
East Wolds and Coastal Update for November 2017

1. Priority

Issue:- Rural Crime

Over the coming weeks we will be focusing on rural crime in it’s many forms. Patrols will actively look to identify offenders and take appropriate action. In a widespread area such as ours, individuals can feel isolated and you are encouraged to report anything suspicious to your local Neighbourhood Team.

2. Priority

Issue:- Burglary

As we have increased patrols in the area, identifying burglary offenders is now a priority. As a result there have been several arrests recently and offenders will be dealt with in due course. Once again, we rely on you contacting us if you have any information

3. Priority

Issue: - Criminal Damage

Humberside police are dealing positively with all reports of Criminal Damage across the area, aiming to reduce the number of reported incidents and reassuring the public. Patrols are increased in areas that are identified as having increased or reoccurring problems to do with criminal damage.

Advice or a home visit can be arranged with your PCSO’s based at Driffield Neighbourhood Policing team.

4. Meetings

You are invited to attend any of the below meetings:

Type: Community and Young People

Type: Police surgery

Venue: Market Place

Date: Every Thursday

Time: 1100 - 1200

News and Appeals

The Villages Update


04/11/2017 - Victim parked his trailer in a car park in Barmston and overnight unknown suspects have removed the trailer from the car park. 16/57047/17 refers


04/11/17 – unknown person damages padlock and fence to gain access for vehicle to private farm land. 16/56080/17 refers

17/11/17 – unknown persons force entry to steel container in barn by cutting lock box/using tools, then enter and steal chain saw, strimmer, hedge trimmers and other gardening equipment. 16/60335/17 refers.


14/11/17 – unknown persons enter leisure site, slash caravan awnings and break windows to gain access and steal TV, microwave and other domestic items. 16/59313, 59636, 59772/17 refer

20/11/17 – Unknown persons break lock on gate to enter haulage yard, puncture fuel tank and steal red diesel. 16/61445/17 refers

21/11/17 – unknown person throws eggs and flour over parked vehicle and damages 2 tyres. 16/61500/17 refers


11/11/17 – unknown persons cause substantial damage to crops by driving vehicle round field, damage caused to electric fence. 16/58309/17 refers


15/11/17 – unknown person forces entry to driver’s side door of car parked at Leisure Centre, stealing a package containing advertising leaflets, which is later found abandoned nearby. 16/59769/17 refers


16/11/17 – Unknown person steals battery and fence unit from agricultural land where it was used to prevent livestock roaming. 16/60728/17 refers

21/11/17 – suspects gain entry to domestic garage by breaking a window, use owners tools to cut locks on 3 Motocross cycles and steal, together with a helmet. 16/61495/17 refers

23/11/17 – suspect smashes rear offside window of vehicle parked in public car park, search inside and steal a cased pool cue and some change. Suspect believed to have attacked 2 other vehicles. 16/62140/17 refers


09/11/17 – Suspect breaks window to gain entry to residential property, make untidy search and steal various items.

16/57953/17 refers

21/11/17 – Suspects enter insecure grain shed and syphon fuel from JCB forklift parked there. 16/61827/17 refers

26/11/17 – Unknown persons enter rear garden of residential property by insecure gate and steal cast iron fireplace from where it was concealed. 16/63166/17 refers