Goldstein MH Jr., NYS Kiang (1958) “Synchrony of neural activity in electric responses evoked by transient acoustic stimuli.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 30: 107-114.


Goldstein MH Jr, NYS Kiang, RM Brown. (1959) “Responses of the auditory cortex to repetitive acoustic stimuli.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 31: 356-364.

Goldstein MH Jr, WT Peake, CD Geisler, NYD Kiang, TT Sandel, JS Barlow (1959) “Evoked Responses”, In: WA Rosenblith (ed), Processing Neuroelectric Data, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp 12-35.

Kiang NYS, MHJ Goldstein (1959) “Tonotopic organization of the cat auditory cortex for some complex stimuli.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 31: 786-790.


Gerstein GL, NYS Kiang (1960) “An approach to the quantitative analysis of electrophysiological data from single neurons.” Biophys. J. 1: 15-28.

Keidel WD, UO Keidel, NYS Kiang (1960) “Peripheral and cortical responses to mechanical stimulation of the cat's vibrissae.” Arch. Int. Physiol. 68: 241-262.

Kiang NYS, WT Peak. (1960) “Components of electrical responses recorded from the cochlea.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 69: 448-459.

Sandel TT, CE Molnar, TF Weiss, JS Barlow, RM Brown, MH Goldstein Jr, WA Rosenblith (1960) “Quantitative methods in the analysis of neuroelectric activity”, In: GN Smyth (ed), Medical Electronics, Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Medical Electronics, pp. 148-154.


Kiang NYS (1961) “The use of computers in studies of auditory neurophysiology.” Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophtalmol. Otolaryngol. 65: 735-747.

Kiang NYS, JH Neame, LF Clark (1961) “Evoked cortical activity from auditory cortex in anesthetized and unanesthetized cats.” Science. 133: 1927-1928.

Kiang NYS, TT Sandel (1961) “Off-responses from the auditory cortex of unanesthetized cats.” Arch. Ital. Biol. 99: 121-134.

Sandel TT, NYS Kiang (1961) “Off-responses from the auditory cortex of anesthetized cats: Effects of stimulus parameters.” Arch. Ital. Biol. 99: 105-120.


Goldstein MH, TF Weiss (1962) “Mathematical statistics”, In: WA Rosenblith (ed) Processing Neuroelectric Data, MIT Press: Cambridge MA, pp. 88-98.

Kiang NYS, MH Goldstein Jr, WT Peake (1962) “Temporal coding of neural responses to acoustic stimuli.” IRE Transactions of the Professional Group on Information Theory. IT-8: 113-119.

Kiang NYS, T Watanabe, EC Thomas, LF Clark (1962) “Stimulus coding in the cat's auditory nerve: a preliminary report.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 71: 1009-1026.

Molnar CE, TF Weiss, CD Geisler (1962) “Two techniques for the processing of EEG data”, In: WA Rosenblith (ed) Processing Neuroelectric Data, MIT Press: Cambridge MA, pp. 36-61.

Peake WT, MHJ Goldstein, NYS Kiang (1962) “Responses of the auditory nerve to repetitive acoustic stimuli.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 34: 562-570.

Peake WT, NYS Kiang (1962) “Cochlear responses to condensation and rarefaction clicks.” Biophys. J. 2: 23-34.

Peake WT, NYS Kiang, MHJ Goldstein (1962) “Rate functions for auditory nerve responses to bursts of noise: Effects of changes in stimulus parameters.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 34: 571-575.

Reprinted in: Luce RD, Bush RR, Galanter E (eds) Readings in Mathematical Psychology II, New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp 372-376.

Rodieck R, NYS Kiang, GL Gerstein (1962) “Some quantitative methods for the study of spontaneous activity of single neurons.” Biophys. J. 2: 351-368.


Kiang, NYS. (1963). “Mostly physiology and sensation, Biotropic search for substructure.” Contemporary Psychology, A Journal of Reviews. 8: 131-132.

Kiang NYS, Crist AH, French MA, Edwards AG (1963) “Postauricular electric response to acoustic stimuli in humans”, Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, 68: 218-225.


Gerstein G L, NYS Kiang (1964) “Responses of single units in the auditory cortex.” Exper. Neurol. 10: 1-18.

Teas DC, NYS Kiang (1964) “Evoked responses from the auditory cortex.” Exper. Neurol. 10(2): 91-119.


Kiang NYS (1965) “Stimulus coding In the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus.” Acta Otolaryngol. 59: 186-200.

Kiang NYS, RR Pfeiffer WB Warr, ASN Backus. (1965). “Stimulus coding In the cochlear nucleus.” Ann. Otol,. Rhinol. Laryngol. 74: 463-485.

Also appears in Trans. Amer. Otol. Soc. 53: 35-58.

Kiang NYS, T Watanabe, EC Thomas, LF Clark (1965) “Discharge Patterns of Single Fibers in the Cat’s Auditory Nerve”, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 154 pp.

Pfeiffer RR, NYS Kiang (1965) “Spike discharge patterns of spontaneous and continuously stimulated activity in the cochlear nucleus of anesthetized cats.” Biophys. J. 5: 301- 316.

Wiener FN, RR Pfeiffer, ASN Backus (1965) “On the sound pressure transformation by the head and auditory meatus of the cat.” Acta Otolaryngol. 61: 255-269.


Koerber KC, RR Pfeiffer, WB Warr, NYS Kiang (1966) “Spontoneous spike discharges from single units In the cochlear nucleus after destruction of the cochlea.” Exper. Neurol. 16: 119-130.

Pfeiffer RR (1966) “ Classification of response patterns of spike discharges for units in the cochlea nucleus: Tone-bust stimulation.” Exp. Brain. Res. 1: 220-235.

Pfeiffer RR (1966) “Anteroventral cochlea nucleus: waveforms of extracellularly recorded spike potentials.” Science. 154: 667-668.

Warr WB (1966) “Fiber degeneration following lesions In the anterior ventral cochlear nucleus of the cat.” Exp. Neurol. 14: 453-474.

Weiss TF (1966) “A Model for the peripheral auditory system.” Kybernetic. 3: 153-175.

Wiederhold ML, WT Peake (1966) “Efferent Inhibition of auditory nerve responses: Dependence on acoustic stimulus parameters.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 40: 1427-1430.


Gray PR (1967) “Conditional probability analyses of the spike-activity of single neurons.” Biophys. J. 7(6): 759-777.

Guinan, JJ Jr, WT Peake (1967) “Middle-Ear characteristics of anesthetized cats.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 41: 1237-1261.

Kiang NYS, MB Sachs, WT Peake (1967) “Shapes of tuning curves for single auditory nerve fibers.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 42: 1341-1342.


Goldstein JL, NYS Kiang (1968) “Neural correlates of the aural combination tone 2f1-f2.” 56: 981-992.

Kiang NYS (1968) “A survey of recent developments in the study of auditory physiology.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 77: 656-675.

Morest DK (1968) “The collateral system of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body of the cat, its neuronal architecture and relation to the olivo-cochlear bundle.” Brain Research. 9: 288-311.

Morest DK (1968) “The Growth of Synaptic Endings in the Mammalian Brain: A Study of the Calyces of the Trapezoid Body.” Zeitschrift für Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte. 127: 201-220.

Sachs MB, NYS Kiang (1968) “Two-tone inhibition in auditory-nerve fibers.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 43: 1120-1128.

Weiss TF, WA Rosenblith (1968) “Studies of neural elements and systems: some prefatory editorial remarks”, Proc. IEEE 56: 891-894.


Morest DK (1969) “The Differentiation of Cerebral Dendrites: A Study of the Post-Migratory Neuroblast in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body.” Z. Anat. Entwickl.-Gesch. 128: 271-289.

Morest DK (1969) “The Growth of Dendrites in the Mammalian Brain.” Z Anat. Entwickl.-Gesch. 128: 290-317.

Sachs MB (1969). “Stimulus-Response Relation for Auditory-Nerve Fibers: Two-Tone Stimuli.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 45: 1025-1036.

Warr WB (1969) “Fiber Degeneration following Lesions in the Posteroventral Cochlear Nucleus of the Cat.” Exp. Neurol. 23: 140-155.


Goldstein JL (1970) “Aural Combination Tones”. In: Frequency Analysis and Periodicity Detection in Hearing. Leiden, The Netherlands: A. W. Sijthoff,

Kiang NYS, EC Moxon, RA Levine (1970) “Auditory-nerve activity in cats with normal and abnormal cochleas”, In: GEW Wolstenholm, J. Knight (eds) , Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Great Britain: J & A Churchill, pp. 241-273.

Morest DK (1970). “The Pattern of Neurogenesis in the Retina of the Rat.” Z Anat. Entwickl.-Gesch. 131: 45-67.

Morest DK (1970). “A Study of Neurogenesis in the Forebrain of Opossum Pouch Young.” Z. Anat. Entwickl.-Gesch. :

Wiederhold ML (1970) “Variations in the Effects of Electric Stimulation of the Crossed Olivocochlear Bundle on Cat Single Auditory-Nerve-Fiber Responses to Tone Bursts.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 48: 966-977.

Wiederhold ML, NYS Kiang (1970) “Effects of Electric Stimulation of the Crossed Olivocochlear Bundle on Single Auditory-Nerve Fibers in the Cat.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 48: 950-965.


Geniec P, Morest DK (1971) “The neuronal architecture of the human posterior colliculus: a study with the Golgi method”. Acta Oto-laryngol. Suppl. 295.

Goldstein JL, T Baer, NYS Kiang (1971) “A theoretical treatment of latency, group-delay and tuning characteristics for auditory-nerve responses to clicks and tones.” In: MB Sachs (ed) Physiology of the Auditory System. Baltimore: National Educational Educational Consultants, pp. 133-141.

Hahn JF (1971) “Stimulus-Response Relationships in First-Order Sensory Fibres from Cat Vibrissae.” J. Physiol. 213: 215-226.

Morest DK (1971) “Dendrodendritic Synapses of Cells that have Axons: The Fine Structure of the Golgi Type II Cell in the Medial Geniculate Body of the Cat.” Z. Anat. Entwickl.-Gesch. 133: 216-246.

Sohmer HS, WT Peake, TF Weiss (1971) “Intracochlear Potential Recorded with Micropipets. I. Correlations with Micropipet Location.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 50: 572-586.

Weiss TF, WT Peake, HS Sohmer (1971. “Intracochlear Potential Recorded with Micropipets.II. Response, in the Cochlear Scalae to Tones.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 50: 587-601.

Weiss TF, WT Peake, HS Sohmer (1971. “Intracochlear Potential Recorded with Micropipets. III. Relation of Cochlear Microphonic Potential to Stapes Velocity.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 50: 602-615.


Cohen ES, Brawer JR, Morest DK (1972) “Projections of the cochlea to the dorsal cochlear nucleus in the cat”. Exp. Neurol. 35: 470-479.

Guinan JJ Jr, SS Guinan, BE Norris (1972) “Single auditory units in the superior olivary complex. 1: Responses to sounds and classifications based on physiological properties.” Intern. J. Neurosci. 4: 101-120.

Guinan JJ Jr, BE Norris, SS Guinan (1972) “Single auditory units in the superior olivary complex. II: Locations of unit categories and tonotopic organization.” Intern. J. Neurosci. 4: 147-166.

Kiang NYS, EC Moxon (1972) “Physiological considerations in artificial stimulation of the inner ear.” Ann. Otol. Laryngol. 81: 714-731.

Morest DK (1972) “Assembly and morphogenesis of retinal neurons”. In: Developmental Aspects of Vision (ed. JL Brown). Seventh Symposium, Center for Visual Science, Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester.

Walsh BT, JB Miller, RR Gacek, NYS Kiang (1972) “Spontaneous Activity in the Eighth Cranial Nerve of the Cat.” Intern. J. Neuroscience. 3: 227-236.

Weiss TF, WT Peake (1972) “Cochlear potential response at the round-window membrane of the cat – A reply to the comment of G.R. Price.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 52: 1729-1734.


Colburn HS (1973) “Theory of binaural interaction based on auditory-nerve data. I. General strategy and preliminary results on interaural discrimination.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54: 1458-1470.

Goldstein JL (1973) “An optimum processor theory for the central formation of the pitch of complex tones.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 54: 1496-1516.

Kiang NYS, DK Morest, DA Godfrey, JJ Guinan Jr, EC Kane (1973) Stimulus coding at caudal levels of the cat's auditory nervous system: I. Response characteristics of single units. In: AR Møller (ed) Basic Mechanisms In Hearing. New York: Academic Press, pp 455-470.

Morest DK, NYS Kiang, EC Kane, JJ Guinan Jr, DA Godfrey (1973) Stimulus coding at caudal levels of the cat's auditory nervous system: II. Patterns of synaptic organization. In: AR Møller (ed) Basic Mechanisms In Hearing. New York: Academic Press, pp 470-509.

Morest DK (1973) “Auditory neurons of the brain stem”. Adv. Otol. Rhinol.-Laryngol. 20: 337-356.

Silverstein M, A Reidel (1973) “A Dectape monitor system for an 8K PDP-8/E with TD8E Dectape (MOS System).” Decuscope. 12: 9-13.


Brawer JR, Morest DK, Kane EC (1974) “The neuronal architecture of the cochlear nucleus of the cat”. J. Comp. Neurol. 155: 251-300.

Kiang NYS, EC Moxon (1974) “Tails of tuning curves of auditory-nerve fibers.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55: 620-630.

Kohlloffel LUE (1974) Recording From Spiral Ganglion Neurones. In: Facts and Models in Hearing Symposium and Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing. Berlin: Springer.

Luk GD, Morest DK, McKenna NM (1974) “Origins of the crossed olivocochlear bundle shown by an acid phosphatase method in the cat”. Ann. Otol. Laryngol. 83: 382-392.

Mulroy MJ (1974) “Cochlear anatomy of the alligator lizard.” Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 10: 69-87.

Mulroy MJ, DW Altmann, TF Weiss, WT Peake (1974) “Intracellular electric responses to sound in a vertebrate cochlea.” Nature. 249: 482-485.

Nedzelnitsky V (1974) Measurements of sound pressure in the cochleae of anesthetized cats. Facts and Models in Hearing Symposium and Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing. Berlin: Springer.

Weiss TF, MJ Mulroy, DW Altmann (1974) “Intracellular responses to acoustic clicks in the inner ear of the alligator lizard.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55: 606-619.


Brawer JR, Morest DK (1975) “Relations between auditory nerve endings and cell types in the cat’s anteroventral cochlear nucleus seen with the Golgi method and Normarski optics”. J. Comp. Neurol. 160: 491-506.

Dunn RA, Morest DK (1975) “Receptor synapses without synaptic ribbons in the cochlea of the cat”. Proc nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 72:3599-3603.

Godfrey DA, NYS Kiang, BE Norris (1975) “Single unit activity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the cat.” J. Comp. Neur. 162: 269-284.

Godfrey DA, NYS Kiang, BE Norris (1975) “Single unit activity in the posteroventral cochlear nucleus of the cat.” J. Comp. Neur. 162: 247-268.

Jean-Baptiste M, Morest DK (1975) “Transneuronal changes of synaptic endings and nuclear chromatin in the trapezoid body following cochlear ablations in cats”. J. Comp. Neurol. 162: 111-134.

Kiang NYS (1975) “Stimulus representation in the discharge patterns of auditory neurons”. In: DB Tower (ed) The Nervous System. (3 Vols.) EL Eagles (vol ed) Human communication, its disorders. New York: Raven Press, III:81-96.

Kiang NYS, DA Godfrey, BE Norris, SE Moxon (1975) “A block model of the cat cochlear nucleus.” J. Comp. Neur. 162: 221-246.

Kohlloffel LUE (1975) “A study of neurone activity in the spiral ganglion of the cat's basal turn.” Arch. Oto-Rhino-Laryng. 209: 179-202.

Montandon PB, ND Megill, A Kahn, WT Peake, NYS Kiang (1975) “Recording auditory-nerve potentials as an office procedure.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 84: 1-9.

Montandon PB, NT Shepard, EM Marr, WT Peake, NYS Kiang (1975) “Auditory-nerve potentials from ear canals of patients with otologic problems.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 84: 164-173.

Morest DK (1975) “Synaptic relationships of Golgi type II cells in the medial geniculate body of the cat”. J. Comp. Neurol. 162: 157-194.

Morest DK (1975) “Local circuit neurons in the medial geniculate body of the cat”. Neurosci. Res. Prog. Bull. 13: 367-377.

Morest DK (1975) “Structural organization of the auditory pathways”. In: The Nervous System (ed. DB Tower), vol 3, Human Communication and its Disorders (ed. EL Eagles), N.Y.: Rafven Press, pp. 19-29.

Morest DK, Jean-Baptiste M (1975) “Degeneration and phagocytosis of synaptic endings and exons in the medial trapezoid nucleus of the cat”. J. Comp. Neurol. 162: 135-155.

Perkins RE, Morest DK (1975) “A study of cochlear innervation patterns in cats and rats with the Golgi method and Nomarski optics”. J. Comp. Neurol. 163: 129-158.

Ver IL, RM Brown, NYS Kiang (1975) “Low-noise chambers for auditory research.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 58: 392-398.


Adams JC (1976) “Single unit studies on the dorsal and intermediate acoustic striae.” J. Comp. Neur. 170: 97-106.

Adams JC, WB Warr (1976) “Origins of axons in the cat's acoustic stria determined by injection of horseradish peroxidase into severed tracts.” J. Comp. Neur. 170: 107-122.

Johnson DH, NYS Kiang (1976) “Analysis of discharges recorded simultaneously from pairs of auditory nerve fibers.” Biophys. J. 16: 719-734.

Kiang NYS, EC Moxon, AR Kahn (1976) “The relationship of gross potentials recorded from the cochlear to single unit activity in the auditory nerve”, In: RF Ruben, C Elberling, G Salomon (eds) Electrocochleography. Baltimore: University Park Press, pp 95-115.

Kiang NYS, MC Liberman, RA Levine (1976) “Auditory-nerve activity in cats exposed to ototoxic drugs and high-intensity sounds.” Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryng. 75: 752-768.

Also in Trans. Amer. Otol. Soc. 64: 79-95.

Montandon PB (1976) “Clinical Application of Auditory Nerve Responses Recorded from the Ear Canal.” Acta Otolaryngol. 81: 283-290.

Nadol JB Jr, MJ Mulroy, DA Goodenough, TF Weiss (1976) “Tight and gap junctions in a vertebrate inner ear.” Am. J. Anat. 147: 281-302.

Weiss T., MJ Mulroy, RG Turner, CL Pike (1976) “Tuning of single fibers in the cochlear nerve of the alligator lizard: relation to receptor morphology.” Brain Research, 115: 71-90.


Peusner KD, Morest DK (1977) “The neuronal architecture and topography of the nucleus vestibularis tangentialis in the late chick embryo”, Neuroscience 2: 189-207.

Peusner KD, Morest DK (1977) “A morphological study of neurogenesis in the nucleus vestibularis tangentialis of the chick embryo”, Neuroscience 2: 209-227.

Peusner KD, Morest DK (1977) “Neurogenesis in the nucleus vestibularis tangentialis in the absence of the primary afferent fibers of the chick embryo”. Neuroscience 2: 253-270.


Antoli-Candela FJ, NYS Kiang (1978) “Unit Activity Underlying the N1 Potential”. In: RF Naunton, C Fernandez, (eds)Evoked Electrical Activity in the Auditory Nervous System. New York: Academic Press. pp. 165-191.

Bauer JW (1978) “Tuning Curves and Masking Functions of Auditory-Nerve Fibers in Cat.” Sensory Processes. 2: 156-172.

Cant NB, Morest DK (1978) “Axons from non-cochlear sources in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the cat. A study with the rapid Golgi method”. Neuroscience 3: 1003-1029.

Holton T, TF Weiss (1978) “Two-tone rate suppression in lizard cochlear nerve fibers, relation to receptor organ morphology.” Brain Res. 159: 219-222.

Johnson DH (1978) “The relationship of post-stimulus time and interval histograms to the timing characteristics of spike trains.” Biophys. J . 22: 413-430.

Liberman MC (1978) “Auditory-nerve response from cats raised in a low-noise chamber.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63: 442-455.

Liberman MC, NYS Kiang (1978) “Acoustic Trauma in Cats, Cochlear Pathology and Auditory-nerve Activity”. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Suppl 358: 1-63.

Peterson SK, LS Frishkopf, C Lechene, CM Oman, TF Weiss (1978) “Element Composition of Inner Ear Lymphs in Cats, Lizards, and Skates Determined by Electron Probe Microanalysis of Liquid Samples.” J. Comp. Physiol. 126: 1-14.

Romand R (1978) “Survey of intracellular recording in the cochlear nucleus of the cat.” Brain Research. 148: 43-65.

Weiss TF, DW Altmann, MJ Mulroy (1978) “Endolymphatic and intracellular resting potential in the alligator lizard cochlea.” Pflugers Arch. Europ. J. Physiol. 373: 77-84.

Weiss TF, WT Peake, A Ling, T Holton (1978) “Which structures determine frequency selectivity and tonotopic organization of vertebrate cochlear nerve fibers? Evidence from the alligator lizard”, In: RF Naunton, C Fernandez (eds), Evoked Electrical Activity in the Auditory Nervous System, pp. 91-112.


Cant NB, Morest DK (1979) “Organization of the neurons in the anterior division of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the cat. Light-microscopic observations”. Neuroscience 4: 1909-1923.

Cant NB, DK Morest (1979) “The bushy cells in the Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus of the cat. A study with the electron Microscope.” Neuroscience. 4: 1925-1945.

Hausler R, E Marr, S Colburn (1979) “Lokalisations- und Lateralisatiosunscharfemessungen bei Normalhorenden und bei Patienten mit Horstorungen”. Aktuelle Probleme der Otorhinolaryngologie 2 Bern:Verlag Hans Huber.

Kiang NYS, DK Eddington, B Delgutte (1979) “Fundamental considerations in designing auditory implants.” Acta Otolaryngol. 87: 204-218.

Levine RA (1979) “Monitoring evoked potentials during acoustic neuroma surgery” In: H Silverstein, H Norrell (eds) Neurological Surgery of the Ear, Vol. 2, Birmingham: Aesculapius, pp. 287-293.

Liberman MC, DG Beil (1979) “Hair cell condition and auditory nerve response in normal and noise-damaged cochleas.” Acta Otolaryngol. 88: 161-176.

Warr WB, JJ Guinan Jr (1979) “Efferent innervation of the organ of corti: two separate systems.” Brain Research. 173: 152-155.


Delgutte B (1980) “Representation of Speech-like Sounds in the Discharge Patterns of Auditory-Nerve fibers.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68: 843-857.

Eddington DK (1980) “Speech discrimination in deaf subjects with cochlear implants.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68: 885-891.

Hausler R, RA Levine (1980) “Brain stem evoked potentials are related to interaural time discrimination in patients with multiple sclerosis.” Brain Res. 191: 589-594.

Holton T (1980) “Relations between selectivity and two-tone rate suppression in lizard cochlear-nerve fibers.” Hearing Res. 2: 21-38.

Johnson DH (1980) “The relationship between spike rate and synchrony in responses of auditory-nerve fibers to single tones.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68: 1115-1122.

Kiang NYS (1980) “Processing of speech by the auditory nervous system.” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68: 830-835.

Levine RA (1980) “Monitoring auditory evoked Potentials during acoustic neuroma surgery”. In: Neurological Surgery of the Ear. Birmingham, AL: Aesculapius.

Liberman MC (1980) “Efferent synapses in the inner hair cell area of the cat cochlea: An electron micropscopic study of serial sections.” Hearing Res. 3: 189-204.