Chapter 24: Discussion Questions
Each of you should prepare to answer your given discussion question from Chapter 24:
Question 1: Alexis Bell and J.B.
To what extent was industrialization responsible for the deplorable conditions of the cities in the early nineteenth century?
Question 2: Kyle Carpenter and Crystal Chong
Who was Edwin Chadwick? What role did he play in the public health movement?
Question 3: Jenna Conny and Tanya Degray
What was the miasmatic theory of disease? How did it retard progress?
Question 4: Riley Delchamps and Greg Eyler
What contributions did Pasteur, Koch, and Lister make to life in Europe?
Question 5: Jessica Favatella and Christine Ford
What were the reasons for the rebuilding of Paris? Who was responsible for this change?
Question 6: Kristin Fowler and Melody Franklin
Why was the electric streetcar so important in improving urban life?
Question 7: Libby Glasgow and Nile Gregorio and Melvin Jackson
Marx claimed that as a result of industrialization there was an increasing polarization of society into rich and poor. Do the facts warrant such a conclusion?
Question 8: Cyndi Harley and Katie Hicks and Brennan Kerr
Describe the differences and similarities between groups within the middle class. What separated and what united them?
Question 9: Angela Khong and Katie Kurdt and Charlene Maravilla
Describe the “labor aristocracy.” What were the interests of its members? How did they differ from the rest of the working class?
Question 10: Caitlyn L-M and Casie Morales
What were the interests, motives, and lifestyle of the working class? How were they changing by the late 19th century?
Question 11: Laura Naw… and Ben Pecson
Why was there a decline in illegitimacy after 1850?
Question 12: Steven Probst and Chris Rippeon
Why did Middle class Men marry late? What effect did this have on their sexual behavior?
Question 13: Brad Scott (He can handle this one all by his lonesome)
What changes occurred in child care and the attitudes toward children in the 19th century? What was the 19th century view of masturbation?
Question 14: Sophie Riscigno and Cody Semler
How common was prostitution in the 19th century?
Question 15: Matt Smithhisler and Carly Stull
What was the social and economic position of women in the 19th century? Were they better off than in the preindustrial society?
Question 16: Courtney Ward and Jessica Wills and Taryn Zeigler
Overall, did family life improve in the 19th century? Explain.