Feature / ConsiderationsInstructor & TA Information
(for each Faculty and TA) /
- Names
- E-mail addresses
- Work telephone numbers and other numbers as appropriate (e.g., cell phone, fax, and division numbers).
- Office locations
- Office hours. A combination of face-to-face office hours and virtual office hours. Virtual office hours can be held by telephone, in the Chat room, or by e-mail. Include the best times/best ways for your distance-learning students to reach you.
Course Description /
- Course number and title
- Semester
- Credit hours
- Format:___ITV___Online___Face-to-face___Hybrid
- Take this from the Course Catalog. (If special topic or independent study, provide new description.
- Add any additional information required by division or that will further explain the purpose of the course (e.g. where it fits in a course sequence or degree plan)
and Materials /
- Include textbook information and other materials.
- Tell students how and where to purchase/access materials. Include building location, telephone numbers, and hours.
Course Expectations /
- Describe your expectations in terms of student performance in order to achieve course learning objectives.
Course Learning Objectives /
- Use broad statements describing what you want the students to achieve.
List of Topics /
- List the major topics and sub-topics for the course.
Learning Activities /
- Types of activities/assignments that student will be completing during semester.
- For online courses, indicate how the instructor will participate in the activities, especially discussion or chat. Also, indicate how instructor will provide feedback to students.
Student Assessment
And Grading Criteria /
- Break down grading components.
- Include a list of quizzes, assignments, class participation, papers, and presentations with grade percentage or points.
- Include criteria for passing grade.
- Late/Makeup Work policies should indicate how you will deal with missed or late work and how the student can makeup that work.
Technical Requirements /
- Include information on prior course requirements.
- Include information on technology requirements for the course including software, hardware and plug-in (Adobe Acrobat, QuickTime, etc.) necessities.
- Be specific about minimum hardware requirements and about versions of applications and plug-ins required
- A self-assessment checklist can be helpful for students to determine their own skill level with technology and/or readiness for distance learning.
- Include information about on-campus lab locations and hours of availability and/or information for accessing virtual labs.
- Include technical support information.
- Provide information or links to information on how to utilize any technology for a particular week, such as how to use the chat room, etc.
and Procedures /
- Include relevant policies and procedures in Syllabus. Course policies that you may want to consider are those of attendance, chat and discussion board rules, and academic dishonesty.
- Withdrawal Information:
- Dates
- Procedure for in person and by mail
- Incomplete Grades:
- Procedure for requesting an incomplete and requirements and timeline for finishing work.
- Attendance and Participation policies -- frequency, quality, and quantity of student participation. (For example in an online course, the minimum postings per topic/unit/week/module and the standard for quality)
- Academic Dishonesty policies could include:
- Information from the Catalog
- Information tailored to your particular class
- Include E-mail Procedures and online etiquette guidelines.
Course Calendar
- List class activities and due dates.
- Create a separate document for the course calendar, which will allow students to print it.
For help with learning objectives, see
Revised February, 2011