Dynasty: a Group, Family Or Individual That Achieves Greatness Or Stays in Power for A

Dynasty: a Group, Family Or Individual That Achieves Greatness Or Stays in Power for A


5/2 Notes

Dynasty: A group, family or individual that achieves greatness or stays in power for a long period of time.

Important dynasties:

  1. Shang Dynasty was the first dynasty
  2. Quin Dynasty: great wall, Quin was the first emperor
  3. Manchu Dynasty: people of Manchuria were in power, not the people of China; fell in 1911


Dynastic Cycle: A new ruler unites China, founds a new dynasty, and gains the Mandate of Heaven. China, under the new dynasty, achieves prosperity. The population increases. Corruption becomes rampant in the imperial court, and the empire begins to enter decline and instability.

Mandate of Heaven: The god given right to rules; it runs the Dynastic Cycle. Good rulers would be allowed to rule with the Mandate of heaven, and despotic, unjust rulers would have the Mandate revoked.

The Three Schools of Thought:





Last Dynasty: Qing/Manchu Dynasty 1644 to 1911

Pre 1800s China is isolated & self-sufficient

They have: tea, silk and spices

China trades tea for gold and silver trade imbalance; Brits do not want to keep trading, so they come with a new trade (textile industry is booming)

British get Tea yet Import Opium Started the Opium Wars

Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860)

Who Wins? Why? 1. British Empire2. Better Military3. China addicted

Treaty of Nanking: Reparations

  • Hong Kong to Britain
  • Spheres of Influence (economic and social control; not political)
  • Extraterritoriality: Your laws apply to you


Whose fault was the Opium Wars? The Emperor (he is supposed to protect them)


Mao Zedong-P.R.C. *starts the second Revolution

A. Chiang Kai Shek goes to Taiwan

B. Pres. of the Republic of China 1949-1975

C. Great Leap Forward- 5 year plan:

  1. Break up China into Communes
  2. Build up agriculture
  3. Money from agriculture put into heavy industry “Take steel as the key link, leap forward in all fields”industrialize
  • Failed!!
  1. drought
  2. human nature
  3. More than 20 million died due to starvation


Only come back and start the cultural revolution (1966-1969) ISH