DWR Climate News Digest – August 14–Sept 17, 2010
The information provided herein is a selected compilation of recent popular news articles, published reports, legislation, DWR project updates, and other items of interest related to climate change. This document is intended for distribution to DWR staff members only. The information provided is not intended to state or imply any formal position of DWR. The articles listed below under “Climate News (intended for the DWR public webpage)” are accessible to members of the public at:
Climate News (will be postedon the DWRpublic webpage)
Will the Pakistan floods strike again?: - August 13, 2010]
Massive coral die-off seen in 93-degree waters: - August 17, 2010]
Drought drives decade-long decline in plant growth: - August 19, 2010]
Powering Australia with waves: 18, 2010]
Floods force thousands from homes in Pakistan: York Times - August 22, 2010]
NASA/NOAA study finds El Ninos are growing stronger: - August 25, 2010]
Water suppliers brainstorm in Denver about climate change: Post - September 1, 2010]
In a changing climate, erratic rainfall poses growing threat to rural poor, new repot says: - September 6, 2010]
Irrigation’s cooling effects may mask warming in some regions- for now: - September 8, 2010]
Main climate threat from carbon dioxide sources yet to be built: - September 10, 2010]
2010 was fourth warmest U.S. summer on record: - September 14, 2010]
Hydroelectric power reservoirs cleaner than previously feared, new research shows: - September 15, 2010]
Arctic sea ice reaches lowest 2010 extent, third lowest in satellite record: - September 16, 2010]
Avoiding dangerous climate change: an international perspective: - September 16, 2010]
Other Climate News (will NOT be posted on the DWR webpage)
Climate change affects geographical range of plants, study finds: [ScienceDaily - August 16, 2010]
Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance: 23, 2010]
Dry water could make a big splash commercially, help fight global warming: [ScienceDaily - August 26, 2010]
Dramatic climate change is unpredictable: - August 30, 2010]
Giant Greenland iceberg – largest in the Northern hemisphere – enters Nares Strait: [ScienceDaily - September 3, 2010]
Global warming’s silver lining? Northern countries will thrive and grow, researcher predicts: - September 5, 2010]
Tracking climate change in Africa via termite mounds: Today - September 7, 2010]
Analysis: Climate change may add to disaster death tolls: - September 8, 2010]
Unusual feed supplement could ease gassy cows, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions: - September 8. 2010]
Climate change: are the polar ice caps melting slower than we thought?: [Ecocentric (Time) – September 9, 2010]
Can termites predict climate change?: [Time Newsfeed – September 9, 200]
Carbon emissions not at doomsday level…Yet: [Reuters - September 9, 2010]
New report seeks to improve climate forecasts: [ScienceDaily - September 10, 2010]
Pole-to-pole climate research: adaptation lessons from tiny springtails: [ScienceDaily - September 13, 2010]
Dry lake bed salts promote cloud formation: [ScienceDaily - September 13, 2010]
Satellites search for 770m tons of dust in the air: [ScienceDaily - September 13, 2010]
InterAcademy Council Report Recommends Fundamental Reform of IPCC Management Structure: 30, 2010]
Feds seek to toss states’ anti-warming lawsuit: Gate – August 27, 2010]
Other Items of Interest
Sustainable Water Resources Management, Volume 3: Case Studies on New Water Paradigm: [Electric Power Research Institute – January 2010]
New model provides more effective basis for biodiversity conservation: [ScienceDaily - September 12, 2010]
Joule patents fuel made from water, sunlight, CO2: – September 14, 2010]
Climate 1-Stop: [“The Climate 1-Stop provides a single location to access proven climate change tools, resources and information. With a primary focus on adaptation, with clear linkages to mitigation and finance, the Climate 1-Stop facilitates those working with the world's most vulnerable to achieve robust decision making.”]
CLOG (Climate Change Blog)
Michael Zmolek, PhD on “The Floods in Pakistan: A Glimpse into Our Common Future?”: [Conducive Chronicle – September 7, 2010]
*************************************************************************************The Climate News Digest is an internal DWR staff publication. It can be viewed and downloaded from the DWR internal climate change website Questions or comments should be directed to Michelle Selmon, Staff ES/Climate Change Specialist at .