Early Man through the Stone Age


The first humans are known as ______

Early man ______ live during the same period in history as ______!

The first human like hominids did not appear until around ______.

There was a difference between apes and man. Early human-like hominids could ______. Apes could not.

Their hands were different, too. Ape hands were made for climbing and clinging. Man’s hands allowed them to ______.

How do we know this?? ______!

In 1974, the oldest known skeleton was found in ______. The bones were those of a female, about ____ years old or so when she died.

Tests showed that she lived more than ______years ago.

Anthropologists could also tell from her bones that she was small (only about ______feet tall and _____ pounds.) and had walked on two legs…a key step in human development.


The first humans were ______, meaning they did not plant crops – they simply found the plants they needed, and hunted the food they wanted.

Were ______: Wandered from place to place in search of food and shelter. Once the food they wanted ran out, they would move!

Invented the first tools and weapons including simple stone tools, lived in ______of about 20-30 people, used ______for shelter.

Learned to make and control fire to keep warm and cook their food, developed oral, or ______language, also made ______and statues.


Domesticated ______(this means they figured out how plants grow. They weren’t good at it, but they were learning!)

Settled in ______, ______became smaller, ______and the use of the ______developed.


Also called the ______- Agriculture means farming, and revolution means a big change… The big change was that they got really good at growing plants and didn’t have to worry where they food was coming from anymore.

Developed Agriculture and weaving (better clothing), domesticated ______, used better ______, made ______(for food storage).


After these people died out, the next kind of man was called ______.

These people ______struggle daily because they worked ______to provide food and shelter for the community.

What are a few things these kind of people did that showed how intelligent they were? ______


The Importance of ______

Cooking food not only made food taste better, but also ______disease.

People collected around the fire to share ______, and to foster a sense of community.

Their lives improved with the use of better tools. List at least THREE of them!

Because man could make fire anywhere, he was free to ______for food.

He also created warm clothes from ______, and learned to set up camp to both ______food and stay warm.

Modern Human Beings

Appeared in Africa around ______years ago. They began to ______out of Africa around 100,000 years ago. They replaced the Neanderthals by ______, and by 10,000BC humans could be found through the world due to ______.

During the last Ice Age, water levels dropped, revealing a ______that connected Asia and North America.


Reasons people move are called ______and ______factors.

Reasons early people moved?



As man moved, they ______to different ways of life based on ______they were, and what (and ______) they were around.

This includes the ______, tools for ______, building, and ______, different ways to ______and hunt, different kinds of ______, language, ______and religions.