Name: ______

Date: ______HR: ______

Earth in Space Unit Study Guide

Due: Friday, 4/5

Test on Monday, 4/8

  1. Resources: Quizlet sets Phases of the Moon, Earth Moon Sun, Eclipses and Tides;The Earth is Space activity book and notes, Mr. Eclipse websites, Ocean Explorer webquest, Phases of the Moon quiz, Eclipses and Tides quiz, outside eclipse demos.
  2. Terms to know:
  3. Rotation: circular movement around an axis.
  4. Axis: a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.
  5. Crescent: less than 50% of the moon’s disk is visible.
  6. Gibbous: greater than 50% of the moon’s disk is visible.
  7. Waning: Visibility of the moon’s disk is decreasing.
  8. Waxing: Visibility of the moon’s disk is increasing.
  9. Solstice: Either of the two times per year when the Earth’s axis is pointing directly towards or away from the Sun.
  10. Equinox: Either of the two times per year when the Earth’s axis is pointing neither towards nor away from the Sun.
  11. Revolution: The movement of an object around another object.
  12. Hemisphere: Half of a sphere.
  13. Eclipse: The partial or total blocking of one object in space by another.
  14. Lunar eclipse: Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon.
  15. Solar eclipse: the moon blocks sunlight from reaching Earth.
  16. Total lunar eclipse: The entire moon passes through Earth’s umbral shadow.
  17. Partial solar eclipse: when the moon’s penumbral shadow strikes Earth.
  18. Total solar eclipse: the moon’s umbral shadow sweeps across Earth’s surface.
  19. Annular solar eclipse: An eclipse that occurs when the moon is on the far side of its orbit, the moon appears smaller than the sun and can’t completely cover it.
  20. Tides: the regular rising and falling of the ocean’s surface.
  21. Spring tide: a tide with the greatest difference between low and high tides.
  22. Neap tide: a tide with the least difference between low and high tides.
  23. Tidal amplitude: the difference between high and low tide. Also called tidal range.
  1. Complete the diagram with labels to explain each concept. Room has been given next to each diagram to write an explanation.
  2. Day and Night. Labels: earth, sun, day, night, axis, rotation.

Day and night are caused the rotation of the Earth on its axis. As Earth rotates, different sides turn to face the sun.

  1. Seasons. Labels: summer solstice, winter solstice, spring equinox, fall equinox, axis, revolution (orbit).

Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth, which causes direct sunlight to reach different areas of the Earth as it revolves around the sun.

  1. Moon phases. Labels: view from space, view from Earth, sunlight, waxing, waning, gibbous, crescent, full, new, Earth, sunlight.

The moon is always half illuminated by the sun (just like the Earth) but the part that we see from Earth can vary, giving us the different phases.

  1. Lunar eclipses (3 types). Labels: Sun, Earth, Moon, umbra, penumbra.

Penumbral: moon is in Earth’s penumbral shadow. Appears faded.

Partial: m is partially in E’s umbral shadow. Appears partially covered.

Total: M is totally in E’s umbral shadow. Appears red.

  1. Solar eclipses (3 types). Labels: Sun, Earth, Moon, umbra, penumbra. Bonus: where is the antumbra?

Partial: Sun is partially covered by moon.

Total: Sun is totally covered by moon.

Annular: Sun is covered by moon, but moon is at apogee so eclipse is caused by antumbral shadow.

  1. Spring and neap tides. Labels: sun, Earth, moon, high tide, low tide, moon phase.

Tides are caused by gravitational pull of the moon (greater effect) and sun (lesser effect). As parts of the Earth spin through the gravitational pull, water on that part bulges outwards. As it spins past, the water is moved out of the bulge caused by the pull.

Spring: sun and moon are lined up (occurs on new and full moons), tides have greatest amplitude of the month.

Neap: sun and moon are perpendicular (occurs on first and third quarter), tides have lowest amplitude of the month.