Eco Solar Sign Up 2018

Hi there and welcome to the Eco Solar home tour 2018 sign up page. To show your home on the tour we will need some information.

Edit and save this WORD document and then email it along with 3 to 5 high resolution pictures to Andrew Mills at by January 31st 2018. Electronic applications only please. Please do not send a PDF; I need to edit the WORD document. If you do not have WORD then you can send the information in an email.


Tour Presenter/Contacts / Primary Contact / Backup Contact
Cell phone# for tour day
Regular contact phone#
Are you the homeowner?
Tour Day Preference? / Saturday, Sunday, or either?
Address of Home

Are there any other people or companies involved in building your house or building that will be participating on tour day (designers, contractors, equipment suppliers, or other participants)? Please include any key participant names and email addresses.


Owner agrees with Appendix A Agreement / Owner’s email here
or, Owner agrees to let builder present tour / Owner’s email here
Builder agrees with Appendix B Agreement / Builder’s email here


This section is where you describe the features of your home/building and tell us why you built your home the way you did. Note that this is not all about solar technologies. We are interested in any energy efficient technologies or sustainable practices that you are demonstrating in your home or building. We strongly encourage you to review site sheets from previous years to get an idea of the features we are looking for.

Edit the next two pages with info on your home and return with 3 to 5 (separate) pictures. Please do not insert pictures but send them separately. If you had a site sheet from a previous year you do not need to send me a new one, I will forward your previous sheet for edits.


Tour Day: Saturday/Sunday

Address: 11111-111 Ave (?)

Hosts: Owners or Builder (?)

Parking: Available on Street(?)

Energuide Rating: Tested or estimated rating please

Summary points why people need to see your home

·  What is truly unique about your home?

·  Why is your home on the tour?

What will people see and learn about at your home?

·  What features support your Energuide rating?

o  List those main features in short form

o  Insulation that is …

o  Amazing new heating unit…

What are the main things people will see at your home?

·  List what they will be able to see

·  Can see this …

·  And this…

Are there main items that they can’t see?

·  Insulation is typical here

·  Passive solar features are also common in this list

Why is this home on the tour?

Write a brief paragraph as to why you are putting your home on the tour. What motivated you to choose the technology that you did? What is it that you hope to get across to people if they come and see your home?

In these next sections you can add a bit more detail.

What features save on energy costs?

·  This

·  That

·  And the other

What features save on water costs?

·  Drip

·  Drop

·  Drip

Are there any other special features you want to highlight?

·  Permaculture

·  Electric car

·  Anything else?

Appendix A

Owner’s agreement:

I understand that by applying to the Eco Solar Home Tour that I will be hosting an open house on the agreed date and that I am responsible for the conduct of the tour at my house/building on tour day. The Eco Solar Home Tour Society will promote my open house using the information that I provide. The Eco Solar Home Tour Society has my permission to publish my address and representative pictures of my house/building on their web site and in other media to promote the tour. I agree that the Eco Solar Home Tour Society may take pictures of my house/building and the people on my property for the purposes of promoting the tour. I understand that the Eco Solar Home Tour Society will attempt to provide volunteers if available but that the ultimate responsibility for conducting my open house is mine. Information tables staffed by suppliers involved in building the house/building are encouraged but direct sales of goods or services are not permitted. The Eco Solar Home Tour attempts to provide a positive showcase of energy efficient technologies; I understand that badmouthing or cutting down of competitive technologies or companies is against tour policy; if I am not in favour of a particular competitive technology then I will hold my comments and let others describe that technology. I agree that promotional materials such as signs, flags, and other reusable items provided by the Eco Solar Home Tour Society need to be returned promptly after the tour. I have suitable insurance in place that will provide coverage in the event of injury for the people that visit my open house.

I agree with these comments as the homeowner. owner’s email:

Appendix B

Builder’s agreement:

I understand that by applying to the Eco Solar Home Tour that my company will be hosting an open house on the agreed date and that my company is fully responsible for the conduct of the tour at the house/building we are showing on tour day. The Eco Solar Home Tour Society will promote this open house using the information that I provide. The Eco Solar Home Tour Society has my company’s permission to publish the house/building address and representative pictures on their web site and in other media to promote the tour. I agree that the Eco Solar Home Tour Society may take pictures of the house/building and the people on the property for the purposes of promoting the tour. I understand that I am responsible for providing staff to show the house on tour day and that volunteers may not be available to commercial builders as homeowners get available volunteers first. Information tables staffed by suppliers or subtrades involved in building the house/building are encouraged but direct sales of goods or services are not permitted. The Eco Solar Home Tour attempts to provide a positive showcase of energy efficient technologies; I understand that badmouthing or cutting down of competitive technologies or companies is against tour policy; if I am not in favour of a particular competitive technology then I will hold my comments and let others describe that technology. I agree that promotional materials such as signs, flags, and other reusable items provided by the Eco Solar Home Tour Society need to be returned promptly after the tour. I have suitable builder’s insurance in place that will provide coverage in the event of injury for the people that visit the open house on tour day and I agree that my company will be responsible for providing safe access for visitors to sites that are under construction. Note: that if the home is sold to an owner then as the builder you need to show that you have the owner’s agreement to show the house on tour day.

I agree with these comments as the builder. builder’s email: