1. Roll Call of Officers- All present.
Stanz- Awesome to see the band back an intact from vacation. We are in Group 2. It's a good place to be. Group 2 is 50 musicians and lower. We are at 49 musicians. Mr. Tompkins has been out building the props. The set is a mountain. Very large! We need many parent volunteers to come out and construct and bring props out onto the field, and deconstruct. The season will be going to Nov 5th. That is when ACCs are in Hershey PA. Typically the school is closed Columbus day and we do not have practice. We do not have off Columbus day this year. We do have rehearsal. He will send another updated calendar to reflect. The flags have been ordered. 3 types will be used throughout the show. Uniforms being worked on. Drills are ready to be worked on.
2. Reading of Minutes (June 20, 2017)- Minutes accepted
3. Report of Officers
- President’s Report
- Opening of band camp- today is first day of band camp. Next 3 weeks will be crazy. Next week in particular. Kids are here many hours and are tired. Parents are encouraged to come and volunteer. We will have activities. Kids are to eat breakfast, bring lunch, EVBA will provide dinner and snacks.
- Pool party- End of the week EVBA host an end of camp party. Kids choose pool party. The party will be held at the old Coliseum from 4-7pm. Pool is indoors. A movie will be provided. We will need a head count as soon as possible. Food will be provided. Parents and kids welcome.
- Cooling towels- Still available. $5. Fantastic for band camp. Stay cooler longer. Will have all this week and next week until gone.
- Shoes – Guard and Band
- Guard shoes are work boots. $30 due next week. Cash or check to EVBA. Shoes were ordered. Some need to be exchanged for different sizes.
- Band needs Dinkles. Need now to rehearse in to be broken in.
- If there any issues as far as funds, we have a sunshine club. You can see Mr. Stanz.
- Jackets- Typically, during Indoor season, warm up jackets are ordered and used. We have decided that it would be nice if the marching band could take part in this. We will be ordering warm up jackets that will have Marching Band, instead of Drum line or Color guard. Prices: S-XL $57, 2XL $59, 3X is $61 . Need to order by end of this week. Can have in 10 days for first competition. Need the latest by end of August 24th.
- Membership- $20 for the year. Covers repairs for instruments, flags, and if you are volunteering. Indoor and Outdoor season.
- Sponsorship- If anyone would like to sponsor the Eastern Marching Vikings please contact the EVBA board. Sponsorship packet can be found on the website and will be emailed.
- Vice President’s Report
- Committees
- Pit crew/Transportation- Need parent volunteers. 10-12 parents per competition and half time show. Will be up on Sign Up Genius.
- Drivers are filled- Judd has agreed to be drivers coordinator.
- Props- Need Pit Crew for props- this Thursday starting at 9am the directors will need help assembling, painting. Finishing the props. Must be a EVBA member so you are covered under the insurance.
- Uniforms
- Band- Lilly was going to be volunteer throughout season. Lilly will make sure the uniforms are fitted before band camp ends. Need volunteers throughout season to make sure uniforms are put back after each competition and game.
- Guard- Need a volunteer for guard uniforms. Uniform signup sheets.
- Fundraising
- Bingo- Kathleen Randall will help to head the Bingo. Designer Bag Bingo will be November 17th and will be held at the school. Sign up Genius will be updated closer towards Sept.
- Sign up Genius- Volunteers: water 7am and 1pm. Get golf cart. Fill buckets with ice. Buckets fill with water. One bucket Gatorade. 4 coolers. Twice a day.
- Every slot to work dinners are filled. Still need slots filled for donations to be filled. Baked goods are needed. Still need boxes of Clementine's. 4 slots for 4 nights. None needed for Friday since no dinner that day.
- If you sign up for water donation throughout the season, Mr. Stanz is requesting the cases of smaller water bottles be donated. The larger bottles go to waste. Kids only drink half and they are then left behind.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Show shirts were ordered. Will have this Friday. Navy blue with white letter. $15. A small amount of extra were ordered.
- Parent Handbook- Will be handed out at Parent Preview. It is on the website and was emailed.
- Funds- brief over view was given
- Some Spirit Wear still available.
- Hospitality Report- Went over menu which is on the web site and was also emailed.
- Band camp dinners- Need at least 2 more grills. Please contact the EVBA if you can donate the use of a grill for Wednesday evening.
- Vegan and vegetarian options will be provided each day.
4. New Business
- Securing Band Director Requests (ongoing throughout season)
- Some parents had requested a revote on meeting time- Meeting time was voted to be moved back to 8-9pm. Always the second Monday.
- A parent had suggested putting something on Sign Up Genius for carpooling. The board will work on that.
5. Meeting Adjourned
6. Next Meeting
September 11th 8-9pm