Ealing Broadway Ward Forum Notes Thursday 10th February 2011

Neighbourhood Governance

Note of Ward Forum Meeting


Ealing Broadway Ward Forum meeting – held on WednesdayThursday 10th February 22011, 7.30.00pm at Council Chambers, Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, W5

Present: Councillor Anthony Young (AY)- Chairman, Councillor David Scott (DS), Councillor Ian Potts (IP), Tan Afzal (TA) - Neighbourhood Co-ordinator, Sergeant James Rawlinson (JR) – (Safer Neighbourhood Team), PC Michael Fox (MF) – SNT and 57 attendees.

No. / Note / Action Point/Information
1. /

Welcome and Introductions- Cllr Young

Cllr Young welcomed all those attending, introducing Cllr Potts and Tan Afzal and the meeting started at 7.30pm.
Cllr Scott’ s arrival was a little delayed by travel commitments.
2..1 / Matters Arising / Action Point/Information
Matters related and outstanding from the previous meeting will be addressed as an agenda item
3. / Gordon Road update – AY / Action Point/Information/Comments
§  There has been a persistant accident problem by the roundabout at Gordon Road, joining St Leonards Road and Carlton Road. Residents were consulted on three options to help reduce speed along Gordon Road and more importantly deter fatalities. The response from the survey is not as clear-cut as had been expected.
§  All attendees received a copy of the consultation results
§  The figures are very difficult to interprete, we will need to look at finances, what is available from the Dickens Yard Section 106 monies and our ward forum budget allcoation. / Res: (Will French): Thank you for arranging the consultation. The results are unclear and difficult to interpret. It signals strong opinion to do something to slow down the traffic. It is disappointing to note there is no proposal to add speed cushions to the Haven end.
AY: Thank You. The reason why we did not consider adding speed cushions at the mentioned location is because the parked cars keep the speed levels down.
Res: (Will French): The police study shows that 15% of motorists still exceed the 30mph zone at this end of the road.
Res: (GRASS): There is unanimous agreement to implement option 1 with option 2 this would be most appropriate.
Res: I have noted buses speeding along Gordon Road.
IP: Please note the bus number and time and day of incident, I am on the London Bus Panel and happy to assist.
Res: (Will French): The speed cushions were installed and then removed.
AY: There was no consultation at the time, our first priority was to avoid pedestrian accidents.
4 / The Avenue- shopping parade AY / Action Point/Information/Comments
§  The cut off date for The Avenues consultation period is 11th February 2011. These are re-designed plans, based on comments from the public, which were not always in favour of the initial ideas.
§  Work is being done on parking schemes, and there will be means of having free parking for the first 30 minutes beyond that time limit would need to be paid for. He added that he does not know if it will solve the problem but it may help to prevent it. / Res: Officers are not speaking to the residents of The Avenue. A loading bay is not required, as none of the commercial premises are designed for such a need. Add some more parking bays and flowerbeds.
Res: Can the scheme be more creative, allowance for cafes on the pavement, creating a more continental feel. A hotel will be built in the area, could we have the same tree surrounds as Pitshanger.
AY: As long as cafes have a public license they can use their front footage, the tree surrounds will be the same as Pitshanger.
IP: It has been alleged that NED are in breach of planning and I have asked that their display structure be investigated. If it is a temporary addition, within their own property, they are entitled to use it. Each commercial premises does have rights over their 1m space, on the narrower side of the road they could utilise the space as long as they don’t block the road.
Res: We need another ticket machine, at the Drayton Green Road junction.
AY: I have been advised informally that this has been favoured within the consultation results.
5 / St Stephens – Extension of West Ealing Controlled Parking Zone AY / Action Point/Information/Comments
§  Councillors and officers have received letters from St Stephens Road (White Ledges), where commuter parking has become onerous and excessive. Officers advised residents accordingly, consultation took place over a year ago. The two areas included a core area and an outer area, the results of the consultation were:
Core Area In Favour : 64% 50% Response rate
Outer Area In Favour: 57% 48% Response rate
§  Officers recommended the implementation of a CPZ in the core area and the outer area to Cabinet, which received approval. Detailed design was carried out to establish parking bays and other parking restrictions.
§  The design was put out to statutory consultation at which stage the council received 17 objections and one petition.
8 – Local workers who park in the zone
2 – On the details of the project
1 – Change in the cost of permits since the original consultation took place
1 – Local school
5 – Object without reason
§  The petition had 48 signatories, this has not been taken into consideration, as per statutory guidance each objection has to be put in writing by the individual.
§  At this stage objections are dealt with, ward councillors make a recommendation and the portfolio holder is asked to make a decision.
§  AY opened up the debate on this project by saying the consultation for the potential extension of West Ealings Controlled Parking Zone had generated strong feelings, often diametrically opposed, asking attendees to be polite when expressing their views. / Comments received from residents on the proposed CPZ
§  Parents with children attending Notting Hill School park across my drive way, I live in a cul-de-sac, the situation is becoming impossible, some days I have to wait over 40 minutes to drive out of my drive.
§  As chair of a local residents association, representing Montague Road, initially we were against the zone but we now support it. Motorists are using the street as a garage, I have seen one vehicle parked in the same location for the last 10 months, it is owned by an individual who resides in The Avenue. Commuters fill all empty spaces; my work is home based, yet I cannot park outside my own home.
§  Desperately need a CPZ
§  Of the 484 homes surveyed on the CPZ, 266 said yes, why should a petition with 47 signatures throw the CPZ to a halt
§  Inconsiderate parking by large vehicles particularly by roundabouts.
§  As a resident of St Stephens Road, have daily seen very dangerous parking and manouevering of vehicle, parents swooping to drop and pick up their kids.
§  At White Ledges we favour the CPZ, we are swamped by cars, at times ECT are unable to pick up our trash as the road is inaccessible. The number of burglaries has increased; people can easily park all day and watch the neighbourhood.
§  School hours unobserved by traffic wardens does not help the situation. A lollipop man is needed, for children’s safety. Majority of houses have street parking, those who do not have this parking should not have to pay to park.
§  The pressure on parking is intolerable, commuters, schools, St David’s home, all these compound the issue, am in favour of a CPZ
§  Not everyone has one car; often households have two or more cars. I have to park my car 50-100 yards away from the house. My son goes to St Durstans, the school should be able to issue parents with 15 minute parking permits, which the Council can endorse. Parents need to be able to drop kids off safely
§  Have been a residents of Castlebar Road (St Stephens Road end) for 20 years, on my arrival there was plenty of street parking, lately there is no parking available. Commuters make things difficult. On Edgehill Road, cars are parked on both sides of the road, at White Ledges the area is blighted with vans and even street traders.
§  As a resident of White Ledges, I live on an estate, which is run by a limited company to which we pay a service charge. The committee keeps the area clean and in good condition. The area is a car park to council employees, mostly working on Dickens Yard. It would be difficult for emergency services to enter the area. A lorry could not get in to assist a burst pipe. Commuter parking begins at 7am each day.
§  Resident of Edgerton Gardens. People park across our driveway. There is a doctor’s surgery at the end of the road, on one occasion a patient knocked on my door to ask whether I would mind if she parked across my driveway.
§  Why should I pay to park outside my house when local council employees will abuse their parking permits?
§  Why should residents have to pay for a parking space. Soon the entire borough will be a CPZ. As residents of West London, we should be more resilient to the idea; parking is an issue in most areas of London. A CPZ will not improve parking issues, it will simply move the issue elsewhere. The cost of a permit is expensive and can become a financial burden to us all.
AY: The objection does not have to be sustained
IP: Objectors or the organiser of objections has made the claim more residents are against the CPZ. If this is the not case then please send your comments to the respective portfolio holder, Cllr Bassam Mahfouz. Many residents have told me they approve of the CPZ.
Res: You are the three elected representatives for this ward, what are your thoughts?
AY: Conclusions will be made once everyone has had their day tonight. A valid objection may help. The reason why the CPZ has been extended to the east of this borough is due to displacement from neighbouring areas and boroughs. The CPZ’s in Chiswick next to the tube station caused displacement. At that time, Glenda Jackson had anticipated the whole of the area around the M25 becoming a CPZ.
Res: Are there areas at which commuters can park:
AY: North Ealing Station car park
Res: What is the precise timetable for implementation, it has slipped significantly.
AY: Don’t know, that is down to the portfolio holder.
Res: Driveway obstructions are a constant problem.
JR: You must register your driveway with the Council. Once registered you can contact the council anytime a motorists blocks you in, they will send out a traffic enforcement officer to issue a PCN. If you deliberately block their car, even if it is blocking your drive, they can potentially damage your car without having to deal with any repercussions.
DS: We will make recommendations to the portfolio holder, he will make the final decision.
Res: Can you make your recommendation public tonight.
Councillors consulted amongst themselves in private.
AY: Yes, we will recommend the CPZ goes ahead.
6. / Haven Green - AY / Action Point/Information/Comments

§  A parks and open spaces fund made up of £100k is available. It requires match funding from local ward forums, with bids of no more than £20k. Support from local residents adds value to the bid. Setting up a Friends of the park, similar to Walpole Friends would help coordinate and support the bid.

/ Res: The Friends idea is great in principal. Haven Green is a critical green space in the ward, hopefully important to all residents of the ward. It is common agreement; the area is in state of disrepair. Walpole Residents Association has superceded Walpole Friends constitution, there was a need for citizen participation because of the National Heritage Fund bid money. The Central Ealing Residents Association would definitely support a group such as the Friends of Haven Green.
Res: There are many issues with Haven Green, the new bus station and the proposal for Village Green status (turned down).
AY: Greater consideration would be given to those bids, which have backing from local residents. TA has looked in to the archives held at Central Ealing Library, there was an underground structure at Haven Green, and at one time there was an air raid bunker.
Res: The friends group would be autonomous, would not have any powers, it could voice its concerns and raise the flag for views on Haven Green.
DS: Officer support would be available as of March.
Res: No money was allocated to Haven Green from the 2010/11 ward forum budget.
AY: We did advise that Gordon Road would cost a significant amount.
Res: Can we consider the 11/12 budget, an amount of £10-20k?
Res: What would be the cost of filling the area where the air raid bunker use to exist? Can we have this costed up?
AY: Need professional advice.
7. / Ward Forum Budget -AY / Action Point/Information/Comments

Attendees asked to put their suggestions forward as to how the 11/12 ward forum budget should be spent.

/ §  Replacement of street signs
§  Film Club managed by the Ealing Civic Society
§  Hanging baskets along The Avenue
§  Blue plaque for Ealing Jazz Club, The Who started their career there.
Res: You can contact Ealing Civic Society to proceed further with this.
§  The Ealing Civic Society would like to host a photography competition, is this pro-rata, have other wards been asked?
IP: You could potentially apply for money from the Leaders Fund.
§  Motorists turning right on to Mount Park Road from Haven Green, can this island be extended.
8. / Public Forum / Action Point/Information/Comments
/ §  Does the council have a budget to sort out the fox infestations?
AY: No, its not a legal duty, fox are not considered as vermin.
§  Can residents be asked not to put out their bags the nigh before
AY: They should use their green boxes.
§  For Gordon Road, Nick ‘O’ Donnell discussed LIP funding, there is some misapprehension, the St Georges’ Dickens Yard project is currently infinite, Nick O’ Donnell needs to make a clearer commitment.
§  Can the council stop issuing licences for filming along Mount Park Road, it has become dangerous for pedestrians. The are at Mount Park Road, Park Hill, Montpelier Road suffers from a chicane effect, several large vans parked with very little or no visibility for other motorists. Whoever administers the parking licences needs to specify safer parking.
AY: We can look at the number of licences issued to any given road.
IP: The council encourages filming it generates revenue. I can speak with the Licensing Committee to discuss your request. When residents hire out their own home, we can do very little about it.
§  Can you provide an update on the build of the new cinema.
IP: Planning permission was granted. We are told works will start soon, to be completed by November 2012. If they do not commence soon we shall be pursuing compulsory purchase.
9. /

Date of Next Meeting

/ To be announced once the municipal diary has been confirmed.