ECSE ESY Student Plans Directions

Completing a student ESY registration form for ECSE students (3-5 only)

First, go to the student record, and select the menu item, “ESY Registration”. There should be a registration form already created for your student.

Select edit to begin completion of the registration form.


Next, you will make sure that you’ve identified the parent or guardian who will be available by phone during ESY hours as the emergency contact. You can copy the guardian information and then edit by changing the contact “type” using the drop down box. You can also create a new contact, and then select “emergency” as the contact type. You will need to list a phone number where we can reach the emergency contact during ESY hours. The registration form will not finalize until you have created the emergency contact on this section of the registration form.


Your administrators have selected the program and program location on the ESY registration form. DO NOT CHANGE PROGRAM OPTIONS OR SCHOOL. If you have any questions about the program that was selected for your student, please contact Chris Lehn at .

At the bottom of the program screen, you will choose either special ed bus or “no bussing is needed”. DO NOT SELECT REGULAR ED BUS AS AN OPTION FOR ECSE STUDENTS.


Next, go to the support services page. You will choose the IEP that covers ESY by using the pull down box. (NOTE: the student will need to have an IEP covering the ESY dates in order to complete the ESY registration form. You may start a draft IEP with the following components: ESY services, goals/objectives. The rest of the IEP can wait for completion until after the IEP meeting is held. In the meantime, you can use the draft IEP to complete ESY registration.)

You will first select the IEP to cover the ESY period. Before you have selected the IEP, the page will look like this:

Use the pull down box to choose the IEP to cover the ESY period (it can be in any status: draft, pending, final, or correct). Once you have selected the IEP to attach to your registration form, the ESY services from the IEP will be recruited, and look like this on your screen:

You will then identify the itinerant services, students with conditional behavior plan, or other program options and/or equipment needed for ESY. Use the check box to indicate that the services is needed, and then identify the staff who will verify the services or program options. If the staff is included as a team member on the IEP, their name will appear on the pull down box. Otherwise, use the search feature to identify the staff who will verify that particular service.


Choose “no additional para support services needed by clicking on the checkbox. That is all that is needed on this page for ECSE students.


You will now select the objectives to be addressed during ESY on the goals/objectives page of the registration form. The form will list ALL of the goals and objectives that pulled over from the IEP that you selected on the program page of the registration form. You will select only those objectives that your student will need instruction in during ESY. To do so, you will select the objective by checking next to the objective under either the regression/recoupment OR self-sufficiency column.

Note to staff: We have removed the option of needing to identify ESY goals/objectives on the IEP. You will now make those selections on the ESY registration form.

If your student’s ESY registration form does not list any goals and objectives, you will need to leave the registration form, and add goals/objectives on the IEP plan that covers the ESY date range. This could happen in the case that you created a draft IEP for a student in advance of the due process meeting, but didn’t write any goals or objectives on the draft plan.

If this is the case, go ahead and create goals/objectives, and then return to the ESY registration form. You will now click on the button entitled “Refresh Goals/Objectives” to recruit the updated content from the student’s IEP into the registration form. You will then see the updated content appear for your selection on the registration form.


In case you make changes to the IEP later, the “refresh” feature will also be of help to you. Example: If you want to attach a new IEP plan to the registration form, you can also do so by correcting the registration form. Then go to the Support services page and use the pull-down box to identify the new IEP. This will pull in different content and will refresh both services as well as goals/objectives.


Enter any comments that would be helpful to your student or teachers during the ESY session.


When you have completed the ESY registration form, select “completeness check” from the menu. The registration form will then change status from ‘draft’ to either ‘pending’ or ‘final’ status. The form will be placed in pending status if there is an outstanding verification request.


Upon completion of the registration form, an e-mail pop-pup will appear that allows you to contact the staff you identified as service or program verifiers. Check next to the name of the staff members who will be completing verification requests. You may also add additional recipients to the e-mail.

Once all verifications are completed, the registration form will automatically change from ‘pending’ to ‘final’ status. You can check on the status of your pending ESY registration forms using your tickler list. The tickler list will provide you with a list of any outstanding ESY registration forms and names of any verifiers who have not yet completed the verification request for your students.

Note that if the verifier has any questions, they have been instructed to contact you to either clarify services listed on the registration form. In some cases, you may need to review services or other components of the IEP. It is up to the case manager to insure that the IEP is reflective of the services that are needed in ESY. It is important that both the IEP and registration form accurately reflect ESY decisions made by the student’s IEP team.


Once you’ve completed the registration form, the system may generate an automated transportation request. This will happen under two conditions: (1) If there is not a current 2011 ESY transportation request already created; AND (2) if you selected ‘special ed bussing’ as the transportation type on the ESY registration form.

If you have an outstanding transportation request for ESY, please complete and finalize the request. You can check your tickler list for any outstanding transportation requests.


We created a one-step link that will allow you to change the transportation type without opening the registration form. Click on the blue ‘transportation’ link next to the ESY registration form record (see below.) A pop up window will appear, allowing you to change the type of transportation needed. (IMPORTANT: For ECSE 3-5 students, choose either special education bussing, or ‘no bussing needed’.)

The pop-up will also allow you, in certain cases, to create a stop transportation request. It is important to verify that any stop or start requests are completed and that the correct transportation type is identified in the ESY registration form at the end of the school year.


Case managers are asked to finalize any IEP linked to an ESY registration form, and to have the IEP in final status at the end of the school year. Additionally, staff will be asked to print a copy of the students ESY Student Summary Report and turn in to the office prior to leaving your desk on the last day of the school year.

The student summary report is used to provide our ESY teachers with program and other critical information related to the student. This is a critical report for our summer staff. For the most part they do not have access to our data systems. Last year, we printed those forms centrally. However, this year we will be asking case managers to print a student summary report for each student they have registered in ESY.

To print the student summary report, choose “Print Student Summary” from the student record menu.

You will then select the specific student summary report as indicated below “ESY Student Summary Report Complete”.

This will include the content needed by ESY teachers, including goals/objectives, and a progress summary section.

When you print the student summary report, this is what the header will look like (see below). Note that the ESY school is listed under student information. Check your student’s report carefully to make certain that the ESY school appears. Otherwise, you may have accidently selected the wrong type of student summary report.

If you have any problems printing the ESY student summary report, please contact your ESY administrator.


ECSE (3-5) DPRS ESY Registration Form Directions