East Central Iowa Council of Governments
Transit Operator’s Group (TOG)
Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m.
Johnson County SEATS
Kathy Koerperich, Jones County JETS
Mary Halstead, Benton County Transportation
Sam Gipple, Iowa County Transportation
Tom Brase, Johnson County SEATS
Tom Hardecopf, Linn County LIFTS
Mary Rump, ECICOG
Hilary Copeland, ECICOG
Gina Johnson, ECICOG
Conference Call
Terri Huffman, Washington Mini Bus
Introductions were made. Gina gave each participant the Regional Transportation Resource Guide. Tom, SEATS, mentioned that the information regarding SEATS rural service is not accurate and suggested changes. A FTA ADA, Office of Civil Rights publication was shared and discussed. The primary discussion focused on a transit operator’s inability to deny boarding to a rider whose common wheelchair is difficult to secure. A variety of securement-device types are used by those present and these options were discussed.
Mary shared information about stimulus vehicles. Per Peter Hallock, as of September 30, 2009, 49 of 214 vehicles have been secured by transit agencies. Mary also mentioned the possibility of a second stimulus, Jobs for Main Street. She encouraged operators to submit projects for this potential funding. Discussion followed regarding the following posed projects: radios that must be replaced by 2013, repeaters needed, MDCs, pavement (inside or out) and if this funding might be used as an approach to deal with the RouteMatch issue.
The Passenger Transportation Plan was discussed. Gina asked each operator to clarify or provide information to include in this document. One of the topics that she wanted information on was preschool and Head Start Transportation. Lengthy discussion followed about how each county provides preschool transportation. Washington Mini Bus still contracts with Head Start. Sam indicated he would email Terri theform he uses for preschool transportation in the case she would want to provide this service differently.
The Iowa/Illinois Defensive Driving Training was discussed. This training would be free with a 100% IDOT fellowship. LIFTS and SEATS both indicated they would have some participants but we need a minimum of 30 and maximum of 50. We might consider organizing an event with other transit systems.
The group discussed its need to produce Limited English Proficiency (LEP) transit material. A handout was provided that includes basic description of the Four-Factor Framework assessment and other tools used to determine and establish LEP.
New resource list of IDOT Library was provided. Operators were encouraged to contact IDOT directly with requests. Conversation followed about the whereabouts of the Drug and Alcohol Training Video; nobody at the table felt they had possession of it. Gina will check with Robyn to see if she knows whereit is.
The Regional Transit Account was reviewed. Discussion followed which included information about what funds had been used for in the past. Tom, SEATS, asked if Transit Access Reports could be purchased for ECITransit providers with these funds. Mary said she would recommend this to the board. Mary indicated ECITransit uses this fund every year to advertise transit services in Yellowbook, as is required. The discussion that followed determined that it is not required for each county to advertise their transit service because ECITransit fulfills this requirement.
Route Match issues and impending meeting with Michelle McEnany, IDOT, to problem solve, was discussed. Many Route Match concerns were aired in an attempt to get a (small) list of specific concerns together to share with others who would be attending the meeting in Ames. The following is the list:
- Software cannot be integrated with accounting software
- Cannot integrate local shape files into GIS
- No statewide reporting
- Does not consistently poll data
- Lack of response and reliability of RouteMatch staff
Members of the Marketing and Education HSTAG are planning a 2nd Transportation Forum. They would like to have a panelist of transportation providers and Gina asked if any of the ECITransit operators are interested. Tom, SEATS and Kathy, JETS, agreed to be on the panel.
The following dates & times and locations were agreed upon for 2010 quarterly TOG meetings:
Thursday, March 11 @ 10:00 @ Washington Mini Bus
Thursday, June 10 @ 10:00 @ Benton County Transportation
Thursday, September 9 @ 10:00 @ Jones County JETS
Thursday, December 9 @ 10:00 @ Linn County LIFTS
Mary and Kathy will be attending the Route Match Conference in Atlanta in April. They will apply for a fellowship through ECICOG. Tom, SEATS, indicated that Nick would like to attend this conference as well. Mary encouraged SEATS to apply through Iowa City or Coralville as IDOT limits 2 fellowships per region. Tom, SEATS and Gina will be attending CTAA Conference in May and will be applying for IDOT fellowships. Tom, LIFTS, might attend as well.
BraunLift Training will be hosted in Des Moines on March 10.
Next TOG meeting is March 11 @ 10:00 @ Washington Mini Bus.
Action items are highlighted in minutes