President Mike Folk called the meeting to order. He then asked for any additions to the agenda. Addie Lou Leggett asked to add the shag club “Yellow Pages” idea. Alan Vick asked to be added to discuss the advertisement.

There were 20 members present at the last meeting.

Mike then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes as posted on the website. There were none. The minutes stand as submitted.


Edna Denton, treasurer, reported the beginning balance was $7,356.98. There were deposits totaling $315.00. There were expenses of $1,127.00. The ending balance is $6,544.98.


Vice President Fred Tetterton had no report.


Edna Denton stated she sends emails out as she gets them. Please keep your email address updated with her.


No report.


Edna Denton stated the Christmas Party will be held Friday, 12-9-11 at the American Legion building. The doors open at 7:30.


Mike Folk reported for Mary Waters. He stated sympathy cards were sent to David McNeil and Mike and Christy Folk.


Mike reported that there is one new application to vote on tonight; Catherine Barefoot. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept her as member. We now have a total membership of 212. Last year at this time the membership was 220.


Edna Denton reported that the website is current. She will post the new DJ schedule this week.


No report.


Robbie Leggett stated the DJ schedule is ready and he has given it to Edna to post on the website. Next week will be Jerry Hill. Jackie is playing at the Robersonville Country Club for New Year’s. Robbie Leggett will be playing at Memories for New Year’s. Fred Tetterton will be playing a party at LakeGaston for New Year’s.


Mike states the S.O.S. cards are still for sale. He will close out the sales this week-end. See him if you would like a card.

Some discussion was held about our donation to the Tedi Bear Foundation. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $1000.00. Mike will invite Julie Gill to the next meeting for the presentation. Mike also stated he will collect the teddy bears from the Christmas party and deliver them to the Tedi Bear Foundation.

Mike stated the dues have been paid to the Fast Dance Association which keeps our club from having any liabilities with copyright issues for music being played at our events. The City Hotel is responsible for covering the Shaggin’ on Sunday events.

Mike then reported that Josh Gurgan talked to him about some concerns he has and asked for feedback from the club. He states the club is not supporting the Bistro when he has beach music bands. He also states the entry fee on Sunday nights will go up to $4.00 on January 1, 2012. He also stated Josh wanted to know if the shag club wanted responsibility for Sunday nights. Discussion was held and ideas given to share with Josh. Several club members stated when the bands come to the Bistro there usually is not enough notice and they start at 10:00 which is too late for most of us. The club stated that we do not want to control Shaggin' on Sunday at the Bistro.

Alan Vick presented the status of the advertising with the radio. He states it will expire on January 12, 2012. The cost is $360.00 for 6 months. A motion was made, seconded and passed to table the issue until the next meeting.

Addie Lou Leggett then presented the idea of a “Yellow Page” advertising page for the newsletter. An insert would be issued once per year to let shag club members know of other members that have a business or offer a service. The advertisement would be a short, one-line statement of their businessand made available to fellow members. A motion was made, seconded and passed to have a “Yellow Page” insert with the newsletter.


Mike encouraged everyone to come to the Bistro on Sunday, January 8th for a “regift party”

Helen Pase states she has one more room available in the condo at Ocean Bay Club for Mid-Winter. The cost is $46.00/person or $92.00/couple.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Brooks
