Ealing Health and Social Care Summit 2015

Ealing Health and Social Care Summit 2015

Ealing Community Network (ECN) organises an annual Health and Social Care Summit bringing together reps from Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group (Ealing CCG), West London Mental Health (WLMHT), Ealing Council (LBE) Adult Services, Children Services, Public Health, GP reps, Pharmacies and local voluntary and community sector groups (VCS).

The third annual Summit was held on 2nd December 2015 at Ealing Town Hall

Following each Summit a forward Action Plan is agreed. The Action Plan for this year’s Summit will be available from end February. For a copy contact the ECN Chair, Andy Roper, via

Presentations and Keynote Speakers

·  Laura Ferreira (ECN) and Neha Unadkat (Ealing CCG) reported on actions taken in response to issues raised at last years’ Summit.

·  There was a video presentation on the Ealing Integrated Care Programme.

·  Keynote presentation: Mohini Parmar (CCG Chair) and Tessa Sandall (CCG Managing Director) gave a presentation on future priorities in health and social care and opportunities for partnerships with VCS groups.

·  John McNeil (Healthwatch Chair) gave a presentation on Healthwatch’s current activities and future plans.

To view the PowerPoint presentation click here and Integrated Care Programme video click here.

If you would like a copy of the integrated care video to show at your meetings or events, contact

Group Workshops

The Summit had workshops to discuss the six following topics:

·  Ealing Integrated Care Programme - Next Steps

·  Mental Health Support in Ealing

·  Promoting Self Help and Self Care

·  Carers and the Care Act

·  Children and Young Peoples’ Health

·  Public Health - The New Ealing Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Each workshop discussed top priority issues over the next 12 months and how the VCS, CCG, GPs, Pharmacies, Mental Health Trust and LBE could work more in partnership. A representative from each workshop gave feedback to the wider Summit.

Ealing Integrated Care Programme – Next Steps

Key Issues

·  New Care Navigators and Care Coordinators need information on support services available via the VCS and key contact details.

·  Local pharmacies should have more information on VCS support in their area.

·  Equally VCS groups need more information on support services available via local pharmacies.

·  Information on integrated care is often in jargon, needs more plain English communication.

·  Information on integrated care should be available in community languages, including those for more recently arrived communities.

·  VCS groups work with patients and care users week in week out and can see where there are gaps in services, how do they feed this information in?

·  How can VCS groups make referrals to new Care Coordinators and Care Navigators?

·  Care Coordinators and Care Navigators could hold information drop in sessions at VCS hubs.

·  Needs more information on when integrated care will roll out across different areas of the borough.

·  VCS groups can act as advocates and be an ‘independent friend’ for more vulnerable patients and users e.g. if they have concerns about their care plans.

·  VCS groups can also give messages to parents on their responsibilities e.g. not missing GP appointments, not using AE for unnecessary visits.

·  Increase liaison by Care Coordinators and Care Navigators with hospital discharge services and LBE domiciliary services.

·  VCS groups visit hard to reach patients and users in their own homes so can give them information on integrated care.

·  Needs more information via VCS groups on future changes at Ealing Hospital.

·  How will we measure and evaluate if integrated care is working and benefitting patients and care users?

·  Use patients and care users themselves to tell ‘success stories’ on integrated care.

Mental Health Support in Ealing

Key Issues

·  Housing: mental health needs to be considered in housing policy.

·  People with mental health issues need more support on discharge from hospital.

·  Needs greater joint working and cross referrals between VCS and statutory mental health services.

·  Smaller VCS groups need more training and advice on helping users who have mental health issues.

·  VCS and statutory services need to work on stigma issues relating to mental health e.g. in some BME and newly arrived communities.

·  Stigma issues also among some older people around use of counselling or therapy services.

·  Stigma issues among young LGBT people in accessing mental health support.

·  Issues around Khat use and mental health, needs targeted community information.

·  People with mental health issues need a stronger voice in co-designing future services, some may need support from VCS groups to do this.

·  Continuity issues around Care Link.

·  Services need to be easily accessible at times of sudden mental health crisis.

·  People in crisis need more information on alternative support to AE.

·  Information and categories on Care Place are not easy to use for people with mental health issues and many are not aware of Care Place.

·  Churches and faith groups can tackle isolation-befriending.

·  Not enough talking therapy capacity in Ealing, people who need more intensive support are sent out of borough.

·  Mental Health Transformation Programme: People with multiple mental health needs are falling through gaps.

·  VCS groups need more information on the Shifting Settings of Care Programme so they can inform users.

·  GPs, other NHS professionals and Pharmacies need more information on VCS groups who can offer support to people with mental health issues.

·  West London Mental Health Trust need to do more to consult and engage VCS groups in development of services.

·  New Government funding in Ealing to address mental health issues among children and teenagers is very welcome.

·  Mental Health Board is a good model of partnership working by statutory and VCS services and makes real efforts on user involvement.

·  New Ealing Talking Therapy Network and new ECN Ealing Mental Health Forum will be positive developments.

Promoting Self Help and Self Care

Key Issues

·  Better signposting by VCS and statutory services so people know what self-help support is available locally.

·  New Ealing Health and Social Care Self-Help Directory will be a valuable resource but VCS groups, community nurses, pharmacies, adult care staff etc. need to know this is available.

·  Confusing range of Self-Help information on Care Place.

·  New Ealing Self- Management website needs local information and resources as well as NHS clinical information.

·  Physical activity, arts activity, cultural activities can actively support peoples’ wellbeing.

·  Taking up volunteering can keep people active and improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

·  To target new groups of people there needs to be new innovative ideas to involve people e.g. making exercise fun / enjoyable.

·  People need simple plain English advice on what self-help actions they can take on major local problems such as diabetes, obesity and alcohol problems.

·  A lot of self-help work is around physical conditions, more information is needed on self-help actions by people with mental health issues.

·  Issues regarding self-help by patients who have multiple long term conditions, how to address self-help for several different conditions.

·  Motivation is very important- have ‘success case studies’ of how people have used self- help.

·  Winter and Flu vaccinations, ensuring patients / carers / individuals take them.

·  CCG, LBE, Mental Health Trust , GP Practices, Pharmacies and VCS groups to set good examples by developing ‘healthy workplaces’ for their own staff.

·  Ealing Council is encouraging local organisations to become accredited under the Healthy Workplace Charter.

·  Make better use of libraries to promote self-help.

·  Actively use Care Navigators and Ealing Community Health Champions to promote self-help, as they will be working with a large group of people.

·  Make more use of social media, faith groups and community language radio stations to promote self-help.

·  Targeted leaflets on self –help support given out with prescriptions at pharmacies.

·  LBE/CCG to work with local businesses to promote better self –help health information to their employees.

Carers and the Care Act

Key issues

·  More social activities for carers and peer support sessions to meet with other carers.

·  Needs more overnight home sitting services.

·  Develop a peer programme so carers can ‘swap’ care hours?

·  Simple visual ‘map’ for carers on local support available and from who.

·  Raise awareness of Carers’ identification, many people do not realise they are one.

·  Consult carers on future training, advice and support needs.

·  More joint training sessions between NHS professionals, adult care staff and carers themselves.

·  Some carers from harder to reach communities are still not aware of new rights under the Care Act, VCS groups can assist with this.

·  Carry out research to show the ‘annual value’ of carers in Ealing.

·  Annual Council/VCS event to celebrate carers` achievements in Ealing?

·  Smaller VCS groups need more information on where to signpost informal carers to for advice and support.

·  Carers Partnership Board is effective in terms of partnership working.

·  Emerging new Ealing Health and Social Care Information and Advice Network can help coordinate information and communication to carers.

·  New sections on carers support are on the LBE website, potential digital exclusion for carers with lower IT skills.

·  Information for carers on Care Place is very large, needs to be simpler and easy to access.

Children and Young Peoples’ Health and Social Care

Key Issues

·  New Early Start Service will improve pathways to services for young people and sharing information.

·  Are GPs and other NHS professionals aware of Early Start? Possible information posters in GP Practices and Pharmacies?

·  Develop better referral processes between VCS groups and Children Services.

·  More advertising of services though digital communications such as social media

·  VCS groups are not aware of the Young Ealing website, create links with VCS websites.

·  Waiting lists for services can be long there needs to be better information in the interim while families and children are waiting.

·  Better meeting facilities, for example Crèche facilities, to allow parents to go into complex conversations, they may not feel comfortable talking about in front of their children.

·  Care Navigators and Ealing Community Health Champions can help promote the Early Start Service

·  Healthy eating, child physical activity and dental hygiene are key issues for Ealing.

·  Provide outreach in schools, as school nursing provisions have been reduced.

·  Train LBE staff, NHS professional and VCS staff together to better understand and respond to children and young peoples’ health issues.

·  Engage with LGBT young people to better understand how they use services e.g. mental and sexual health services.

·  Family Information Service to work with the VCS to promote and keep their CYP directory up to date.

·  Parental health and mental health strongly linked to child health.

·  Enable more parent-2-parent peer support- VCS groups could help to facilitate.

·  LBE commissioning new advocacy support service for children with special needs.

·  VCS groups can support community outreach to recruit new foster parents.

·  Increase in number of children at risk in some BME and newly arrived communities, LBE and VCS groups can work together to address this eg current joint work to address children and young people at risk in the Somali community.

Public Health - The New Ealing Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Key Issues

·  Greater focus on wellbeing:

a.  Wellbeing champions who work with clients.

b.  Befriending service for social isolation, using a phased approach whereby, the worker develops the relationship with the client by visiting them and then starts to encourage the client to go out more.

·  Targeted support e.g. monthly 1-1s to assess impact not just outcomes.

·  Use Care Coordinators, Care Navigators and Ealing Community Health Champions to circulate information.

·  Go out to settings that harder to reach communities use e.g. community cafés, lunch clubs, faith centres.

·  Targeted information in opticians, dentists and pharmacies.

·  Targeted information in the Urgent Care Centre.

·  Develop information kiosks in well used VCS hubs and in health centres.

·  Train more VCS reps, especially from smaller groups, on Making Every Action Count and on Alcohol Audits.

·  Utilise local media / publications, including community language papers and radio.

·  Ensure wellbeing is considered as an issue through local businesses e.g. health and social care in Southall.

·  Avoid duplication of services by removing ‘politics’ when orgs work together e.g. if funding is available, pre-requisite has to be a joint consortia bid.

·  Encourage ‘community cooking clubs’ and ‘community family bike rides’

·  LBE commissioning new integrated wellbeing service and single access website/information hub

·  Health and social care information is increasingly online, digital exclusion for residents and families with low IT skills, low language skills or on low incomes and can’t afford internet or broadband access.

·  Given Government cuts in public health projects develop more ideas around how to sustain projects post-start-up funding by LBE.

·  Include smaller VCS groups when larger organisations are commissioned to run services.

·  Improve Care Place.

·  Create a Physical Activity Directory?

·  Better promotion at community festivals and at events in parks.

·  More public health information in libraries and Council leisure centres.

·  Adult Services and Public Health to work more closely with LBE Adult Education, who are running new classes and courses on physical and mental wellbeing.

·  VCS groups to promote and encourage GP registration among new communities to discourage attendance at A&E.

·  Raise awareness around stress and anxiety as this leads to more smoking, alcohol, and sugar intake- thus leading to longer term health conditions.


ECVS volunteers who supported the Summit: Carol Kilbey, Daniella Villani and Meena Chandrasekharan.

Workshops facilitators:

Mental Health: Hannah Parsons (WLMHT) and Alex Tambourides (Mind).