Meeting Notes

Eagles GC Hawaii BOD Meeting

Feb 23, 2017 6:00 pm

Pancakes & Waffles

Attendees: Kane Kanetani (President); Jimmy Foard (Handicap Chair), Marietta Foard (Tournament Chair); Willie Yago (Social Committee Chair); Sandi Wong (Communications/Website Chair); Lyn Kida (Treasurer); Deb Luning (Secretary)

CTO: 6:05 pm by President Kane

  1. Transition matters
  2. Website/domain costs
  3. For 2017, invoices will be due in June (domain name) & Nov (web hosting) . Sandy to submit invoices when received. Cost w/b $142.50 for web hosting. As June approaches, BOD will need to decide whether to go with a 1- or 2-year contract. 2-year term will save $. Total for the year expected to be around $481.54 (for web hosting and domain name).

ii.Nov 2016 – invoice received for web hosting; Sandy already paid; will request reimbursement.

  1. Handicap
  2. Awaiting USGA invoice – expect to receive in March. Jimmy reported that amount in treasury should currently cover 46 members. $22 x 46 = $1,012. 2 members have opted to get their GHIN handicaps from elsewhere.
  1. Membership
  2. As of meeting date, 48 members have paid, with 2 openings remaining. Bobbin Talbano, a returning member, brought a guest to the last outing; he is interested in joining. Bob Mariano’s guest is also interested in joining. Per the Eagles GC House Rules, any potential member will be vetted by the Board prior to acceptance.
  1. Calendar Planning
  2. Putting and/or chipping contest fundraisers (limited to course venues that will allow us to have the contests on their practice greens). Tentative dates are as follows:
  3. Sunday, April 2 – Pearl Country Club
  4. Sunday, August 20 – Mililani Golf Course

Volunteers are needed to help with both events.

  1. After-event gathering
  2. Karaoke – Barber Point GC has a karaoke system. Jimmy to f/u on availability for us to use it after our BP outing.
  3. Other events – Willie will put together a committee to help with social events. Mahalo to those who have already indicated a willingness to help out!
  1. Community services
  2. Food drive – The food drive last April was a big success and one worth doing again. Kane to check with Emil on details.
  1. IHS – Serving food to the homeless. Deb to check when they have a need for servers. Weekend dates are probably easier for most who work.
  1. Club birthday

To be celebrated on Saturday, July 22nd at Olomana, perhaps with a cake. Cindy may be able to help coordinate since she works there.

  1. Outer Island golf outing

i.Members will be polled regarding interest/availability during the following weekends:

  • September 2-4 (Saturday – Monday) (Labor Day weekend)
  • October 7-9 (Saturday – Monday) (Discoverers’ Day weekend)
  • November 3 – 5 (Friday – Sunday) (Not a holiday weekend)


  • Big Island (Kona)
  • Kauai
  • Turtle Bay
  1. Holiday party

Discussion will be tabled until Social Committee is formed.

  1. 2018 BOD elections

Will address this issue as time gets closer. Need to find a nominating committee.

  1. Incentivizing Officers/Committees
  2. Options
  3. Extra points – Board decided that offering extra points toward the Eagle Cup would be against the spirit of the club and the reason for volunteering, therefore idea was nixed.
  4. Waiving of annual dues is already in the by-laws.
  5. Suggestion was made to subsidize non-military courses by a nominal amount, say $5 for each outing. However, it was decided this would be too cumbersome to keep track of.
  1. Membership
  2. Vetting process for new members is spelled out in the bylaws. New board will begin following the proper procedures prior to accepting new members into the club.
  1. Reminders to members
  2. Putt out except for when putting distance is within the grip.
  3. Pace of play
  4. New date for double-points play to replace rained out Barbers Point event: Sunday, April 23 at Royal Kunia.
  1. Suggestion to change house rules as follows:

i.For hole-in-one jackpot, winnings would be based on the following:

  • $500 – those who have been members for 1 year or less
  • $1,000 – those who have been members for 1-3 years
  • $1,500- 3+ years (All current members would be grandfathered in until house rules are changed)

ii.When in doubt about the rules, play two balls, mark both scores and have the Board decide which score should apply. Clarify peer-to-peer review and its applicability.

Next meeting: Thursday, March 30, 6:00 pm, same place

Adjournment: 7:45 pm