FEBRUARY 19, 2013

Present: Dennis Zeto, Don Hazeman, Mel Milender, Ervin Blom, Cory Wilson, Mary Lou Milender and Joyce Vold.

Visitors present: Merlin Vold, Thore Thorson, Fred Kelm, John Schocker, and Terri Coan.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance being recited.

Minutes of the January 15, 2013 meeting were read. Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Cory Wilson to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried unanimously.

The Treasurers Report for the month ending January 31, 2013 was read.

Beginning Balance: $ 93,879.28 General Savings: $ 1,006.22

Receipts: $ 5,693.98 Legal Fees Savings: $ 332.54

Disbursements: $ 3,329.71 Total of CD’s $226,035.18

Ending Balance: $ 96,243.55

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Ervin Blom, to accept the Treasurers Report. Subject to audit. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills presented: Checks #4276 through #4287 in the amount of $6,295.47 were approved for payment. Checks #4275 and #4280 were voided. There was a question as to what service we are getting for truth-in-taxation. The clerk will find out and bring the answer to the board next month. Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Ervin Blom to pay the bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

Terri Coan asked the Town Board what they found out about MnDot dumping road kill in Eckles Township. Dennis Zeto will place a call to see if it can be stopped or whether the Town Board will have to consider other options available to us.

Road Report: John Schocker has been busy plowing the roads. He asked if there are any high bank visibility problems that the Town Board was aware of. He informed the Board that the signs on Werner and Cartway were gone along with the posts. That was reported in November also.

The clerk presented the Town Board with two draft ads she had prepared to be placed in the Bemidji Pioneer for road materials and road maintenance. She requested that they review the drafts and make any changes before the ads are published. The Town Board discussed them; made minor changes and approved them.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to table the Road Rights-of-Way Ordinance to allow the supervisors a chance to review it and bring it back for discussion in March.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to make some minor changes in the Cemetery Policy. They changed the number of days to place and remove flowers on and from grave sites to 14 days before and after Memorial Day. They also deleted #1 in the General Rules which stated that each grave shall have a minimum requirement of a 3’ width x 8’ length and a 5’ deep unlined grave box. There was no discussion to change the fee schedule.

Rural Fire Association Report: Mel Milender reported that RFA has requested a 3 year extension of the current contract with the City of Bemidji. The City Council has that on its agenda tonight. He also reported that the Fire Department received quotes for a back-up generator. It was discussed in the Long Range Planning Committee and the Fire Chief was directed to pursue the project.

Following an insurance institute review of the fire service, our ISO rating changed in 2012 from a 10 to a 7. It should make an approximate 20% difference in fire insurance costs for those residents who live within a 5 mile driving radius of the airport. People need to check with their insurance companies for details.

Weed Control: Dennis Zeto received a letter from Beltrami County Environmental Services. Each township needs to appoint a weed control officer. The Town Board decided to wait until the re-organization meeting in March to appoint a weed control official. Weed control was discussed with Bill Patnaude and County Attorney Tim Favor at the BATO meeting. Mel Milender requested that Chairman Zeto inform Mr. Patnaude that we would wait until the Reorganizational Meeting in March to decide.

Mel Milender met with Beltrami County, DNR and BWSR regarding straightening Balsam Road. At the joint meeting it was decided to submit an application to the DNR to alter a wetland associated with a lake. The application will require a letter and design from the County Engineer. We do not have the money to pay for an engineer to design this project unless we are assured of getting a permit to do so. Mel will speak to the County Engineer.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Ervin Blom to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Milender Dennis Zeto

Township Clerk Chairman