Dwight City Council Minutes
October 17, 2011
The Dwight City Council met in regular session at 7:00 PM on October 17, 2011. Mayor Galen Johnson presided and opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present were Pam Goss, Eugene Anders, Kenny Kaluhiokalani, Eddie Vineyard and Melissa Ellis.
Visitors present: Velora Goss, Angela Moore, Richard Stahl, Bob Goss, Jack York, Ken Morgan, Butch Roberts and Kim Bomberger. City employees present were Ronnie Gallaway, Donald Glessner, Mina Miller and Lisa Lee. Diane Euler discussed the community Halloween party to be held October 30th at the Methodist Church due to the unavailability of the Community Building. Councilman Anders moved to donate $50 to Christy Claypool for the Halloween party. Councilwoman Ellis seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Maintenance Manager Report: Donald Glessner provided a written report. He had been clearing a drainage ditch, cutting brush, and maintaining the sewer. KDHE Sewer inspection results showed no areas of concern.
Water Manager Report: Ronnie Gallaway reported he had read meters with few problems from the probe. He had ordered repair kits and was exercising valves. Old chlorine cylinders were being picked up. He had attended a class in McPherson.
Dog Catcher Report: Councilwoman Ellis reported on Deverie Ward’s behalf. If an animal is acting sick, a member of City Council needs to be contacted to dispose of it.
City Treasurer Report: Mina Miller presented the quarterly financial report.
City Clerk Report: Lisa Lee reported that letters had been received from KDHE indicating the burn pile and wastewater facilities had passed inspections. Beginning October 22, mail delivery to post office boxes will be late morning. She is working on filing quarterly reports and tax returns. The order for new garage doors for the maintenance shop had to be changed slightly. She reviewed the financial reports.
Minutes: Councilman Anders moved to approve the minutes of the September 19th regular meeting as presented. Councilman Vineyard seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Anders moved to approve the minutes of the October 3rd special meeting. Councilman Kaluhiokalani seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Review and approval of bills: Councilman Vineyard moved to pay bills as presented with Diamond L, Oleen Law and the mold test bill to be paid out of special water project funds. Councilman Anders seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Correspondence: None
Old Business: Lisa reported repairs to the library door had been completed. Councilman Anders moved to approve and republish Ordinance No. 200D as written with the addition of a fine amount. Councilman Vineyard seconded. Motion passed 5-0. Metal is in for the maintenance shop roof. Lisa is to arrange for community members to install. No city-wide cleanup will be held this fall. Kim Bomberger reported on the last housing group meeting. Several ideas were shared with the Council including a Tear Down & Put Back program for blighted housing. Remco Builders had performed a mold test on the City Office. A significant mold problem posing health risks exists in the building. Council discussed options of repairing or replacing the building. Final cost estimates for repairing or replacing the building are to be gathered so that a decision can be made at the November meeting.
New Business: Councilwoman Goss moved to become a member of Kansas One Call as a Tier 1 member with a 5-year plan. Councilman Kaluhiokalani seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Open Forum: Velora Goss reported that the American Legion Auxillary is cleaning out the Legion building and has a 2-door cabinet and folding chairs to donate. The Community Building is in need of guttering. An overabundance of cats was discussed. A notice needs to be posted with a phone number for those interested in housing. Councilwoman Goss moved to revoke the administrative collections fee as previously voted upon. Councilman Vineyard seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Adjournment: Councilman Vineyard moved to adjourn, Councilman Ellis seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.