515 Grant Funding

Healthy Relationships Support

Application Form Summer 2015

Closing date: 12 noon on Tuesday 18th August 2015. Successful applicants will be informed by 23rd September 2015.

Email completed application forms to

  1. Applicant contact details (see guidance for definitions of lead organisation and delivery partners):

Name of proposal/project name
Organisation (or lead organisation) name / Address
Contact name 1 / Email address 1
Contact name 2 / Email address 2
(If applicable)
Delivery partner organisation name / Address
Contact name 1 / Email address 1
Contact name 2 / Email address 2

(Please copy and paste additional boxes for any additional delivery partners)

2. Core Proposal Details:

Project delivery dates / From: / To:
Will you be delivering the project as a single organisation or a ‘delivery partnership’ (see guidance)?
Location(s) i.e. where will your activities be based?
Tell us the town(s)/ village(s) / area(s) and venue
Which areas in Charnwood will the young people attending your sessions be from?
Days & times your project will take place:
Give dates, days of week and times and tell us whether these are specific or estimated
Estimated number of sessions provided:
Break this down into different kinds of provision i.e. 1-1 and group work
How many young people on averagedo you hope to work within group sessions (if applicable)?
Total hours activity
Tell us how many hours activity in total your project will provide
Total project cost £
Total amount requested in this application £

3. Proposal description:

Provide full answers to all of the questions below:

Please provide a brief outline of proposal (max 30-50 words):
This will be used to summarise your project for funding assessment as well as publicity purposes
Who is your target audience?
How will you advertise the activities/ engage the young people to whom you are targeting the project?
Please see last page of guidance notes for further information about ‘targeted’ and ‘disengaged’ young people
Tell us how your project will work in practice
How will your project help young people to achieve the outcomes set out below?
Include how your project will deal with each of the issues to consider below
Include details about who will deliver different aspects of the project and how any delivery partnership will work.
Outcomes should include:
  • Increased understanding of what makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship including violent and exploitative relationships
  • Increased skills/ critical thinking to support the development and maintenance of healthy relationships
  • Increased resilience
  • Increased emotional intelligence
  • Increased self-awareness and self-esteem around relationship choices
  • Increased communication skills and practice of positive emotional expression
  • Increased awareness around internet and social media safety and the implications of common issues such as sharing intimate pictures
  • Knowledge of sources of support and a willingness to access these
  • Examples of positive behaviour changes/ choices
Applicants are advised to consider:
  • Providing a mixture of 1-1 sessions and group work
  • Linking with existing groups of young people
  • Delivering some aspects of the project within schools
  • Provision of mixed or single gender group work
  • How to work with those young people that are concerned about their own behaviour
  • Providing training for workers/ volunteers in existing groups
  • Provision/ creation of practical resourcesfor workers/ volunteers in existing groups – though there are numerous toolkits available and focus should be on delivery rather than creating written materials
  • How you will be positively inclusive in terms of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, culture, age, religion or belief or any other life experience
  • How to include online relationships
  • How to deal with confidentiality between members within any group work
  • A clear plan of how you will engage young people
  • What tier the programme would sit at i.e. prevention/ Early Help?
  • Clear referral routes on from the project
  • Access to an ‘advice line’ or email/ text/ social media follow up
  • Exit routes/ sustainability
  • Creating champions or peer support
  • Evaluation mechanisms (also see below)

What is the evidence that your proposed way of delivering your project will be successful?
Explain how young people have been, or will be, involved in planning, delivery and evaluation. (NB: evidence will be required for end of project reports)
How will you measure the outcomes that will be achieved by young people as a result of your project?
For each outcome tell us how you plan to measure this (quantitative or qualitative methods may be used e.g. attendance logs, project evaluation, individual case records of progress, number achieving accreditation etc. You may add more outcomes if you wish. Please state where you will be using recognised frameworks or assessment tools such as; the Outcomes Star, Rickter, APIR, The National Youth Agency (7 outcomes), Youth Base, and SEAL.
Outcome 1 / Increased understanding of what makes a healthy and unhealthy relationship including violent and exploitative relationships / Measure
Outcome 2 / Increased skills/ critical thinking to support healthy relationships / Measure
Outcome 3 / Increased resilience / Measure
Outcome 4 / Increased emotional intelligence / Measure
Outcome 5 / Increased self-awareness and self-esteem around relationship choices / Measure
Outcome 6 / Increased communication skills and practice of positive emotional expression / Measure
Outcome 7 / Increased awareness around internet and social media safety and the implications of common issues such as sharing intimate pictures / Measure
Outcome 8 / Knowledge of sources of support / Measure
Outcome 9 / Examples of positive behaviour changes/ choices / Measure

4. Outputs:

The table below should be completed with your best estimates at the beginning of your project – you will be required to provide monitoring information on each of these categories:

How many separate young people do you expect to regularly engage in your project?This is to capture the number of separate/individual young people who may attend more than once (only count them once)
Female / Male / Total
Please estimate what proportion (in % terms) of your target group will come from each age group: We recognise that some proposals may be age specific and would not necessarily, therefore, have numbers in all boxes
8 - 10 / 11-15 / 16-19 / 20-25 (with LDD)
Please estimate what proportion (in % terms) of your sessions will be: We recognise that some proposals may not include delivery in schools (though work within schools is encouraged) and would not necessarily, therefore, have numbers in all boxes
1-1 sessions outside of schools / 1-1 sessions delivered at schools / Group sessions outside of schools / Group sessions delivered at schools
How many young people do you expect to be from the following groups?
Targeted YP:Please see last page of guidance notes for further information about ‘targeted’ and ‘disengaged’ young people / BME:black and minority ethnic / LDD:learning difficulties and disabilities
Total number of attendances:this is to capture the overall number of attendances i.e. the number of individual young people x the number of times they will attend

5. Additional information:

If applicable, give details of the nature of any delivery partnership that you have formed: You should have already clearly outlined the agencies/ groups / services that will make up your delivery partnership above. What discussions/ agreements have you already had/ made? What is the nature of the partnership? How will any shared funding be managed? The application must clearly show which partners will deliver each element of the proposal and how communication and information sharing between projects will be managed
If applicable, give details of the nature of any pre-existing relationships that you have with schools and any agreements that you have made with regards to delivering this project in schools:
It is understood that this funding application process is taking place in the summer holidays and that contact with schools to establish firm agreements might not be possible
If you already work in schools tell us how this project will compliment that work and how you will ensure that you avoid duplication of any funding that you already receive
If applicable, give details of the nature of how you will work with ‘wider partners’:
See guidance for definition
How will you ensure that this work is aligned with other existing provision i.e. the Relationships and Sex Education training provided to schools through the Leicestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership?
How will you try to ensure that your project is sustainable beyond the life of the funding?

6. Financial information:

Will you be combining 515 funding with other funding streams to deliver your project/ activities?
Tell us which and how this will work
Breakdown of items and costs – please provide a clear, detailed breakdown. Separate items such as materials, staff time and travel. Failure to do so is likely to delay a decision being made about your project. If applying for a series of activities i.e. Easter holidays and then summer holidays, break these down into individual projects.
Items: / Details / Total cost £ / Amount requested from 515 Grant Funding £
Capital Items: please specify(fixed assets such as one-off equipment or property with a useful life extending beyond the financial year)
Subtotal [Capital]
Revenue expenditure: please specify (running costs e.g. staffing, activities, materials, costs that are charged to expense as soon as they are incurred)
Staffing: / Type of staff (e.g. coach, instructor, youth worker)
Hours required
Amount per hour
Subtotal[ Revenue]
Total cost of project (A)
Contribution by applicant
Details of other funding sources (please be specific)
Any expected income generated by project to be offset cost (please specify)
Funding sub total (B)
515 Grant Funding requested (A minus B)

N.B. Project monitoring will require confirmation of expenditure and declaration of any underspend at midway and end of project stages. Charnwood Borough Council reserve the right to request any unspent funds are returned.

Organisation standards check list

To be eligible for 515 Grant Funding your organisation must confirm it meets the following standards. If you are unable to comply with any of the standards at this time please give details:

Area / Required Standards: / Tick to confirm
Safeguarding / The organisation has effective Safeguarding procedures in place and can demonstrate it has a robust approach to implementing Safeguarding procedures, responding appropriately to any concerns raised.
Staff and volunteers have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
A copy of your Safeguarding Policy will be made available on request.
Equal Opportunities / The organisation can demonstrate a commitment to equality of access and opportunity in principle and practice.
A copy of your Equal Opportunities Policy will be made available on request.
Insurance / Premises, staff, volunteers and users are appropriately insured for the activity delivered.
A copy of your Insurance Policy will be made available on request (and any other relevant insurance documents).
Health and Safety / The organisation can demonstrate effective Health and Safety practice, which it uses to ensure safety for the young people, and others associated with the project.
The activity will be staffed by appropriately skilled, experienced workers, with appropriate qualifications where necessary, with correct staffing/supervision ratios applied
Monitoring / The organisation agrees to complete project monitoring reports as requested.
By applying for funding your organisation/company agrees to cooperate with any monitoring visits that may be undertaken as part of the operation of the 515 Grant Funding.
Finance / The organisation has a bank account (payments cannot be made to any individuals’ personal bank account) and will be able to provide evidence of expenditure on 515 Grant Funded activity by the provision of receipts, invoices and payroll records if requested
Please attach the two most recent bank statements for all your organisation’s accounts.
If you are a community/voluntary group please tick to confirm that you are properly constituted for activities

The Borough Council and Charnwood 5-19 Action Group reserves the right to challenge and investigate the validity of these statements and may refuse to fund a project if they are not satisfied.


This should be completed by two members of your organisation with suitable authority, e.g., Manager, Trustee, Director etc and for two members of each delivery partner (see guidance for definition) you will be working with if applicable. An email from each delivery partner organisation confirming that they are in agreement with the content of this application should be provided to

I declare that:

a)to the best of my knowledge the information given on this application is accurate

b)I understand that the information provided in this form may be circulated and discussed with any person or organisation helping to evaluate our project.





(If applicable) Delivery partner 1





Delivery partner 2



