Parwaan Preschool: A School Readiness Programme
Early Child Development Entrepreneurship
Registration Form
Personal Detail of Candidate:
Name:______S/D/W/H/o: (Please circle and write name)______
Age (in completed years) ______Date of Birth: ______(DD/MM/YY)
Gender: Male Female Marital Status: Married Unmarried
CNIC No: (Mandatory) ______Contact No: ______
Email ID: ______
Postal Address:
Home Address / Village/Town / UC Name / Tehsil & District1-Estimated Demographic Profile of Area: (with in 1 km for urban 2 km for rural radius)
No. of Households / No. of Children(3-5 years)
No. of Government pre- primary schools for 3-5 years children / No.of Private pre-primary school for 3-5 years children
No. of Govt Primary School / No.of Private Primary School
School tuition fee for pre-primary in your area (PKR): Minimum------, Maximum------
2-Academic Qualification: (Please provide photocopies of academic record and CNIC)
1. Matriculate 2. Intermediate 3. Graduate
4. Master 5. Other (Specify):______
3-Employment/Working Status and Income:
Are you currently employed/working? Yes No
If other please provide detail
Personal Income? Monthly PKR ______
4-Household Income
What is the total monthly income of your household? PKR:______
5-Training Attended Regarding Early Childhood Development (ECD)/Early Childhood Education(ECE) during last three years (If any if yes please provide certificate):
Venue / Year(s) Attended / Course Title / OrganizationFrom / To
---/------/------/ ---/------/------
---/------/------/ ---/------/------
6-Experience of Running ECD Centre or teaching experience (If any):
Name of Org / Years of Experience / Position/GradesFrom / To
ECD (pre-primary) / ----/------/------/ ----/------/------
Teaching experience in years / ----/------/------/ ----/------/------
7- Do you have appropriate space available for ECD center establishment Yes No
12 feet by 15 feet minimum?
8- Can you provide functioning, clean and separate a toilet facility to ECD children? Yes No
9- Do you have outdoor space available for children to play? (Varanda etc) Yes No
10- If not can you provide appropriate space for ECD center establishment? Yes No
11-Does the space has the capacity to accommodate 25 to 30 children? Yes No
12- Are you willing to invest your money in your ECD centre Yes No establishment?
If yes how much______PKR
14-Language Proficiency:
Skills / Urdu / EnglishRead / Average Good Very Good / Average Good Very Good
Write / Average Good Very Good / Average Good Very Good
Speak / Average Good Very Good / Average Good Very Good
Understand / Average Good Very Good
/ Average Good Very Good
15-Willingness about Training Participation:
Are you willing to attend the entire training program for 6 weeks regarding ECD?
Yes No
Are you willing to contribute training fee PKR 2000/- for training market value
PKR 80,000/-? Yes No
Are you willing to contribute in ECD kit 10,000/- for your ECD Kit market value 80,000/- in 2 monthly installments? Yes No
16-Candidate Personal Consent:
I hereby solemnly declare that the detail provided by me is correct and I am agreed to establish ECD center.
Name of Candidate:______Signature:______
Family Consent:
Name:______Signature: ______Relationship:______
CNIC: ______
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