DRAFT Minutes - Thursday 21st August 2014
Tom Burnham (TB) / Disney Barlow (DB) / Wilma Brennan (WB) / Lucy Couper (LC)
Paul Goode (PG) / George Hardie (GH) / Stuart Holland (SH) / Joy Snape (JS)
Cllr I Gillespie (IG) / Cllr D Parker (DP) / Rev. Julie Woods (JW) / PC Michael Norrie (MP)
Apologies: / Michael Scott (MS) / Cllr Jim Torrance
3 members of the public were present
Secretary Sheila Gibb
Item / Minute / Action
1.08 / Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman (TB) welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially our minister and our new community police officer Michael Norrie.
1.1 / Adoption of Previous Minutes
Proposed by GH and seconded by PG
1.2 / Declaration of Interest
DP clarified that this should be a Standing Item on every Agenda but only need be addressed if it required updating. They are currently:
Earlston Community Development Trust: / TB, PG, JS, WB, LC
Earlston Paths Group: / TB, JS, SG
Friends of Thomas the Rhymer: / TB, GH,WB
1.3 / Rules governing recent co-opted Members
TB reminded new councillors they were ineligible to propose a motion or vote until they attended three meetings or for 6 months after co-option, whichever is shorter.
2.08 / Police Report / Introduction
Constable Norrie apologised that no-one was available to attend CC recently. He has now taken over as Community Officer, hoping to attend regularly and become a visible presence in the community. He then discussed the current Police Report.
·  Local Officers have been involved at the recent Commonwealth Games, at local festivals and common ridings in the Scottish Borders over the past month.
·  Operation RAC, the anti housebreaking initiative, continues to be a focus with regards to crime prevention. Residents should remain vigilant over security.
Local Priorities:

·  Indiscriminate parking

Officers continue to give attention to vehicles parked in dangerous positions or causing obstruction. No complaints received last month but MH asked that issues be raised.
·  Speeding/Road Traffic/ Safety
Officers continue to carry out regular road checks to deter problems. MH confirmed these be ongoing.
Police responded to one damage only accident in the Earlston area.
One driver issued with fixed penalty ticket, using mobile phone.
·  Rural thefts
Enquiries ongoing - horse equipment stolen from Cowdenknowes Stables
·  Other Incidents
Police and EOD attended controlled explosion of WW2 device with damaged fuse.
01/07/14 – Female was charged with the theft of goods from Co-op.
GH raised concerns over parking near Red Lion, WB and GH highlighted complaints received about loud noise and possible car racing at night.
WB had discovered cans of drink in a Co-Op bag near the Georgefield entrance to the High School and was concerned about the possible sale to underage customers.
TB asked whether the bicycle funded by Lauder and Earlston would now be used which MN confirmed the bike has been serviced and he is looking forward to using it.
TB also asked that MN share his email address with members. / MN
3.08 / Matters arising not included in this Agenda
4.08 / Correspondence and Communication
4.1 / SBC Community Council Framework
SG provided a hard copy to each person, explaining it was now live and the working document which set out all CC processes, including a revised Code of Conduct.
4.2 / SBC Community Planning Framework
A copy (circulated electronically with Minutes) had been sent to the CC for comment before being taken to the next SBC Executive meeting for agreement.
4.3 / SBCCN Annual Seminar
An invitation (circulated electronically with Minutes) had been received. Anyone wishing to attend should advise SG by 31 August. / ALL
4.4 / ECC Communication
SG asked everyone to consider ways the CC could share information more widely and then discuss ideas in September. Members agreed to make greater use of local notice boards and SG advised that she had taken over and updated the CC website to reflect current membership; this would be developed over time. / ALL
5.08 / Acting Treasurer’s Report
TB reported nothing was spent since the report in June and there was approximately £1.3k available to CC. He will meet and handover the role to WB before the next meeting. / TB / WB
6.08 / Planning Applications (Cllr Gillespie left the meeting)
Applications 14/00747/FUL (change of use from petrol filling station and car showroom), 14/00778/FUL (change of use from agricultural land to form dog park) and 14/00788/FUL (land at former Earlston High School) had been circulated; with SBC already advised the CC had no objections.
GH circulated 14/00852/FUL (alterations at Borders Pet Rescue).
JS queried the proposed fence; GH confirmed it was not electric. SH explained the proposal included an increase in kennels 10, moving their site and changing them to open fronted. He was concerned about the noise levels and believes this is a current issue.
TB asked that the CC response should state that although there are no objections, we have concerns about noise levels.
One of the public audience lived nearby; TB asked for input and she confirmed having discussed the proposal with SBC. She was happy with the outcome of that meeting but agreed it was key that the CC response highlighted noise as a shared concern.
DB asked why IG had left the meeting. DP explained that he does so in order to remain impartial in advance of SBC Planning Committee meetings. / GH
7.08 / Matters Arising / CC Cllrs Updates
7.1 / Reading room
TB had been in email contact with Jim Cullen who is aware of the current legal position. They will meet and TB will provide an update at a future meeting.
GH asked who were key holders and JS informed the meeting that Trustees included H Cummings and R Kerr who were possible key holders.
TB reminded the meeting that the Christmas lights are also stored inside. / TB
7.2,3 / Heritage Centre and Primary School Meeting Room
S McKay of Auld Earlston confirmed that this referred to the proposed facility at the primary school, but that the position appears to have changed. She had previously understood that Auld Earlston would be working with pupils on their projects.
JS had examined all old sets of CC minutes in order to establish the facts, since different interpretations appear to be held. She explained that the minutes change emphasis, at one time indicating there would be a museum / storage for artefacts which the school would be able to make use of and also state that the room is ready for use.
Previously, L Munro, Headteacher, had indicated there would be a base to store materials, the space would be able to be used for various exhibitions e.g. WW1 but not a permanent one.
H Cummings had met with the Hawick Hub to discuss options for the display of contents and best way to store them, some need specialist treatment or should not be displayed, but a virtual display might be created on DVD.
JS told the meeting that the room is decorated, carpeted and has furniture so could now be used for storage and meetings. There is also a room next door which, if cleaned, has potential to become a kitchen. Rooms and stairs require cleaning and decoration, the downstairs toilet facilities cannot be used until remedial work is undertaken. She believes there is potential to create a community space but understands that unless used and generating income, nothing will be cleaned. Other issues included lack of display cases, books may need technical work, a Tom Scott painting owned and for display, the Charter / Covenant.
S McKay explained she has the receipt from 1/7/2011 and visited the Hub last month. She understands that at that time items were only meant to be there for a short period before being returned to Earlston.
TB thanked JS for her cogent explanation. DP confirmed that L Munro's understanding is correct. Plans to do more to the room had been made but not taken place as it is not being used by the community.
In response to TB, JS suggested the way forward was to create a Sub Group, which might then become a management group, but now needed to look at:
·  what the community want
·  whether there were sufficient artefacts for a permanent display
·  lack of advertising
·  uninviting entrance
·  lack of toilet facilities
·  lift not serviced
PG suggested that the group comprise JS and Auld Earlston representation. TB asked PG and JS to take the project forward and approach L Munro to also participate. DP said it would be straightforward to have the lift working and he would investigate the toilets.
SG asked what it would cost groups to hire the facility and was advised that at present the normal school rates would apply.
TB asked the group to report back at the September meeting. / DP
7.4 / Quality of Life Funding
PG outlined the SBC project, explaining that groups could not apply but all CCs should decide on the best local suggestions and the Sub Group (PG, JS, MS) was now reporting back on its ideas. These were proposed by PG and seconded by JS with the outcome NOT shared with the groups or placed in the public domain after DP liaised with his two colleagues and also confirmed the payment process.
SG will then write to the successful groups, she also highlighted the need for the CC to make use of the media and publicise its work for the community in a positive light. / DP
7.5 / Community Rail Partnership
TB provided feedback from the July meeting and explained the CC's role was to ensure Earlston received monies due from the project. A steering group had been formed and TB was our representative. Until the franchise is confirmed, there was nothing factual to report about the project's next stages. JW indicated that there may be an opportunity to share this project via the next church newsletter.
7.6 / High Street Parking / Congestion
SH had been informed parked cars made passing awkward and he raised concerns for potential future driving problems. LC understood that Police Scotland felt that yellow lining and consequential removal of parking might actually increase driver speed. In response SH said he was not raising a speed issue but a motoring one. TB asked IG / DP to take this up with SBC, SH confirmed the bottleneck was at the narrow pavement while DP said the police and SBC looked positively on parking as a method of slowing cars. / IG/
7.7 / Huntshaw Bins
Item discharged - information provided
7.8 / Remembrance Day
TB asked JW to update the meeting about the parade. She explained that the organising group had established a list of invitees including the Deputy Lord Lieutenant and Councillors. In light of the WW1 anniversary, it was proposed to have a formal walk from the church to the war memorial.
JW has obtained forms from SBC but is unsure whether the Church and CC should apply jointly. TB suggested that it should also include the Royal British Legion.
There were no objections.
WB asked whether the parade should use Summerfield but JW informed the meeting she was planning to use the main road and will discuss traffic stoppage / road closures issues with MN. The best options and timing of closure would be worked out, with Police Scotland being automatically involved if SBC agree the proposal. TB offered to act as Chief Steward. TB will report back at the next meeting. / TB
7.9 / Industrial Estate Recycling Bins
Item discharged, discussed with SBC who hoped to provide a spare receptacle.
7.10 / Resilient Plan
PG informed the meeting he was meeting with SBC’s Resilience Officers on 25 August. TB asked if SBC would present at a future meeting, PG advised they were happy to do so. He already has a list of previous participants and some basic information from earlier planning. PG will advise SG when and if any paperwork, letters are required. / PG
7.11 / Rutherfords Garage: See 6.08
7.12 / A68 Cycle Path
TB advised that the £500K project was at a crucial point. Ownership had been confirmed, one was unhappy with the proposals. He explained that the CC now had to move towards completion of all paperwork. LC emphasised the volume of work this involved and recommend land should be resolved at the outset.
TB asked how and whether the CC should proceed and DP confirmed, when asked by DB, that funding kicks only kicks in at Stage 2 of any application. TB stated that CC and ECDT needed to find someone willing to complete all the paperwork necessary at this stage. LC said that ECDT would find it impossible to take on board and TB explained that the Paths Group did not have the capacity. PG proposed the ECC take the project on, subject to finding someone to do the unpaid work. TB asked members to think about the next steps and try to find a volunteer with the required abilities / skills. / ALL
7.13 / A68 Crossing Traffic Survey
Update due September. PG confirmed this would take place and was reminded by TB that the aim was to establish the facts before approaching the contractor.
7.14 / Statue of Mikhail Lermontov
GH confirmed the planned event would take place on Friday 03 October, funded by the Russians with any local costs reimbursed by them. He requested a letter of invitation from the CC. Planning permission was being submitted by TB who stated SBC suggested 2 applications - the statue and the temporary memorial bust. JS asked whether local schools were being involved and GH confirmed. / TB
7.15 / Ownership of Mill Meadow
DP advised that a meeting had been held in June with interested parties and as a consequence, SBC proposed to seek to claim ownership by making a formal request to the Crown. He hoped to hear from the Crown before the next meeting.
7.16 / Change of Use - Industrial Estate
Item discharged as not within the CC remit.
7.17 / High Street Waste
Item discharged, DP confirmed SBC had spoken with the business owner.
7.18 / Summerfield Steps, pavements and parking
DP confirmed weeding carried out, holes would be addressed. / DP
8.0 / AOCB
·  GH and WB highlighted problems with the levels of dog waste at various points around Earlston, others agreed. TB asked DP whether dog wardens would be available and DP said he would action replacement of the waste bin removed from Earlston Park in May and also the one at Williambank, near the electricity sub station. IG said he felt one problem is that people do not wish to approach offenders; WB has offered dog bags and received abuse. LC spoke about a previous initiative in Duns to provided free poo bags and DP suggested this might be a possible idea for Quality funding in the next financial year.
·  GH spoke about flash flooding in the High Street the previous week which resulted in blocked drains and waste escaping at the gully cover outside the chip shop. DP agreed to raise the required work at SBC. / DP

Next meeting: 18 September at 19:00, Earlston Primary School