Dr. Eagle Desert Moon

Full-Time Lecturer

Educational Psychology and Counseling

CaliforniaStateUniversity at Northridge

818-677-4038w – 310-821-8422h

1. Academic Degrees

Degree School Grad Date GPA Major

Ph.D.Harvard 2002 3.95Human Development/Psych

M.A.Harvard 1994 3.90Human Development/Psych M.S./MFT CSUN 1993 4.00 Marriage/Family Therapy

Unfin Ph.D. UT-Austin (1975)4.00Unfinished-ClinPsychology

B.A. CSULB 1974 4.00 Psychology (minors in Anthro

Chem & Bio)

2. Professional Experience

1996-PresentCSUN –Ed Psych & Counseling Dept. Lecturer

1996-2002CSUCI – Ed Psych & Counseling Dept.Lecturer

1968-PresentPublic Speaker (Ethnicity, Gender,Race, etc.)

1985-PresentPrivate Mentor to adults

1993-PresentMFT Intern

1993CSUN – Teaching Fellow/Abnormal Psych

1992-93Valley Trauma Center-Counseling Trainee

1991-93Los Angeles School District-Counseling Trainee

1975-1979Los Angeles Free Clinic –Asst Counselor

1975Austin State Mental Hospital-Clin Psych Intern

1974-75Univ of Texas at Austin-Research Asst/Sexuality

1970-74Long Beach Free Clinic-Asst Counselor/Low Income

1972-73Harbor Foundation-Asst. Psychotherapist/Autism

1972Long Beach Mem. Hospital-Medical Research Asst.

3. Faculty Load– Five Grad Courses per semester (tenth year at CSUN)

Fall 2005

EPC 600 Statistics for Behav Sciences3 semester units

EPC 601Ind & Group Test/Assessment(1)3 semester units

EPC 601Ind & Group Test/Assessment(2)3 semester units

EPC 609Human Lifespan Development3 semester units

EPC 696 Directed Grad Studies 3 semester units

Spring 2005

EPC 600Statistics for Behav Sciences3 semester units

EPC 602Research Methods(1)3 semester units

EPC 602Research Methods(2)3 semester units

EPC 643Cross-Cultural/Racial Counseling 3 semester units

EPC 696 Directed Grad Studies/Theses3 semester units

Other courses taught in ten years at CSUN:

EPC 430Child Development

EPC 606Adult Development

4.Professional and Academic Associations

Harvard Native American Program, alumni member

Harvard Biracial Organization, former member

Harvard Alumni Organization, member

California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists, member

American Association for University Women, guest lecturer

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, member

5. Public Lecturing – Most recent:

2005 Connections/Children“Racism”

2004 Connections/Children“Caretaker Pride”

2003 CSUN“Life and Death”

2002 Harvard“Mortalist Understandings”

2002 Cal Poly Pomona“Mortal Understandings”

2001 Harvard “The Ultimate Discontinuity: Death”

2001 AAUW “Women’s Wisdom on Life & Death”

2001 UCLA“A Human on a Planet: Gender, Race,SES”

1998 UCLA “The Agony of Racism”

6. Publications

Mortalist Understandings of Our Own Mortality, Published Dissertation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard.

The Ultimate Discontinuity: Our Own Personal Mortality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

7.Papers/Lectures Presented

“Mortalist Understandings,” Harvard, 2002

“Mortal Understandings” at Cal Poly Pomona 2002

“The Ultimate Discontinuity: Death” at Harvard 2001

“Women’s Wisdom on Life and Death” at AAUW, 2001

“Being a Human on a Planet” at UCLA, 2001

“The Agony of Racism” at UCLA, 1998

“Death as Educator,” Harvard, 1998

“Death as Educator,” College of the Canyons, 1997

“Doctors, Meditation & Death” at USCMedicalSchool, 1992

“Human Freedom” at UCLA, 1974

“Human Freedom” at CSULB, 1974

“Human Freedom” at USC, 1974

“Women and War” at UCLA, 1973

“Death in War,” CSULB, 1973

“Human Sexuality” at CSULB, 1973

8. Research

Qualitative study of mortality & agnostics for Harvard--dissertation, 2001-2002.

Paraplegic & quadriplegic veterans: How they live, think and feel, 1996

Alternative Sexuality Communities: How different are they?, 1995

Osteoporosis hormone study at Long BeachMemorialHospital, 1973

Echinoderm peliculae hormone study at Cal-State Long Beach, 1974

9. Current Projects:

Writing prospectus to write a statistics text (for Sage)

Writing prospectus to do more agnostic research and write book (for Howard Gardner)

10. Awards/Scholarships

Harvard Dissertation Award - Harvard

Harvard Entering Award - Harvard

James Russell Simpson Merit Scholarship – CSUN

Doctoral Incentive/Forgivable Loan Award – CSUN

Judge Beck Award – CSUN

Belle Dubinoff Lecture Award – CSUN

Student of the Year Award - CSUN

Graduate Equity Fellowship – CSUN

University of Texas-Austin Merit Scholarship – UT Austin

Summa Cum Laude – all university graduations

President’s List – 14 semesters, undergrad at CSULB

Twelve Merit Scholarships/Awards –undergrad at CSULB


Dr. Dean Whitla, Professor, Harvard


Dr. Holly Kreider, Lecturer, Harvard


Dr. Blenda Wilson, Former President of CSUN

Dr. Carolyn Ellner, Former Dean of Ed School, CSUN


Dr. Rie Mitchell, Chair of Ed Psych & Counseling - CSUN
