Congratulations on your decision to retire.

The County’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is interested in researching those factors that help employees transition into a successful retirement.

Please take a few minutes now to respond to the following questions:

1)  How many years did you work for the County of Santa Clara?

______up to 10 years

______10 – 20 years

______20 – 30 years

______Over 30 years

2)  How would you assess your financial preparedness for retirement?

______Very prepared

______Somewhat prepared

______Not very prepared

______Not prepared at all

3)  How would you assessment your emotional/psychological readiness for retirement?

______Very Ready

______Somewhat ready

______Not very ready

______Not ready at all

4)  What month and year do you plan to retire (approximate is fine)? (Over)

Month ______Year ______

5)  How do you expect to adjust to your life in retirement?

______Very easily

______Somewhat easily

______With some difficulty

______With extreme difficulty

6)  What most excites you about your retirement?

7)  What most concerns you about your retirement?

8)  Were you aware that you are eligible for EAP counseling services for up to one year post retirement?



Future Contact: As part of its ongoing research project, EAP would like to contact you in 3 – 6 months after you retire to see how thing are going for you. If you would welcome such contact, please provide us with information about how to reach you. IMPORTANT – the research results will be shared in aggregate form to future retirees and no names or identifying features will be used consistent with EAP practice.

Your Name ______

Home/Cell Telephone Number ______

Personal E-mail address ______

You are eligible for up to five (5) free EAP counseling sessions for one year post retirement.

Please contact EAP at 408/241-7772 to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for participating in this research project. Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Happy Retirement.