ECDL V4.0 Module 6 Revision Exercise A


The Test

The following revision exercise for Module 6, Presentation, is based on modifying a PowerPoint presentation that has been produced by the Head of 6th Form in a secondary school. It will be used at an Open Evening for the parents of potential 6th Form students. You will add information to the presentation, format the content, add a chart and print the slides.

  1. Download and open the file ecdlrevisontest61 and save it as 6thForm.ppt.

(Page 6-14)

  1. Apply the built-in design template Blends.pot to the 6thForm.ppt presentation.

(Page 6-27)

  1. Find a clipart image of a school and insert it on the title page. (Page 6-39)
  2. Resize the image and position it centrally, beneath the text. (Page 6-62)
  3. On Slide 2 enter the following bullet points: (Page 6-22)

·  Lower Sixth (Year 12) – AS Levels

·  Upper Sixth (Year 13) – A2 Levels

·  Independence

·  Common Room

·  Careers advice

·  General Studies & ICT

6.  Change the style of bullets on Slide 2 to be small arrows. (Page 6-23)

  1. On Slide 3 add an Assistant to the Head Teacher. He is Mr J Ling and his title is PA to Head. (Page 6-35)
  2. On Slide 4 create a column chart from the following data to show how the % Pass Rate has changed over the past 6 years: (Page 6-44)

Year / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003
% Pass Rate / 80.4 / 78.9 / 72.1 / 82.2 / 90.6 / 87.0
% A-C / 39.5 / 38.5 / 31.5 / 38.4 / 37.4 / 40.4

9.  Give the chart a heading % Pass Rate. (Page 6-44)

10.  Change the colour of the chart background to light grey and the colour of the columns to yellow. (Page 6-46)

  1. Apply custom animation to the bullet points on Slide 5 so that they fade in one-by-one when the mouse is clicked. (Page 6-54)
  2. Insert a new slide after the title slide. Give this a heading Parents' Evening and insert the following bullet points: (Page 6-20)

·  7.30-8.00pm Introduction by Head Teacher

·  8.00-8.30pm Talk by Head of 6th Form

·  8.30-9.30pm Discussions with subject-specialist staff

  1. Align the bullets centrally on the slide and adjust the font size and line spacing appropriately. (Page 6-19)
  2. Add the footer Parents' Evening 2004 to all slides, except the title slide.

(Page 6-30)

  1. Save the presentation. (Page 6-14)
  2. Print the presentation with 6 slides to a page. (Page 6-69)