East Asia-Oceania Youth Ministry Encounter * 1/8 * Melbourne–23—28 Aug 2003 000


(24 respondents out of 29 participants)

Rating Scale: 0 1 2 3 4 5

1. Objectives of the Regional Youth Ministry Encounter 2003

1.1. The first objective (to share among ourselves and become more acquainted with the situation of Salesian youth ministry in our different provinces) was attained. / 4.5
5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4
Which moments in the Encounter in particular contributed to / hindered the attainment of this objective?
- sharing of Korea, China, Thailand
- sharing of experiences
- sharing by representative from different provinces
- sharing of different provinces
- The visit to the schools in Victoria was a concrete way of being in touch with the youth ministry situation of Australia
- sharing
- group discussion
- sharing the experience in the different provinces
- sharing of specific experiences that were prepared by the groups
- sessions meant for group sharing
- informal dialogue during breaks and meals
- province reports
- language was a barrier
- group discussion and sharing of experiences
- breaktime for interaction were productive moments also for interaction and verification, and issues of interest.
- sharing of particular experiences by provinces
- Different experiences enrich us while the difficulty of understanding the language hinders the attainment of this objective.
- I realize a complete different between Christian and non-Christian country. And I felt that we did not understand Salesian youth ministry in our own province.
- the sharing by each province
- sharing of experiences of FIN, FIS, CIN
- language problem: my English is not good enough to express my real intention.
1.2. The second objective (to go deeper into the fundamental lines of Salesian youth ministry, and learn to apply them and share them with the SDBs and lay mission partners in our own contexts and local settings) was attained. / 4.4
5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4
Which moments in the Encounter in particular contributed to / hindered the attainment of this objective?
- input on SYM
- sharing of China, FIN
- clear presentation of sessions 5, 6.
- process was one of the best ways
- The example of the application of the SEPP in the local settings in countries makes easier the application of the SEPP. The giving of the manual and workbook was a good idea for a guide.
- SEPP sharing of Fr Mario
- input by Fr Mario and times to discuss with our province members
- input during sessions
- reports of different delegates and persons in charge
- province reports and overviews provided
- We realized that our level of achievement as far as implementation of the SEPP is quite extrme. The efforts made by the confreres form different countries impressed me.
- input
- time factor – not enough. It takes time for things to sink in.
- input, with Powerpoint presentations
- Sharing of experiences enriches us, but the problem of language hinders the attainment of the objective.
- I realized for the first time my main job as delegate of youth ministry in the Japanese province. It is my honest feeling. I lost self-confidence because it is too heavy a responsibility for me.
- our Province had started but this time we learned some principles that other provinces had done to improve our organization.
- input on Salesian youth ministry
- Fr Chris’ talk impressed me, but first I must understand.
- Visit to the Don Bosco Youth Center was good.
1.3. The third objective (go deeper into the directions offered by the Congregation, identify the corresponding challenges in their own provinces, and draw up appropriate plans) was attained. / 4.3
5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3
Which moments in the Encounter in particular contributed to / hindered the attainment of this objective?
- input on SEPP process
- sharing of CIN, FIS
- sharing by Fr. Roel and discussion by province afterwards.
- sharing and the process were the best moments
- sharing and planning time by province or group was limited in time.
- Not sufficient time was given to Vocations which is a prime concern of the Congregation.
- planning by provinces
- My province’s lack of persons attending and understanding means it is difficult to achieve this. I do not see much the congregation can do—more a challenge to our Provincial and provincial council.
- input during sessions
- group work by provinces
- Discovering and planning together as a province was another learning experience. We realized that seeing togther things in the light of the youth ministry of our province re-enkindled the fire of ernthusiasm for better strategies and clear direction.
- input
- lack of time only allowed superficial treatment of some matters.
- planning by provinces
- Suitable moment to share among confreres in the same province. However, certain difficulties cannot be solved within the participants’ limited power.
- I realize that planning the SEPP is a very important thing for our ministry. Especially because we shall deal with “re-construction” during our Provincial Chapter.
- To organize well the team work in the youth ministry, to make the program and its implementation
- discussion
- I felt the big gap between plan and the real situation.
1.4. The fourth objective (to envision and initiate a journey of coordination and collaboration in the East Asia-Oceania region) was attained. / 4.2
5, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4
Which moments in the Encounter in particular contributed to / hindered the attainment of this objective?
- sharing and input by the facilitators
- feeling the necessity of the coordination
- talking among the members of our own province
- Among the others—difficult for us to see the forest!
- We are struggling with this—more a problem in our mentality regards outside influence.
- during the open forum
- The last part is very practical and a “must” to be set up very soon. Linkaging is a great asset for the whole region.
- group discussion
- people were open to work together.
- I think it is possible and workable. However, it would be too heavy for those provinces without sufficient facilities.
- I felt that we are one as Salesians. Especially during meals, rest, and sharing.
- Other provinces learned from the others, by becoming aware of their situation, mostly to make the plan well and its implementation.
- That was so helpful to strengthen our next step.
1.5. All the four objectives proposed for the Encounter were sufficient. / 4.5
5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4

Comments and Suggestions

- By this Encounter my eyes and my heart were opened widely and deeply. I was very satisfied with this Encounter.
- All the presentors prepared well the materials, rich and profound.
- In the first few days, the sessions went a bit slowly.
- Well-prepared, fruitful.
- Better to keep the time.
- The objectives were broad, from personal to local to provincial to regional. Our real interests have been touched by these objectives—obviously some more than others.
- Until Australia commits itself to the proposed model of youth ministry today, much of the process remains out of reach.
- Some topics have sufficient time for questioning and discussion, while others are left to presentation only due to lack of time.
- OK for a start.
- The combination of groups is good: in 3 categories, by provinces.
- The methodology is to be admired.
- I was clarified regarding Salesian youth ministry and I am very satisfied. Now that I understand my mission and job, I would like to give up my job and position in Japan and among my Japanese confreres.
- Yes, because again, we became aware and learned some principles to improve youth ministry in each province.

2. Participants

2.1. I was happy to have participated in the Encounter. / 4.8
2.2. I was prepared and qualified to participate in the Encounter. / 3.3
2.3. The participants represented sufficiently Salesian youth ministry in the different provinces of the region. / 4.2

Comments and Suggestions

- I think that is is good to participate in this Encounter for the SDB confreres with our own delegate.
- As my English is very poor, I cannot read any books not translated to Japanese yet. I could not understand all of what they contain, but understood some of them. They are very useful for me.
- A good chance to meet confreres from different provinces and share experiences.
- The representation was enough. Next meeting, it would be better if we keep the delegates always present.
- A few provinces did not meet the required number of persons required and invited to attend.
- My province has a lot to grow in SYM at the external and structural levels. We do good individual things but have little in practice at the external levels.
- Our model is different. Our YM delegate in practice has no influence in the province.
- We lacked laity and youth.
- Encourage English as a medium of communication for participatns and for representatives from Rome.
- Encouraging.
- I experienced the disucssion groups very helpful. I gained many positive insights regarding youth ministry, identifying challenges regarding vocations.
- Lack of key persons in my province. Anyway, I may try to overcome it.
- Because I had so many apostolate and activities during this summer vacation, I could not do any preparation for this meeting.
- I am not so happy because during the preparation period my office could not contact Rome because there is no line of communication through the internet.
- We Japanese group were not ready to participate in the Encounter. No preparation. We must have been prepared more. I feel a bit embarassed.

3. Process

3.1. I was aware of the different stages or themes of the Encounter. / 4.5
3.2. I was able to follow the steps of the basic methodology (experiences, discussion, input, personal and group work). / 4.6
3.3. I was able to participate freely in the moments of sharing and discussion. / 4.5
3.4. I was able to do the personal and group work necessary for assimilation. / 4.2
3.5. The preparatory phase (communications, materials) helped me to prepare myself for the Encounter proper. / 3.8
3.6. The first theme of the Encounter helped me understand the animation of Salesian youth ministry in the local communities. / 4.6
3.7. The second theme of the Encounter deepened my understanding of the Salesian school. / 4.4
3.8. The third theme of the Encounter helped me understand the animation of Salesian youth ministry on the province level. / 4.3
3.9. The fourth theme of the Encounter deepened my understanding of vocation-promotion. / 4.6
3.10. The fifth theme of the Encounter made me aware of the regional coordination of Salesian youth ministry. / 4.2
3.11. The moments of prayer provided a complement to the process of the Encounter. / 4.5
3.12. The homilies and goodnights provided a complement to the process of the Encounter. / 4.4
3.13. The visit to Salesian schools enriched the process of the Encounter. / 4.6
3.14. The evening with Fr. Chris enriched the process of the Encounter. / 3.2
3.15. The materials provided facilitated the process of the Encounter. / 4.8
3.16. The energizers at the start of the sessions enriched the climate of the Encounter. / 4.5
3.17. The Powerpoint presentations facilitated the process of the Encounter. / 4.8

Comments and Suggestions

- It was a well-oranized and well-prepared Encounter. This encounte really urged me to see what Salesian youth ministry is all about and to put into practice what I learned here in our province.
- Thank you Fr Mario. You are wonderful SDB. Your work will help all of us. Your preparation is perfect.
- Fr. Domenech and Fr Mario, I thank a lot that you gave a nice chance to grow more a real Salesian.
- Generally speaking, everything prepared well.
- The encounter with Fr Chris seems not in reference to the objective of the encounter. On the other hand it seems to be the lack of round up of such sharing.
- The language is still an obstacle for sharing for some confreres.
- Just keep on.
- The process was very good. Less input, but more examples.
- The department’s contribution was excellent and I thank you. I am embarassed at times by my province’s lack of appreciation of the gift of these gatherings. Our lack of structure at the provincial level has caused some problems from my point of view.
- I was only invited 2 weeks in advance by my Provincial.
- I am very thankful to Fr Mario for processing or facilitating the whole thing beyond my expectations and for being very accomodating. I am thankful to to Fr Domenech for listening to us and for the assurance of his support. I am grateful to Fr Klement for the great and sincere interest for our region: for listening and supporting all the way.
- At first I was unaware that I was to be involved. I volunteered but there was no written confirmation that I was to be a delegate. (AUS)
- It would have been helpful to know specifically the themes and reflect in our province before the discussion took place.
- The cold weather in the beginning hinders the spontaneous group or personal sharing in the leisure time.
- I am not good in speaking and listening in English. So I did not understand the sharing of Fr Chris because he talked so fast for me. I realized that I should continue studying English.
- All well done in general.

4. Venue and date

4.1. I found no problem with the choice of the venue (Lysterfield, Australia) of the Regional Youth Ministry Encounter. / 4.5
4.2. I found no problem with the choice of the date (23—28 August) of the Regional Youth Ministry Encounter. / 4

Comments and Suggestions

- This is the first time I go to Australia. I enjoy the days of this encounter where I can meet the confreres in other provinces and listen to their experiences of Salesian youth ministry.
- Early August or February is good for me because these times are vacation season.
- Time is near the close of summer vacations. If possible, middle of August.
- For me, the week before the beginning of the new academic year should not be a good time. (CIN)
- I suggest to have time to go around the city if possible.
- Very good.
- The place, Lysterfield, has a very cold climate that is not pleasant for some participants.
- During the Encounter, Salesian High School (KOR) started their 2nd semester.
- Maybe better if after winter so that during lighter or free moments we can still spend time outside talking with confreres from other countries. The cold winter prompted people to go inside their rooms.
- Too cold.
- The venue, the environment was excellent.
- Very near to the beginning of the new school year.
- Thank you for your hospitality and arrangement.
- ITM has conflict of schedule because of the annual retreat.
- Please consult other provinces about the next date for the encounter.

5. Logistics

5.1. I was satisfied with the assistance provided in preparation for the Encounter (invitation letter, communications). / 4.3
5.2. I was satisfied with the hospitality shown during the Encounter (welcome, service, departure). / 4.6
5.3. I was satisfied with the accommodations (rooms, laundry, heating). / 4.3
5.4. I was satisfied with the meals. / 4.5

Comments and Suggestions

- I think I am warmly welcomed here by all confreres in this community. It is a nice place and a good time to help me go deern into understanding what the animation of youth ministry is.
- Many thanks to Fr Domenech and Fr Mario for your help so that we, Salesians of Vietnam, have a good chance to learn about Salesian youth ministry and to listen to other confreres’ experiences in other provinces.
- Every is OK, except one: some rooms were not prepared.
- Thank you for the kind hospitality of this house.
- Thank you very much indeed for all who served us.
- We needed to wait for a long time in the airport. Maybe it is the problem of previous communication.
- Thanks for the community for having done a very good job.
- Laundry service could have been made better because of the poor weather.
- Meals, very much satisfied.
- Thank you very much.
- It was not clear to me except that I had the experience of the Philippines to draw on. However, the problem was our end, not yours! (AUS)
- A huge Thank you to Mario (and team) for the amazing preparation-presentation of the Encounter, so thorough in so many aspects, such that it flowed smoothly.
- In general this area was not a problem to me. As a matter of fact, Australian kind of hospitality was very impressive. Thanks a lot to the confreres.
- More than the place, it was the people who made it successful.
- We had difficulty with the hot water.
- I enjoyed hospitality and the opportunity to mix and meet Salesian confreres and brothers from Asia Pacific region.
- Excellent.
- Thank you to everybody.
- Not satisfied with laundry service.

Date19 September 2003