardless of the Band of the country).
  5. If you have any questions regarding finances and scholarships, please contact Hannah Golda,


Registration to the Assembly is possible only online, through EFECW website Please click the links below.You can copy the link into the internet bar if clicking does not work. Please do register even if you have not made travel plans yet.


Deadline for application: 22nd April 2017

Participation fee: 300 €

Travel info

As soon as all registrations are completed, you will receive further information and details about the General Assembly including travelinstructions.Please note that travel to the monastery will be organised from Belgrade with buses for all delegates.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Soko Grad!

The Co- Presidents of the EFECW

Eva Guldanova, Gabi Kienesberger, Asea Railean