ECI 545 Common Core Connections Lesson Plan

ECI 545 Common Core Connections Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Brenda Herb Subject: Reading/Science

School: Hope Charter Elementary School Date: 3/13

Grade: 2 Notes: Science topic is being currently taught in this class. Many

in class are struggling readers.

Part A / Content Rich Informational Text:
Can It Rain Cats And Dogs? By Melvin and Gilda Berger / Lexile Score? 710
RI 2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
RI 2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
RI 2.6 Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
2.E.1.1 Summarize how energy from the sun serves as a source of light that warms the land, air and water.
2.E.1.2 Summarize weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative measures to describe: temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation
Objectives (with Kid Friendly Language):
Students will explain how the sun and the movement of air masses change the weather.
Students will name what is used to measure temperature, wind speed and wind direction.
Students will explain wind.
Students will define the following words: troposphere, thermometer, air mass, wind, anemometer, wind sock, front, weather vane, tropics, polar regions
Students, working in groups, will create an idea web of main ideas and details from a given topic.
Pre-assessment: Talk about going outside and begin to put on clothes that would be inappropriate and gauge reaction of students. Ask questions about how they would know the clothes are not appropriate, and why.
I Do (Direct Instruction, Modeling, Mini-lesson): There are four topics from the book to focus on. Each is 1-2 pages long. Read each section aloud to the class. Also refer to the graphics and pictures to discover why the author uses them and what information they give.
We Do (Scaffolding, Guided Practice, Group Work): After each section of the book is read aloud, students will participate in stating meaning of vocabulary from the text. List of vocabulary will be kept on chart paper. Teacher will use students and following props to demonstrate concepts from the text.
1.  Flashlight and globe to demonstrate how sun affects the earth.
2.  Globe and colored paper (red for warm air mass, and blue for cold air mass) to demonstrate how movement of air
changes weather.
3.  Show a thermometer and refer to text to show how liquid would move according to heat.
4.  Use a balloon to demonstrate wind. Show pictures of wind sock, weather vane, and anemometer and discuss as related to text.
5.  Show pictures of wind sock, weather vane, anemometer
Vocabulary: atmosphere, troposphere, tropics, polar region, air mass, equator, fronts, thermometer, anemometer, weather vane, wind sock
6. Teacher asks text dependent questions after each demonstration, referring to content in text.
You Do (Individual Work, Home Work, not necessary for Kindergarten):
Teacher demonstrates to class how to create an idea web from the information in the text, while rereading one topic from the thext. Students work in mixed ability groups to complete graphic organizers on their assigned topic finding main ideas and supporting details of the text.
Assessment (focus on evaluating literacy standards not content of the reading):
Students are able to identify main ideas of topic and write these in an idea web.
Rationale (Why is this lesson important? What theory supports this lesson?): Students need to be able to explain the main ideas and supporting details of informational text because it affects their life. This particular group of students is unfamiliar with using graphic organizers to find main ideas and supporting details. Social Learning Theory is used in this lesson because the teacher models how to read and get information from an informational text. Mental Discipline Theory is used because we repeat what was learned orally and in written form. Also, Information Processing Theory because students are taking in the information and storing it in working memory as we are going from text to asking questions. They are also adding to their existing schema the concepts they have learned in previous lessons on weather.
/ Low:
/ High:
Mixed ability groups.
/ Offers ideas and uses the illustrations
/ Engages in the more of the reading and writing.
Part B / Content Rich Informational Text: Weather by Alice. K. Flanagan / Lexile Score? 890
RI 2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
RI 2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
RI 2.6 Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
2.E.1.1 Summarize how energy from the sun serves as a source of light that warms the land, air and water.
2.E.1.2 Summarize weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative measures to describe: temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation
Objectives (with Kid Friendly Language):
Students will explain how the sun and the movement of air masses change the weather.
Students will name what is used to measure temperature, wind speed and wind direction.
Students will explain wind.
Students will define the following words: troposphere, thermometer, air mass, wind, anemometer, wind sock, front, weather vane, tropics, polar regions
Students will state what they learned from the previous lesson as the teacher reads the book.
Students will finish their main idea and detail web, write a paragraph, and record their paragraph in Voicethread.
Pre-assessment: Review vocabulary words from Day 1 lesson.
I Do (Direct Instruction, Modeling, Mini-lesson):
Teacher reads the book and asks students to recall lesson from previous day and compare what is the same and what is new information.
We Do (Scaffolding, Guided Practice, Group Work): Teacher demonstrates how to add new information to her existing idea web. Then demonstrates how to write a paragraph using information from one of the graphic organizers.
You Do (Individual Work, Home Work, not necessary for Kindergarten): Students work in same groups as yesterday and use books complete their graphic organizer. Students then use information from the graphic organizer to write a paragraph explaining their topic.
Vocabulary: atmosphere, troposphere, tropics, polar region, air mass, equator, fronts, thermometer, anemometer, weather vane, wind sock.
Assessment (focus on evaluating literacy standards not content of the reading): As a whole class, students create a Voicethread, each group taking turns reading in unison the main ideas and supporting details that they learned from the text. Each section of the book has a different picture representation on Voicethread so each group is able to record their summary.
Rationale (Why is this lesson important? What theory supports this lesson?): Social Learning Theory is used again because the teacher models connections between texts and writing paragraphs. Students also learn from each other in their small groups. Information Processing Theory is used because the students are recalling information from a previous lesson.
/ Low:
/ High:
Mixed ability groups
Culminating Activity:
Groups of students, in unison, record the paragraph of the main idea and details or their weather topic into Voicethread. The teacher has already uploaded pictures representing the weather topics taught in the lesson. For example, the students who studied air masses would record what they learned for the picture of a weather map. The class then listens to the completed Voicethread and evaluates the accuracy of each groups’ summary.
/ Created By: Shea Kerkhoff Vessa