1. What two abiotic factors are most characteristic of jungles, and promote the great proliferation of life in these areas.

2. Where are on earth is the greatest expanse of jungle found?

3. In terms of the plant canopy, of what significance is the Kapoc?

4. Describe what is meant by vertical stratification. Then, beside each letter below, describe the major areas of the jungle biome in detail.

a) above canopy islands:

-What abiotic factors are quite different in this area?

-How has the life adapted to these conditions?

-What animals appear to be at the apex of the trophic pyramid?

b) canopy:

-physical characteristics:

-diversity of life:

-adaptations of life:

-Draw the general shape of a typical trophic pyramid (based on #'s) from this area. Why might it be unusual?

-What kind of data could be used to generate a true pyramid-shaped trophic pyramid?

-Without leaving this area, how could some animals obtain sufficient water (for drinking or for other purposes)?

c) vertical highways:

-physical conditions:

-What kind of animals mainly exist here?

d) forest floor:

-physical characteristics:

-What biome-sustaining activity occurs so well in this area? Why might this be?

-Describe the recycling of two major elements of life.

-Is the soil particularly suitable for farming? What might the problem be (consider nitogen cycle)?

-Why might you expect to find epiphytes, parasitic plants, and predaceous plants in these areas?

-What major physical change dramatically alters this part of the biome?

-When does rapid succession (natural) occur in the jungle? What is the usual outcome?

-The greatest diversity of life is represented by which phylum? What class?

-Give a possible explanation for the great diversity of life in this biome.

- Would you expect to find a great amount of interspecific competition in the jungle? Why or why not?

-Describe the physical and cultural adaptations of the Yeroni.

-What is their favorite all-purpose food? List some uses.

Draw a box representing the 4 basic categories of ecosystem change. Clearly label the boxes and provide an example of each type of change within the jungle biome.

In terms of stability, describe the inertia and resiliency properties the jungle.

What is currently happening to much of the jungle biome? How much is disappearing yearly? Daily?

What may some of the dangers be in this ongoing process?

List some possible solutions (and/or alternatives) to this problem.