Early Man Project: Due Friday, October 31st, 2014

This project will be due Friday, October 31st, 2014. You will choose one of the options listed below. Be sure to carefully read the instructions.

The project is worth 50 points.

1. Make an advertisement for ONE Early Human. This needs to be creative in the sense that you want others to believe that your Early Man is the BEST out of all other Early Humans. Think of ads you have seen on TV or heard on the radio. Your task is to “sell” your Early Human-to make them look good! What do advertisement companies use to encourage you to want to buy their products over other products? Use your history notebookand textbook to help you find information to convince your audience as to why your choice of Early Humans is best.

Example: Think of Coca-Cola commercials. Who are their competitors? How do they advertise so that you drink Coke instead of another brand, like Pepsi. Use any kind of artwork (magazines, fabric, fake fur, laces, etc.) to enhance your board. You may use a poster board or foam core for your advertisement. Have fun with this project.

2. Create a POWERPOINT on the Early Humans. You will need to include lots of pictures and text (information) on the progression of the Early Men starting from the earliest – Australopithecus down to the Cro Magnon. Include in your powerpoint the information relevant to their time. For instance, what did each hominid group discover? What did they look like? What did they eat? Etc. You will need to conduct outside research. Look through books or websites to help you with ideas, but most importantly, your information on the Early Humans must be as accurate as possible. Be sure to include a bibliography of your sources at the end of your PowerPoint. Please email me your project, do not hand it in on a flash drive.

3. Create a BOOKLET to display what you have learned about each stage of Early Humans. You will have a front cover with a colorful picture (computer or hand drawn), name, date, and period. You will make one page devoted to each of the 5 stages of Early Humans. Each page will have a colorful picture and include facts such as how/where they lived, what they ate, what they looked like, etc. The facts on each page may be typed or handwritten. The information can be taken from our history notebooks, but must also include at least 2 additional outside sources. The last page in your report will be a bibliography in which you will reference the sources you used. Please refer to the bibliography handout from class.

The booklet will be 7 total pages: cover, 5 pages for the body of the report (1 for each of the 5 stages of Early Humans), and a bibliography.

4. If you would like to create a different project or presentation, such as a video, please see me and we will discuss guidelines.

Early Human Project

Booklet Checklist

ACCURATE FACTS ______/8 points

•Are your facts accurate?

•Is your booklet informative?

BOOKLET CONTENT______/8 points

•Do you have a cover page?

•Do you have a page for each hominid?

•Did you include colorful pictures and information on each page?

BIBLIOGRAPHY ______/8 points

•Did you include a bibliography on the last page of your booklet?

•Did you use at least 2 outside sources?

CREATIVE ______/8 points

•Did you present your ideas in an original way?

•Is your booklet interesting to look at?

VISUALLY APPEALING ______/8 points

•Is your booklet filled with a variety of interesting images?

•Is your booklet neatly put together?

•Is your booklet easy to understand?

PowerPoint Total: ______/40 points

Presentation Total: ______/10 points

PROJECT TOTAL: ______/50 points=______%= ______

Early Human Project

PowerPoint Checklist

ACCURATE FACTS ______/8 points

•Are your facts accurate?

•Is your PowerPoint informative?

SLIDE CONTENT______/8 points

•Do you have at least 5 facts about each hominid in your PowerPoint?

•Did you include photos and information on your slides?

•Do you explain how the hominids progressed over time?

BIBLIOGRAPHY ______/8 points

•Did you include a bibliography on your presentation?

•Did you use at least 2 outside sources?

CREATIVE ______/8 points

•Did you present your ideas in an original way?

•Is your PowerPoint interesting to look at?

VISUALLY APPEALING ______/8 points

•Is your PowerPoint filled with a variety of interesting images?

•Is your PowerPoint neatly put together?

•Is your PowerPoint easy to understand?

PowerPoint Total: ______/40 points

Presentation Total:______/10 points

PROJECT TOTAL: ______/50 points=______%= ______

Early Human Project

Advertisement Checklist

ACCURATE FACTS ______/8 points

•Are your facts accurate to what we learned in class?

•Is your poster informative?

FACT VARIETY______/8 points

•Do you have at least 5 facts about your hominid in your advertisement?

•Does your poster have a variety of facts?

•Did you focus on more than one fact about your hominid?

CREATIVE ______/8 points

•Do you have a clever slogan?

•Do you present your ideas in an original way?

•Is your advertisement interesting to look at?

PERSUASIVE ______/8 points

•Does your advertisement convince your audience?

•Were you thoughtful about who you were trying to “sell” to?


•Is your poster board filled with a variety of interesting images?

•Is your poster neatly put together?

•Is your poster easy to understand?

Poster Total: ______/40 points

Presentation Total: ______/10 points

PROJECT TOTAL: ______/50 points=______%= ______