ECaT Audit Part 3
Early Language Lead Practitioner audit of language provision within setting:
Enabling Environments
3.1 Observation, Assessment and Planning / Examples of evidence / Evidence identified / What is successful and why? / What improvements are needed?Continuing professional development needed?
Does planning promote a balanced approach of adult-directed and freely
chosen activities?
How do you ensure
that your planning includes:
• EYFS Principles?
• flexibility to respond to spontaneous events (such as snowfall)?
• daily observations and analysis?
• regular update of learning records?
• opportunities to record parents’ views
and contributions? / Continuous provision planning
Routine/ongoing planning
Planning for focus activities/experiences
Individual learning diaries
3.2 Supporting Every Child
3.3 The Learning Environment / Examples of evidence / Evidence identified / What is successful and why? / What improvements are needed?
Continuing professional development needed?
Does the setting provide learning environments (indoors and outdoors) which support children’s
speech, language and communication
development and include:
- resources that are
- equipment that is
clearly labelled with a picture or symbol?
- an environment with
- quiet areas or areas
that are less visually distracting?
- outdoor play with
some of the time? / VSSR term 1 learning environment audit
Observation of practice – peer on peer observation of practice
Video/photographic evidence
Observations – ie tracking observations
Staff meeting minutes/discussions
Views of practitioners, parents, children
3.4 The Wider Context / Examples of evidence / Evidence identified / What is successful and why? / What improvements are needed?
Continuing professional development needed?
Describe the systems that the setting has
in place to share information with:
- other settings that a
- parents/carers
- other professionals
- settings that a child
Children’s individual learning diaries
Records of multi-agency meetings and team around the child meetings etc.
Evidence of collaborative working/projects/materials
Individual play plans
Home/setting liason records
Communication passports – ‘All about me’ information
‘And so to school’ forms / transfer records
Learning and Development
4.1 Play and Exploration / Examples of evidence / Evidence identified / What is successful and why? / What improvements are needed?Continuing professional development needed?
Do practitioners regularly provide play activities to support children’s
speech, language and communication
development by providing
opportunities to:
- extend and develop
- observe play and listen
- read and re-read
to children?
- make time to say
sing with groups of children?
- frequently support
with actions, objects or puppets?
- use appropriate
new concepts and vocabulary?
- repeat and reinforce new vocabulary?
- link children’s spoken
written language?
- give regular support to
children have understood instructions?
- accept non-verbal
well as verbal?
- ensure that all children
at expressing themselves in a group? / Planned observation of practice (including peer on peer observation)
4.2 Active Learning
4.3 Creative and Critical Thinking
4.4 Areas of Learning and Development / Examples of evidence / Evidence identified / What is successful and why? / What improvements are needed?
Continuing professional development needed?
Describe how practitioners identify and create plans for learning related to each child which:
- allow children some
- help them feel secure
- generate realistic aims
- recognise that each
- ensure parents’ views
- ensure that aspects of
Individual Play Plans
Team around the child meetings