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NIT No PCD-(R&B) 39 of 2014-15

Dated: -26/03/2015

Tender Notice

For and on behalf of the Governor of J&K State, The Executive Engineer R&B Project Circle Division 1st invites tenders affixed with Rs.5/-Revenue stamp from the approved contractors of PWD for the below mentioned work.

S. No / Name of Work / Adv. Cost / Earnest Money / Class of contract / Cost of Tender Document / Time for Completion / M.H of Accounts
1. / Mulba clearance from Kerb drains/Medians/ Central Verg/footpaths from Km Ist to Km 5th of NH Bypass Srinagar / Rs.1.07 lacs / Rs.2200/- / DEE / Rs.200/- / 07 Days / 3054
2. / Mulba clearance from Kerb drains/Medians/ Central Verg/footpaths from Km 6th to Km 11th of NH Bypass Srinagar / Rs.1.79 Lacs / Rs.1800/- / SHG / Rs.200/- / 10 Days / 3054
3. / Mulba clearance from Kerb drains/Medians/ Central Verg/footpaths from Km 12th to Km 17.80th of NH Bypass Srinagar / Rs.1.46 Lacs / Rs.3000/- / DEE / Rs.200/- / 07 Days / 3054

Terms and Conditions

 The tender documents can be purchased from the office of the undersigned upto _07-04-2015 upto 2.00 PM against cash payment as detailed above.

 The tenders should be addressed to the Executive Engineer R&B Project Circle Division 1st, Hyderpora and shall reach on or before 09-04-2015 upto 2.00 PM or upto 2.00 PM of the next working day in case the date of receipt of the tenders happens to be gazetted holiday or so.

 The earnest money in the shape of CDR should be pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Project Circle Division 1st Hyderpora.

 These tenders will be opened by the opening authority or by such officer as may be authorized on his behalf on the same day or any other convenient day in presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives as may be present.

 The contractors shall not in any way quote more than one rate per item of work. In case the tenderer splits the qty of any item of work and quotes more than one rate per item for the same item, his tender will not be accepted.

 The contractor should cover the rate column by transparent tape.

 50% of the normal deposits (deducted at 10% from running bills) to be released after virtual completion of the work and balance 50% after completion of DLP.

 Additional perform ace security required as per NIT conditions shall be released after virtual completion of the work.

 Earnest money in the shape of CDR/FDR/BG shall be released after DLP is over successfully.

 The contractor shall have to produce Registration card/Tin No. & FORM 64 of sales Tax Department (Sales Tax Clearance Certificate) before the department prior to the issuance of tender documents.

1% labour cess shall be deducted at the time of payment.

 The Service tax will be deducted from the gross amount as per the rates in vogue at the time of payment.

The Departmental material shall be supplied to the contractor from Divisional Store as per the rates in Vogue for the year 2015-16. However the stock rate for cement is @Rs. 425/ Bag, steel @ Rs. 52/KG and Asphalt @ Rs.66000/MT

 The successful bidder shall have to deposit an additional performance security in the shape of CDR/FDR/Bank Guarantee before award of contract, in case bid of the successful bidder is found to be unbalanced and the following scale shall apply thereto.

S.No. / % age of unbalanced bid viz. advertised cost. / Additional performance security to be deposited.
1. / Upto and including 15% below / Nil
2. / Greater than 15% and including 20% below / 3.0%
3. / Greater than 20% and including 25% below / 3.5%
4. / Greater than 25% and including 30% below / 4.0%
5. / Greater than 30% below / 5.0%

 The tender opening authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders or any part of any tender without assigning any reason thereof.

 All Other terms and conditions shall be governed by the General NIT for the year 2014-15 which can be had from the Divisional Office.

No: PCD-1st/NIT/5156-70

Dtd: 26/03/2015.


Executive Engineer

R&B Project Circle Division 1st,


Copy to:

  1. Chief Engineer PWD R&B Kashmir for favour of information.
  2. Superintending Engineer R&B Circle Srinagar / Budgam for favour of information.
  3. Assistant Executive Engineer National Highway Bypass Sub-Division Ist/IInd/IIIrd for information.
  4. Dy. Director information Department Srinagar for publication NIT in three leading New papers of the Valley.
  5. Head Assistant/ Camp Clerk for information.
  6. Head Draftsman / Assistant Accounts Officer of Divisional office for information.
  7. President SHG of Engineers ______for information.
  8. Contractors Association______for information.