Welcome to all of our returning and NEW Maple Grove“Rock Stars”. I am very pleased that you have taken time to learn about the things your child will be doing in room 15 this school year. I feel that parent-teacher-student communication is especially important in order for your child to have the very best second grade school year possible. Please feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail at any time.
E-mail address: . Phone: 881-0561 Ext. 8015.
Daily Schedule:
Our school day begins at 8:45 with the final bell ringing at 9:00. We begin our day with opening procedures and independent work in our Morning Work booklet. This booklet covers basic language and math skills.
Our Literacy block is spent exposing the students to a wide variety of literature, building comprehension and vocabulary, and further developing reading skills and strategies. During this block of time students will be working on guided reading, individual reading conferences and assessments, self-selected reading, and literacy stations.
In the afternoon, we have our specials classes of Music, Art, Physical Education, Library and Computer Lab. Each student will have one of these specials daily, to be rotated every five days. All of the second grade students are placed on colored teams, and they will go with their team to their designated specials class for that day. This is an excellent way for all of the second graders to get to know each other better.
Our Math block will be spent using various math manipulatives to enhance the learning and usage of second grade math skills. We will begin the year by working on addition and subtraction facts to 18. It is extremely important that each student learn these facts early in the school year. I strongly urge each family to invest in addition and subtraction flash cards and practice these with your child daily. We will be taking timed tests throughout the year, and later in the year the scores on these tests will be a part of the students’ math grade. Knowing these facts makes for a smooth transition into two and three digit addition and subtraction and gives students the needed foundation for learning their multiplication facts in third grade.
During our Writing Workshop block, the students work on different styles of writing while incorporating spelling, correct punctuation and grammar usage. We will also spend a few minutes during this block on handwriting skills.
Lastly, our day ends with a reflection time in which we discuss and share our favorite parts of the day and new skills and ideas learned. The students record personal thoughts and behavior in their Learning Log to be shared with family members each evening. As you can see, we have a very busy schedule.
Weekly Homework:
Monday: Complete the Night Writes writing prompt. Work on Words Their Way spelling sorts. Practice addition/subtraction flashcards. Read for our “I Love to Read” program. Finish any additional work not completed in class.
Tuesday: Complete the Math workbook pages. Work on Words Their Way spelling sorts. Practice addition/subtraction flashcards. Read for our “I Love to Read” program. Finish any additional work not completed in class.
Wednesday: Orally read this week’s vocabulary words and story to an adult. Have them sign the half sheet and return tomorrow. Work on Words Their Way spelling sorts. The Words Their Way spelling test will be given every other Wednesday. Practice addition/subtraction flashcards. Read for our “I Love to Read” program. Finish any additional work not completed in class.
Thursday: Work on Words Their Way spelling sorts. Practice addition/subtraction flashcards.Read for our “I Love to Read” program. Finish any additional work not completed in class.
Birthday Celebrations:
Each child will receive special recognition on his/her birthday but will not be allowed to bring in any food items to share with the class.
We have one 20 minute recess daily. Second graders use school equipment for recess,so students should not bring toys from home for recess. For your child’s safety, gym shoes or shoes with ankle straps aretobe worn during recess. Shoes for recess and physical education may be stored in the classroom.
Computerized Lunch Program:
Each student is issued a permanent plastic card with his/her individual account number identified by a bar code. To ensure proper credit, you may deposit money into your child’s account online or your child may bring the lunch money in an envelope with his/her full name, account number, room number, and amount enclosed. Please send lunch money in a sealed envelope, as this helps avoidmoney being lost. The school encourages you to send in lunch money on the first day of the week; however money may be deposited on any day, monthly, or even for the entire semester. I turn in all lunch moneyreceived to the cafeteria daily. Students may not use cash at the register. All money must be deposited through the account system.
One way I will keep in touch with you throughout the school year is by way of your child’s Green “Take-Home Folder”. Your child should bring home this folder daily. It includes his/her Learning Log (in which homework assignments are listed, what he/she has learned that day, and behavior for the day). In addition to the Learning Log, graded work,general information, and notes will be included. When your child brings home the folder, please review the information with your child. There is a place on the Learning Log form for you to initial daily. Please do so, as this lets me know you have received the information.
Our school office requires written permission concerning medication that your child needs to take. It is necessary that you send a written note to me if your child is temporarily unable to participate in P.E. or recess due to health reasons. Please specify the length of time that you child should not participate in these activities. If your child will be absent from school pleasecall the absentee voice mailrather than me. Let them know if you would like to pick up your child’s missed work, and they will relay the information to me. If your child will not be taking his /her usual transportation home or if you plan to pick your child up from school early please notify the office, and they in turn will inform me.
Grading Procedures:
Students’ grades are based on daily work, homework (including outside projects) and quizzes/tests. I expect my students to put their best effort in all of the work they do. It is my desire that all students become successful “Maple Grove Stars”. Realizing that students have different strengths and weaknesses, I strongly believe my job is to further develop these strengths and help strengthen weaknesses. I feel this can best be accomplished through daily observation, encouragement, and viewing each student as an individual. Once strengths and weaknesses are identified, I will work to individualize student work, as much as possible, to meet individual needs. This can be accomplished successfully when we, as teacher, parent, and student work together.
I will make every effort to keep you informed as to your child’s progress. Your child will receive a report card every 9 weeks. You can always access your child’s grades through Skyward. If there is something that needs immediate attention concerning your child’s academic progress, I will notify you by phone or e-mail. If you feel there is a need to have a conference, or you desire that your child have further academic testing, please feel free to request this. We have several qualified staff members that can assist in this area.
Classroom Management & Discipline Procedures:
We follow the Maple Grove S.T.A.R.S.classroom rules as follows:
S-Safe choices
T-Take responsibility
A-Positive Attitude
R-Show Respect
S-Solve problems peacefully
If a student should break a rule he/she will receive a warning. If a student breaks a rule again on the same day he/she will have to go to study hall for five minutes during recess. I do not like taking away recess time, but I do expect improved behavior after the first offense. If a child reaches a third offense on the same day, I will be contacting a parent to discuss the behavior.
If your child does not come prepared with homework on the day it is due he/she will spend time during recess completing the assignment. I do not give a lot of homework, so I expect homework to be completed on time. If there is a problem with a particular homework assignment, please feel free to contact me, and we can discuss the situation. Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to a superb “Super Star” year for each student!
Sandy Bailey