No.Mktg.M6/2345/2017 DATED:23.01.2018
Quantity / 79,000 Mts (Metric Tonnes)
Purchaser: / Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
AUCTION DATE: / 05.02.2018
AUCTION START TIME: / 12:00 noon to 13:00 P.M.
TIME / 3 Minutes
Auction Ceiling price/Estimated Price / NA
Incremental Value / KGs. 1 & its multiples
Unit of Measurement / Quintal (100 Kgs)
EXTENSIONS / 3 Extensions
EXTENSION / 5 Minutes
EMD / Rs. 20,00,000/-
IMPORTANT NOTE / Digital Signature (DSC) is mandatory to participate in APSCSCL’s eAuction. Without Digital Signature bidders are not allowed to participate in the auction. Details are given below in the catalogue.
CONTACT PERSON: / Refer eAuction notice
Auction Room Ph nos. – 080-49352000/14. For queries during the live auction.
MATERIAL LOCATION: / Refer eAuction notice
Last Date of EMD / 04th January2018 13:00hrs.
(Please note: after due date no EMD payments are acceptable for auction).
EMD Submission Process / ePayment facility is enabled to pay EMD through online.

eAuction Schedule & Rules


  1. The registered suppliers with Tender Wizard are eligible to participate in theelectronic bid system i.e. e-auction with the issued USER ID and PASSWORD.
  2. Tender Wizard in consultation with the APSCSCL will schedule the auctions and suchdetails viz. e-auction calendar will be published on the website of APSCSC Ltd.
  3. The registered suppliers shall not be intimated individually regarding the e-auctions,however e-mails and SMS will be sent for all the registered and empaneled Bidderswhich are scheduled by the TenderWizard. However the registered suppliers may alsocontact, APSCSCL office located at Vijayawada for obtaining details of schedule of eAuctionif required.
  4. The registered suppliers need to deposit Rs. 20,00,000/- asEMD (margin money) through online payment only to participate in the e auctions asgiven below:
  5. For the E-Auction by way of:

•RTGS/NEFT Transfer

•E-Payment (Electronic Mode)

  1. The bidders shall be allowed by TenderWizard to bid only if the requisite EMD amountis available in the EMD Account of TenderWizard. The amount deposited as E.M.D(Margin Money).
  2. Only the EMD (Margin Money) of the highest(H1) bidder would be blocked by TenderWizard. The EMD (Margin Money) of the unsuccessful Bidder(s),including those whosebid(s) are not accepted due to non-fulfillment/not meeting the conditions attached to thebid(s),shall be returned by TenderWizard to their registered Bank Account throughelectronic mode.
  3. In case, if any bid is received 3 minutes prior to the scheduled auction closing timethen the auction schedule shall be extended for 5 minutes over and above the scheduled auction closing time. There shall be maximum 3 such extensions.
  4. The bidders shall place their bids online on TenderWizard Platform the online e-Auction system made available byTenderWizard as per the terms and conditions of the E-Auction.
  5. The percentage quoted shall be per 100 Kilograms (Quintal) basis for entire quantity
  6. The increasing tick size/ incremental value shall be 1 KG (one Kilo Gram only)
  7. During an auction session, a bidder may modify his bid upwards to anincreased value greater than the existing highest bid. No cancellation of Bids shall be allowed during anauction session. The highest valid bid received on the platform will be communicated to thedepartment by TenderWizard. The Corporation after evaluation of bids will communicateregarding acceptance/rejection of the Highest bid (if found not competitive). The Highestvalid bid once approved by the APSCSCL will be declared as successful H-1 bidder andthe same will be communicated by e-mail to the successful bidder. APSCSCL reservesthe right, without giving any reason, to accept or to reject all or any bid including highestbid.
  8. The final results of the E-Auction as approved by APSCSCL are binding on allbidders. Any requests for cancellation of bids received either during the auction session orafter the conclusion of an auction session shall not be accepted. Failure to accept awardof supply contract by the successful supplier shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD(Margin money) and blacklisting from further participation in the e-auctions for a period ofthree years. The decision of the Chairman& Managing Director, APSCSCL in this regardwill be final.
  9. Any bid placed using the bidders username and the password shall be deemed to bean unconditional binding of the bidder to whom such username and the password hasbeen allotted by TenderWizard, inter-alia, for the purpose of the E-Auction and the biddershall be solely and fully responsible for all the activities that occur under such usernameand password. The user is therefore advised to check the username and the passwordbefore the E-Auction and is advised not to reveal it to anyone else so as to preventmisuse of the same. It is further suggested that Suppliers are requested to change the
  10. Password frequently to protect from misuse.
  11. APSCSCL & TenderWizard shall not be responsible for any failure of power, Network, Server, Bandwidth problems, Hosting Server, Internet Connectivity, ISP or otherwise or the slowness to access Tender Wizard Platform/Exchange Platform In case if e-Auctions cannot be held on scheduled date due to Server problems, the e-Auctions will be rescheduled and will be held on alternative day, the details of such date/s will be notified in the website of APSCSCL andTENDERWIZARD.
  12. The Invitation of Bids, the terms and conditions of the e-auction, Bid of theSuccessful bidder, Letter /Email Confirmation/Acceptance issued by the Buyer( APCSCL ) to the successful bidder (here in after called the seller)along with anyamendment issued prior to signing of contract shall constitute the Contract between theSeller and Buyer.
  13. The bidders will be charged a non-refundable amount processing charges of Rs.3,000/- per bidder per commodity and applicable GST @ 18.00 % by TenderWizard. All the registered suppliers who wish to participate on the e-auction shall complywith terms and conditions of e-auction.
  14. The successful bidder upon receipt of communication regarding acceptance of bidby Tender Wizard shall arrange EMD an amount equivalent to Rs. 1,00,00,000(One core twenty lakhs only) of thevalue of the order as security deposit within 3 (one) working day by way of electronic fundtransfer through TenderWizard.