Earth Hazards: How Confident Are You at Each of the Objectives Below

Earth Hazards: How Confident Are You at Each of the Objectives Below

Earth Hazards: How confident are you at each of the objectives below.

Use a 3 colour code system to highlight your level of understanding of each objective

  • Green – positive
  • Amber – nearly there, need to complete further notes, questioning or research
  • Red – difficulty understanding concepts, processes and case studies. Action needs to be taken

Use the right hand column to annotate with notes and actions

To understand what are Earth hazards and how to categorise them
What is flooding and to understand how different areas are prone to flooding.
What is a storm hydrograph and how to interpret them
What are the physical and human causes of flooding
To contrast 2 floods and their causes
To identify impacts of flooding and to categorise impacts
To understand how flood impacts vary in different locations using case studies
To understand the different options for responding to floods (short and long term)
To evaluate the success of these options in different parts of the world
To gain knowledge of case studies to use in analysis of flood defence schemes and their successes
To use our knowledge of flooding to answer exam styled short questions
To use our knowledge of flooding to complete an extended question
To understand the main physical and human conditions which lead to mass movement
To understand the main types and processes involved in mass movement
To compare two mass movement case studies focusing on the causes, impacts and human reaction to the events
To use our knowledge of mass movement to answer exam styled short questions
To gain knowledge and understanding of the tectonic processes involved in creating Earthquake and Volcanic hazards (plate tectonics)
To gain knowledge of earthquake terminology
To understand the processes involved in earthquake activity
To understand the different impacts which earthquakes can cause
To compare two earthquakes and focus on their impacts especially the scale and types
To understand through case studies the options for managing earthquake activity
To gain knowledge of volcano terminology
To understand the processes involved in volcano activity
To understand the different impacts which volcanoes can cause
To compare two volcanoes and focus on their impacts especially the scale and types
To understand through case studies the options for managing volcanoes activity
To use our knowledge of earthquake and volcanic activity to complete an extended question
To compare the impacts of two contrasting hazards with varying levels of development and location (urban v rural) and over time scale (short and long periods)
To understand the predictability of hazards
To extend knowledge on the management strategies for dealing with hazards and their effectiveness