Algebra 2
Instructor: Ms. Courtney York
E-mail (best way and preferred contact):
Office Hours: Room 4, during lunch, after school, or by appointment
Voicemail: (650) 595-1913 ext. 368
Instructors: Mrs. Jansie Farris and Ms. Adams
Office – Room 223
Algebra II is designed for a second year course in algebra. The course presents a variety of topics including linear and quadratic equations, , radical, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. lines, conic sections, linear systems and matrices and topics in trigonometry. The properties of numbers, graphs, expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions are ideas that run throughout the course. Geometry is integrated within the course to take advantage of the mathematics students have previously studied. The course will emphasize problem solving, reading, speaking, and writing about mathematics and real world applications. Students will be expected to use the graphing calculator (TI-83Plus or 8484) to further enhance the study of algebraic concepts.
Bellman, Bragg, Charles, Handlin, Kennedy. Algebra 2. Needham, Massachusetts: Prentice Hall, 2004.
When a student finishes PrecalculusAlgebra 2 she will be able to:
- Demonstrate qualities of self-directed learner.
- Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively within group problem solving situations.
- Communicate mathematical explanations and problem solutions both orally and in well-written sentences.
- Manipulate and simplify rational expressions and those containing exponents.
- Extend the real number system to the complex numbers and perform operations with them.
- Demonstrate the understanding of the concept of a function, identify its attributes and determine the results of operations performed on functions.
- Find function inverses, compositions, and transformations.
- Classify and identify attributes of polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
- Represent and analyze these functions using tables, verbal rules, equations, and graphs.
- Analyze and explain the connections between algebraic and graphical representations of the functions.
- Write and solve systems of equations and inequalities.
- Use a graphing calculator to graph, analyze, verify and perform computations of functions.
- Model a description of a physical situation with a function written in the language of mathematics.
- Select and use appropriate concepts and techniques from different areas of mathematics to make decisions about how to approach problems and find solutions.
- Determine the reasonableness of solutions to the context of a problem.
1.Demonstrate qualities of a self-directed learner.
2.Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively within group problem solving situations.
3.Communicate mathematical explanations and problem solutions both orally and in well-written sentences.
4.Analyze functions and their graphs.
5.Find function inverses, compositions, and transformations.
6.Classify and identify attributes of basic families of functions.
7.Model a written description of a physical situation with a function written in the language of mathematics.
8.Solve polynomial functions and interpret the results.
9.Given a set of data, find equations of best fit, make predictions, and analyze results.
10.Use trigonometric definitions, laws, and identities to solve geometric and vector problems.
11.Investigate the periodic behavior, identify characteristics of, and graph trigonometric functions.
12.Construct probability models.
13.Develop and use general formulas for permutations and combinations.
14.Apply the properties of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series to solve problems.
15.Select and use appropriate concepts and techniques from different areas of mathematics to make decisions about how to approach problems and find solutions.
16.Analyze and explain the connections between algebraic and geometric representations of mathematical objects.
17.Use a graphing calculator to graph, analyze, and compute.
18.Determine the reasonableness of solutions to the context of a problem.
All students will:
- Be responsible for their own learning.
- Come prepared on a daily basis with homework and supplies.
- Make up work when absent in a timely manner.
- Seek help when needed. (Make an appointment with the teacher for help before/after school or during student/teacher collaboration)
- Abide by Notre Dame High School’s Declaration of Integrity.
- Help to create an environment conducive to learning.
- Respect self, others, teacher and classroom.
- Actively participate in the mathematical task at hand.
- Abide by all school rules in the classroom.
All students will be responsible for their own learning.
All students will come prepared on a daily basis with homework and supplies.
Make up work when absent in a timely manner.
Seek help when needed. (Make an appointment with the teacher for help before or after school, or during your lunch period.)
Abide by Notre Dame High School’s Declaration of Integrity.
All students will help to create an environment conducive to learning.
All students will respect self, others, teacher and classroom.
All students will actively participate in the mathematical task at hand.
All school rules apply in the classroom.
- TI-83 , TI-83+ or TI 84 CALCULATOR
Until the end of the semester, all grades are grade in progress and reflect the student’s work to that date.
Progress reports will reflect the total number of points earned to date in the following breakdown:
- Tests and Quizzes50% of grade
- Homework/ParticipationBinders20% of grade
- Group Work/Projects 10% of grade
- Final Exam 20% of grade
All students need to have a separate math binder that is brought to class daily. All work for the semester must be saved in order to prepare for finals at the end of the semester. To organize math work binders each student should have the following dividers and keep all work in order.: Binders will be checked at the end of each chapter.
- General course information (ex: this paper)
- Organize by chapters and then by sections in sequence covered. (ex: Within Chapter 1 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) General course information (e.g. - this paper)
- HomeworkHomework
- Notes (If absent, see notes on my webpage)
- Group Work/Projects
- Tests and Quizzes
oAll Chapter tests will contain at least 1 problem from previous chapters,
- There are no retests
- If a student earns 64% or below on a chapter test, she may do test corrections to earn up to 65% for that test. Test corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper, in pencil, and include the following:
- Write in complete sentences what your original thinking was behind your original answer.
- Write what the correct solution should be. Show all work.
- You must do this for every problem you got incorrect.
- Extra credit is not available for test corrections.
- When you turn in your test corrections for a possible 65% grade, you must staple your test corrections on top of your original test.
If Absent, it is the student’s responsibility to:
- To set a time with your teacher onmethethe day you return to school to make up test;
- To make up test either before or after school.
- Reminder – the handbook states that “ no test can be made up if the student has been absent for two perevious trests in the specific class in the current semester.,”
There will be an opportunity to do a retest when the following conditions are met:
All homework for Chapter is completed;
All problems missed on original test must be redone. All corrected problems must be stapled to the original test. If all problems have not been corrected, the retest will not be graded
The grade on the retest will replace the original grade rather it is better or worse.
All remake tests will be multiple choice.
- Homework will be collected daily. Assignments should be done on loose leaf 8 1/2 by 11 binder paper. Your heading should be on the left margin of your binder paper using the MLA format:
Julie Billiart
Algebra II, 1
23 August 2008
Section 1.1
- Do all work in PENCIL. Work is to be NEAT AND LEGIBLE. All graphs are to be done on graph paper. Problems with answers only are unacceptable--work must be shown where appropriate. Multiple pages must be STAPLED. It is fine to write on both sides of page.
- If you do your homework with other people for any amount of help, please have each person’s names listed on the top of the first sheet of your homework.
- Check answers for problems in the back of the book or webpage prior to class. Student presentations, teacher presentation, and group work will be done to clear up any problems.
- Students should correct all problems that were missed on the homework paper. To correct a problem means to redo it if completely wrong or left out, or to point out a mistake and make a comment about what went wrong. Do these corrections in PEN. Don’t just erase and redo them in pencil.
- Homework receives full credit (2 points) if all problems attempted before coming to class, all work shown, corrections done, and complete. Homework receives half credit if it is late or incomplete. No credit is given for answers only or assignments not turned in (“NTI” = 0 points) before the Chapter Test.
- No homework for the current chapter will be accepted after taking the Chapter Test.
Homework will be collected daily;
Assignments should be done on 8 1/2 by 11 paper. Head each assignment as follows:
Mary Smith Precal
August 23, 2004 Sec 1.2 # 1- 10 odd
Do all work in PENCIL. Work is to be NEAT AND LEGIBLE. All graphs are to be done on graph paper. Problems with answers only are unacceptable--work must be shown. Multiple pages must be STAPLED. It is fine to write on both sides of page.
Check odd problems in the back of the book prior to class. Student presentations, teacher presentation, and group work will be done to clear up any problems.
Students should correct all problems that were missed on the homework paper. To correct a problem means to redo it if completely wrong or left out, or to point out a mistake and make a comment about what went wrong. Do these corrections in PEN.. Don’t just erase and redo them in pencil.
6.Homework receives full credit (2 points) if it is on time, work shown, corrections shown, and complete. Homework receives half credit if it is late. No credit is given for answers only or assignments not turned in before the Chapter Test
7.Each student should grade their own homework on effort and achievement based on student self evaluation handout. You will be given a sheet to record your grades.
- When second bell rings all students are to be in their desks, binders open, and homework out on top of desk.
- Students will be marked late to class if they need to get materials.
- Groups are to work together to clear up homework problems or solve a warm-up problem on whiteboards. Teacher will be circulating and answering quick questions. A fellow student or teacher will clear up general problems on the board.
- Work will be collected with class folders.
- During new presentation, all students are to take notes. Notes will be kept in order in your binders.
- There will be opportunities for groups to work together on group problems. These problems will either be answered in your notes or on a separate sheet of paper that will be collected. It is imperative that all names from the group appear on the sheet when turned in for credit.
- Students are expected to be engaged in mathematics for the entire period.When second bell rings all students are to be in their desks, binders open, textbook open, homework out on top of desk, backpacks under desk.
2.Groups are to begin homework corrections while I take roll.
3.Groups are to work together to clear up homework problems. I will be circulating and answering quick questions. A fellow student or myself will clear up general problems on the overhead.
4.During new presentation, all students are to take notes. Notes will be kept in order in your binders.
5.Frequently there will be opportunities for groups to work together on group problems. These problems will either be answered in your notes or on a separate sheet of paper that will be collected. It is imperative that all names from the group appear on the sheet when turned in for credit.
6.Students are expected to be engaged in mathematics for the entire period.
Before school until 8:05 (If I don’t have a meeting)
Second half of Fifth Period Lunch
After school. ( If I don’t have a meeting )______
(After reading the syllabus, please sign below and turn in to Ms. York. Thank you.)
I have read and understood the information on my Algebra II syllabus.
Student’s name (please print)Class periodStudent’s signature
Parent’s signatureDate
Parent’s signatureDate
Dear parents and students,
Time to get your contact information. I need to be able to communicate with either the student or parent/guardian directly. Please fill out the information below to help keep a clear line of communication. Please print.
Thank you,
Ms. York
Student’s email address / Student’s cell phone number / Home phone numberMother’s/Guardian’s Name / Mother’s/Guardian’s email address / Mother’s/Guardian’s cell phone number
Father’s/Guardian’s Name / Father’s/Guardian’s email address / Father’s/Guardian’s cell phone number
I have read and understood the information above.
**This paper signed and table filled out is due Monday, Aug 22 (B-day) OR Tuesday, Aug 23 (G-day)
I have read and understood the information above.
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