7.01a Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the scope and practice of therapeutic recreation.
7.01bStudents graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the historical, philosophical, theoretical and scientific foundations of therapeutic recreation
Course Specific Learning Outcome / COPART
Learning Outcome / Evidence of Learning Opportunity
(7.01.01) / Performance Measure
(7.01.02) / Performance levels/metrics / Assessment Results
(7.01.03) / Evidence of Programmatic Decisions
(7.01.04) / This column for use of visitors only
Demonstrate knowledge of the dynamics of disability / 7.01a / RPTA 251: Inro to TR / Chapter readings
Survey of attitudes
Movie discussion
Disability Culture Day
Unit exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and each unit exam / Data not collected; data will be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content / ABSENT
Demonstrate knowledge of leisure-related concepts (recreation, play, leisure, free time) / 7.01a / RPTA 111: Intro to Leisure Serv
RPTA 451G: Princ of TR / Chapter readings
On-line discussion of relevance of recreation, leisure
Leisure education paper
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on discussion assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student discussions and tret books
Demonstrate knowledge of medical and related terminology / 7.01a / RPTA 251: Intro to TR
RPTA 453: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Movie review
Disability Culture Day
Professional visits
Selected quizzes
exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment, quiz and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student writing and relevance of course content
Demonstrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology / 7.01a / KIN 290: Anatomy & Physiology 1
KIN 291: Anatomy & Physiology II / Chapter readings
Laboratory experiences
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on laboratory assignments, quizzes and exams / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the quality of laboratory experiences and relevance to the therapeutic recreation course sequence
Demonstrate knowledge of abnormal psychology / 7.01a / PSY 424: Abnormal Psychology
RPTA 251: Intro to TR
RPTA 351: Assess & Eval in TR / Chapter readings
Attitude Check paper
Disability Culture Day
Professional visits
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on essays, critiques and quizzes and exams / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor experiential activities and relevance of course and text book content
Demonstrate knowledge of human development / 7.01a / FCS 121: Intro to Lifespan Develop / Chapter readings
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on quizzes and exams / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the relevance of course content to TR course sequence
Demonstrate knowledge of human services models of care / 7.01a / RPTA 251: Intro to TR
RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Critiques of professional visits
Unit exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the practicality and viability of offering courses on-line
Demonstrate knowledge of
models of TR practice / 7.01a / RPTA 451G: Prin of TR / On-line discussion and essays
Chapter readings
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the practicality and viability of offering course on-line
Demonstrate knowledge of
standards of practice for TR / 7.01a / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Services / ATRA website review
NCTRC website review
Chapter reading
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the practicality and viability of offering course on-line
Demonstrate knowledge of NCTRC standards and criteria / 7.01a / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Services
NCTRC Practice exam / nctrc.org web site
Discussion infused throughout TR courses
Student TR club / 80% of students will achieve higher than the national average on the certification exam / NCTRC reports indicate students score lower than average / Continue to monitor and use up-dated NCTRC standards
Demonstrate knowledge of legislative acts and external standards influencing TR program delivery / 7.01a / RPTA 454G: Man of TR services / Chapter readings
On-line discussion
Review jcaho.org & carf.org websites
Quizzes and exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on quizzes and exams / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the practicality of using web sites and on-line course delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical principles of TR / 7.01a / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Services / Chapter reading
ATRA website review
Ethics essay
Chapter 14 essay
Exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor the practicality and viability of offering course on-line
Demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of therapeutic recreation / 7.01b / RPTA 251: Intro to TR
RPTA 451G: Princ of TR / Chapter readings
IU-RT history videos
On-line discussion with written replies
Quizzes and exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor student experience in on-line discussion and relevance of the text book.
Demonstrate knowledge of the philosophies impacting TR / 7.01b / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR / Chapter reading
IU-RT videos
On-line discussion
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor student experience in on-line discussion and relevance of the text book.
Demonstrate knowledge of theories that guide TR practice / 7.01b / RPTA 451G:
Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process / Chapter reading
IU-RT videos
On-line discussion
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor student experience in on-line discussion and relevance of the text book.
Demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based TR practice as scientific background / 7.01b / RPTA 451: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Pract. / Chapter reading
Case study assignment
Research article annotations
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor class projects, on-line delivery and relevance ot text books
7.02 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.
7.02aStudents graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to create/select, conduct and evaluate individualized assessment strategies to assist in therapeutic recreation program design
7.02b Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to develop and implement individualized and group program planning in therapeutic recreation.
7.02c Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to facilitate therapeutic interventions and services for diverse client groups.
7.02d Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to evaluate individualized and intervention programs.
7.02e Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to document therapeutic recreation services.
Course Specific Learning Outcome / COPART
Learning Outcome / Evidence of Learning Opportunity
(7.02.01) / Performance Measure
(7.02.02) / Performance levels/metrics / Assessment Results
(7.02.03) / Evidence of Programmatic Decisions
Demonstrate knowledge of the assessment process in TR / 7.02a / RPTA 251: Intro to TR
RPTA 351: TR Assess & Eval
RPTA 451G: Princ. of TR / Chapter readings
Class lecture/discussion
Class presentation
Literature critique
Develop assessment
Agency visits
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content. Evaluate current text book
Demonstrate knowledge of assessment domains / 7.02a / RPTA 351: TR Assess & Eval / Develop assessment
Assessment critique
Chapter reading
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content. Evaluate current text book
Demonstrate knowledge of assessment analysis and goals setting / 7.02b / RPTA351: TR Assess & Eval
RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Agency visits
Case study report
Internet comprehensive program report
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content. Evaluate current text book and on-line delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of TR program design / 7.02b / RPTA 235: Program Princ in Leisure Services
RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Event description project
Inclusion plan
IU Videos - Individual care plans
Case study care plan
Internet comprehensive program report
Case study report
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content. Evaluate on-line delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of the development of individual and group protocols / 7.02b / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Processes / Chapter readings
Essay describing protocols
Individual care plan
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student on-line papers and relevance of course content. Evaluate on-line delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of activity analysis / 7.02b / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR / Chapter readings
Activity analysis essay
Exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student writing and expression
Demonstrate knowledge of facilitationtechniques / 7.02c / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Leisure education plan
In-class activities
Case study report
Agency visits
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content. Evaluate on-line delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of alternate leadership techniques / 7.02c / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Processes / Chapter reading
Case study
Individual care plan
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student writing and relevance of course content. Evaluate on-line delivery
Demonstrate knowledge of program evaluation / 7.02d / RPTA 451G: Princ of TR
RPTA 453: Clinical TR Process / Chapter readings
Lecture discussion
Case Study
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student experiential activities and relevance of course content and text book
Demonstrate knowledge of assessment summaries and documentation / 7.02e / RPTA 351: Assess & Eval in TR
RPTA 451: Princ of TR / Chapter readings
Case report
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of student writing and expression and relevance of text book
7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.
7.03a Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the scope and dimensions of managing/administering therapeutic recreation programs
7.03b Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about the concepts principles, and procedures of management/administration in therapeutic recreation.
Course Specific Learning Outcome / COPART
Learning Outcome / Evidence of Learning Opportunity
(7.03.01) / Performance Measure
(7.03.02) / Performance levels/metrics / Assessment Results
(7.03.03) / Evidence of ProgrammaticDecisions
(7.03.04) / This column for use of visitors only
Demonstrate knowledge of theories of managerial skills / 7.03a / RPTA 454G: Manage of TR Services / Review NCTRC Job Task Domains
Chapter reading
Job analysis paper
Practice theory paper
Exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning / ABSENT
Demonstrate knowledge of administrative structures / 7.03a / RPTA 453G: Clinical TR Process
RPTA 454G: Management of TR Serv
RPTA 499: Internship / Lecture/discussion of human service organizations
Chapter readings
Paper on organ structures
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of external standards of practice / 7.03a / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv / Review Joint Commission, CARF, NCTRC, ATRA standards
Chapter reading
Exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of revenue sources, budget preparation & reimbursement (financial administration) / 7.03a / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv
RPTA 235: ProgPrinc in Leisure Serv / Chapter reading
Agency report
Program report
Medicare & Medicaid
Quizzes and exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of marketing principles and practices / 7.03a / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv
RPTA 235: Prog. Princp in Leisure Services / Chapter reading
Press release
Quizzes & exams / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of managerial leadership skills / 7.03b / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv / Chapter reading
Managerial skills paper
Professional interview paper
Quiz and exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of volunteer management / 7.03b / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv / Chapter reading
Volunteer paper
Qui & exam / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
Demonstrate knowledge of comprehensive program evaluation / 7.03b / RPTA 454G: Manag of TR Serv / Chapter reading
TR comprehensive program report / 80% of students will achieve a "B" or better on each assignment and exam / Data not collected; to be collected Spring, 2015 / Continue to monitor quality of on-line delivery and student learning
7.04 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours and no fewer than 10 weeks, the potential to succeed as professionals at supervisory or higher levels in park, recreation, tourism, or related organizations.
7.04a Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate their readiness for entering the professional internship in therapeutic recreation by meeting specific program criteria.
7.04b Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate a sustained ability to apply the therapeutic recreation process, and use diverse and structured ways to solve problems related to professional practice that are needed to meet professional credentialing standards.
Course Specific Learning Outcome / COPART
Learning Outcome / Evidence of Learning Opportunity
(7.04.01) / Performance Measure
(7.04.02) / Performance levels/metrics
(7.04.03) / Assessment Results / Evidence of Programmatic Decisions
(7.04.04) / This column for use of visitors only
Maintain a 2.0 GPA in major and 2.5 if 300 miles from campus / 7.04a / Consultation with Academic Advisor and Internship Coordinator / Maintain a 2.0 GPA in major and 2.5 if 300 miles from campus / Maintain a 2.0 GPA in major and 2.5 if 300 miles from campus / Continuous monitoring by Academic advisor and Internship Coordinator / ABSENT
Successfully complete RPTA 199: Fieldwork Seminar / 7.04a / Required of all students in TR
Internship Handbook / Every student in TR must maintain minimum GPA in major and TR courses / 100% of students maintain minimum GPA in major and TR courses / Continuous monitoring seminar topics to ensure student understanding /
Successfully complete RPTA 398: Internship Seminar / 7.04a / RPTA 398: Internship Seminar / Prepare application, resume, cover letter
Interview process
Choosing professional organization
Write goals
Complete Student Checklist / 100% of students maintain minimum GPA in major and TR courses / Continuous monitoring seminar topics to ensure student understanding
Successfully complete 560 hour internship in clinical, residential or community-based setting / 7.04a / RPTA 499: Internship in Leisure Services / Weekly essays to include experience summary, organizational chart, mission statement, risk management practices, funding sources, budgeting, ethics, client demographics, organizational culture, personal reflection and evaluation / 100% of students maintain minimum GPA in major and TR courses / Continuous monitoring internship experiences through student intern presentations and evaluative feedback during each semester
Successfully apply the therapeutic recreation process, programming and facilitation techniques for diverse client groups / 7.04b / RPTA 499: Internship in Leisure Services / Weekly experiences in assessing, planning, structuring, facilitating and evaluating rehabilitation or educational programs
Eachlearning outcome isevaluatedseparately
Rating / DescriptionExceptional /
- Program evidences multiple opportunities for student achievement of the learning outcome, has multiple direct and indirect assessment measures, has collected data, and evidences use of the complete assessment process for continuous program improvement.
- Evidence of extensive and rigorous analysis of assessment measures.