Ecole Montrose School Council Meeting Minutes:May 17, 2016

In attendance:Erin Engelbert, Shannon Stephenson, Paul Therrien, Lorena Rogers, Kristie Hedges, Melanie Bayko, Brenda Lefebvre

  1. Call to order: Chair Shannon Stephenson called meeting to order at 6:38pm
  2. Welcome & Introductions:
  3. Approval of April 19, 2016 Meeting Minutes: (1) Melanie Bayko(2)Brenda Lefebvre
  4. Old Business:
  1. Dress Code Policy –
  2. Construction Update see Principals Report
  1. Standing Items:
  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  2. Kristie Hedges went to corporate registries we have until July 18, 2016 to file properly. 2013 was the last file date. It will cost $33.30 at registries. Cheque’s to be wrote for Grade 6 trip $300.00 and to Shannon Stephenson for snacks provided for Parent Teacher Interviews $166.83.
  3. Chair’s Report:

District Council Meeting: Bussing for French Immersion County has been secured at a cost of $60.00 per month no equipment for academy children allowed.

May 18, 2016 Rotary Award for Mme. Evan 11:45am – 1:00pm Paradise Inn

Avondale Drum fit band equipment has been purchased and the younger grades have been enjoying playing drums for exercise.

Superintendent has not been chosen yet candidate to be approved by the Minister of Education.

  1. Principal’s Report:

Important dates:
May 20, June 3 / Half Day/PLC
May 25 / Celebration of Learning 5/6 7pm-8pm
June 3 / Celebration of Learning 7/8 7pm-8pm
May 25 / Pancake breakfast 7am-8:30am
May 25 / 7/8 Track and Field day
May 26 / Open House 7-8pm
May 27 / Dance 6:30-9:30pm
June 7 / 5/6 Track and Field day
June 10 / Full Day Friday
June 21 / School Council Meeting

Information items:

Construction Update

Move, Progress to demo, Progress to mechanical

Priorities and what we have been up to:

Dress code


École Montrose School is a professional place for working and learning. Students are expected to

Dress in a neat, moderate way that reflects our school culture which emphasizes pride, learning, and high expectations. We depend upon Parents/guardians to monitor the appearance of their child, however if a student arrives at school dressed contrary to the guidelines, they will be taken aside and spoken with privately by a member of the school staff and given the opportunity to change clothing or cover up. If no appropriate clothing is readily available, the student will then be required to contact their parent/ guardian to bring them suitable attire.

School staff retains the right to make all final decisions regarding the appropriateness of any article of clothing, jewellery, makeup, etc. for wearing at school. If a student is unsure about a particular piece of clothing, bring a change in case, or “If in doubt, rule it out”.

Dress Guidelines

● Students should dress in clothing that is conservative, neat, clean, modest, respectful and

appropriate for a school setting.

● During winter months, students are expected to dress appropriately for cold weather and must

have shoes on at all times during the day.

● Students must have a change of clothing for Physical Education that includes running shoes,

appropriate pants or shorts.

● Clothing that has crude sayings, obscene pictures, vulgar language or which advocate illegal

activities, depict violence or weapons, or are otherwise offensive in nature, are not acceptable

and cannot be worn at school.

● Head covers are to be worn for medical or religious reasons only.

● All items designated as underwear are kept under cover (regardless of the movements the

student is doing ex: jumping, bending down, etc.)

● Tops must have straps that are a minimum 3 cm width and cover undergarments, stomach,

back, etc. regardless of activity.

● Students should not wear clothing that exposes cleavage, bare midriffs, or undergarments.

Mesh or see-throughclothing is inappropriate if it reveals body parts or undergarments not

allowed under other provisions of this policy. No halter tops, crop tops, tube tops, spaghetti

straps, or other cut-off shirts are allowed.

● Shorts are worn at a length no shorter than approximately midthigh

or one hand length from the knee.

● Skirts should be worn to the top of the knee or students should wear shorts under it.

● Pants should not sag below the waist.

Exceptions to the Dress Code may include special school events, for example Celebration of Learning nights where dress exceptions must be approved on an individual basis by school administrators prior to the event.

Bell times: 8:20- 2:55

Open house:

May 26th 7-8pm- Children are welcomed

7pm- short presentation on school structure and planning

7:15pm- questions from parents

7:30pm- open house and tour

Request- Council to give money to the breakfast club.

Trustee’s Report: Absent

  1. New Business:
  2. Music Program – Tabled
  3. Bylaw Amendment – Reviewing for AGM
  4. AGM – September 20, 2016 at 6:30pm
  5. Breakfast Club – Motion to donate the funds from the Ecole Montrose School Council bank account to the Breakfast club program $1180.22. Moved by Melanie Bayko seconded by Brenda Lefebvre. All in favor
  6. Next meeting date: June 21, 2016
  7. Adjournmentat 7:26pm (1)Melanie Bayko (2) Brenda Lefebvre