Loudon High School
Early Childhood Education Careers I
Course Code :6015
Instructor Information:
Mrs. Leslie Smith
865-458-4326 ext. 9-4022
Human Services
Early Childhood Education Careers I (ECEC I) is a foundational course in the Human Services career cluster. Careers in early childhood education include but are not limited to childcare providers, nannies, and preschool teachers. This course studies the foundation of childhood development services, careers, provider responsibilities and aptitudes, and fundamentals of child development. Students will create a
course portfolio. Standards in this course are aligned with Tennessee Common Core State Standards English Language Arts & Literacy in Technical Subjects and Tennessee state standards for Biology I, Psychology, and Sociology, as well as the National Standards for Family and Consumer SciencesEducation
- Safety
- Foundations of Childhood Development Services
- Childhood Development Careers
- Provider responsibilities and Aptitudes
- Introduction to Child Development
- Introduction to Learning
- Career Portfolio
Attendance/ Absences/ Make up work:
It is your job to be at school every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to inquire about missed assignments and turn them in. Papers and projects are assigned in advanced. Therefore, if you are absent, the paper or project is due on the day you come back to school. All makeup work is based on the number of days that you were absent and if they are excused absences or unexcused.
Ask your “BUDDY” for assignments when you are absent, before you ask me.
Late Assignments:
It is your responsibility to have all work turned in on the date. Due dates are a part of being responsible and holding a job. Learning this responsibility now will help you later in life. If you have personal problems come and talk to me and we may be able to compromise. Please be responsible.
LATE WORK (anything turned in after I take it up in class) will only be allowed to be turned in for 70% of the original grade.
*Projects for this semester will often be done in the classroom but unfinished work will be completed at home before the due date. All project dates are given well in advance.
Classroom Rules/ Expectations:
I expect you to be in the room and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. This means in your seat with class materials and assignments ready to work. I expect you to respect your classmates and myself and property of others. This includes the room and all school or teacher owned materials. I expect you to pickup after yourself. Keeping up with you textbook is yourresponsibility. The textbooks are left in the room on the shelf. Every student will be assigned a book with a number this is your number for the semesterandyou are responsible for any loss or damage. I do frequent book checks to ensure all books are accounted for. If you take your book out of class make sure that it is yours!!!!
Grading Policy
We will use the school policy on grading check your handbook.
This class will require effort. Please do your best. Each topic will have a project or a test to evaluate your knowledge. Students will be required to take test home and have them signed and returned back to school. This will be a grade. The test will be placed in the student’s file. Your grade will consist of homework, class work, project/ test.
Careers Related to Early Childhood Education:
Preschool, kindergarten and elementary school teachers play a vital role in the development of children. They introduce children to math, language, science and social studies and teach basic skills. Teachers design classroom presentations to meet students’ needs and abilities. They also work with students individually. They are responsible for planning, evaluating and assigning lesson plans; preparing, administering and grading tests and maintaining discipline.
Most early childhood education teachers work a 10-month school year with a 2-month vacation during the summer. Many teachers work more than 40 hours a week. Teachers often work with students from varied ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. With growing minority populations in most parts of the U.S., teachers must work effectively with a diverse student population. Employment opportunities in this field require dedication, but can also leave you with a great sense of accomplishment and making a difference in another person’s life.
Choosing this pathway will lead you to a career (among many options) as any of the following:
• Au pair• Childcare Director
• Counselor
• Designer of children’s products
• Education Administrator
• Family Child Care Home Operator
• Elementary School Teacher / • Nanny
• Parent Educator
• Preschool Teacher
• Social Worker
• Rehabilitation Counselor
• Teacher’s Aide
In addition, parenthood is not necessarily thought of as a career, but it is the most important responsibility one can ever be given in life. The ECE pathway offers multitudes of opportunity to learn the principles needed for successful parenting.
Blue or black pen or pencil ONLY
1” or 1 ½” three ring binder
Loose leaf notebook paper (NO SPIRAL)
Notebook Dividers (might be useful for organization of the notebook)
Textbook: Herr, Dr. Judy. (2012) Working With Young Children, Seventh Edition. Tinley Park, Illinois: The GoodHeart-Willcox Company, Inc. (given by the teacher)
Personal Statement:
I am very excited to start another year and look forward to meeting you and preparing you for the world of work/ college. Everything we do will be valuable in your future. I want you to be successful and I will try very hard to make sure that happens in this classroom. If there is ever anything I can help you with please come to me and I try to help. I want you to ask for help if you do not understand something or need help.
Contact Information:
Please ask questions about class work in class because someone else might have the same question. I am available during lunch if you need to make up a test or speak with me.
Parents may reach me by calling the school 458- 4326 ext. 4022 during school hours. I will return your call at the end of the day. I also have an email at . I will check this daily.
Syllabus Signature:
Signing this syllabus not only signifies that both student and parent/guardian have read the syllabus and accept the responsibilities and requirements of this course,
Student Name (printed) ______Block______
Student Signature______
Parent Name______
Parent’s Phone Number______
Parent’s Email Address______
Parent Signature______Date______
This syllabus needs to remain in your notebook for the entire year.