Digital Video Subcommittee
Working Group 5
Schema Management Process and Authority
For SCTE 224
Event Scheduling and Notification Interface (ESNI)
Action and Audience Schemas
Schema Management Process and Authority
The Digital Video Subcommittee has established a formal schema management process for creating, updating, administering, and publishing (hosting) definitions and values of attributes of non-normative schemas developed by Working Groups within DVS.
Working Group 5 (WG5) utilizes this process and authority to manage attributes and values necessary and relevant totwo non-normative schemas of SCTE 224, Event Scheduling and Notification Interface (ESNI): Action and Audience. Given the highly dynamic and evolving nature of new attributes,this process authority allows for the capture, coordination, and maintenanceof such properties outside a formal balloting process but within formal SCTE guidelines and oversight.
As the entity responsible for the creation of SCTE 224 (ESNI) and it related schemas, WG5 is responsible for managing the process and controlling the approval of the artifacts resulting from this process. WG5 is confined to evaluation and consideration of additions, deletions, or updates to “audience” and “action” declaratives as submitted through the formal process outlined herein,following a clear set of objective evaluation criteria to evaluate and approve through consensus of a formal submissions.
2.1Submission Guidelines:
Submissions shall use the referenced submission form and submit the entry electronically via email at . The submission will be accepted or rejected within 15 days of submission and if accepted posted within 15 days of the date of acceptance.
Evaluation Criteria:
2.1.1Within Scope:
For “audience”, a declarative value is in scope if the value is a property that could encompass and describe a subset of the total known universe of potential users of a content distribution platform (i.e. accept “Users of Platform X”, ask for clarification if“Martians”).
For “action”, a declarative value is in scope if the aim of the action is relevant and reasonably possible on the content distribution platform and is confined to realm of possibilities of such platforms (i.e. accept “Display User Options”, ask for clarification if “Fly to Mars”). An action is in scope even if not immediately or obviously possible though one could imagine it to be reasonably possible if skilled in the art.
2.1.2Not Redundant:
Definitions should not be duplicative. If the request is a duplicate then the request should be rejected with clear explanation as to the reason. The criteria for redundancy is if the preponderance of the definition overlaps with an existing definition. For example: Zip and Zip4 vs Zip and ZipCode. In this case, while Zip and Zip4 have overlap they are distinctly different (Zip4 being a further sub-division of Zip) and can be used both independently or in conjunction with each other. Unlike Zip and ZipCode, though named differently, are fundamentally names for the same thing (i.e. redundant) and should therefore be avoided.
2.1.3Adequate Description:
If it is a request for an addition, it must be unambiguous and clear to someone reasonably skilled in the art. It is reasonable to request to the submitter additional descriptive detail to disambiguate or clarify a submission within the constraints upon the consensus of members.
Evaluation Process Conclusion:
2.2Upon Approval:
Approval occurs when the consensus of the members participating when a submission is being considered agree that the submission passes the objective criteria. Upon approval, the necessary artifacts would be updated and made available for download as a resource from the public SCTE Standards website.
2.3Rejection or Request for Clarification:
If the proposal is rejected by WG5 or if consensus cannot be achieved at the time of consideration,a response shall be provided to the submitter ofthe stated objective reasons for which evaluation criteria were not met. The party may correct the submission and resubmit as many times as necessaryto WG5.
If the proposal is rejected or should consensus not be achievable within WG5, a submitter may file a written appeal to the chair of the Digital Video Subcommittee.
3.0Proposed artifacts:
The XML schema will be used for both Audience and Action formal documentation of the accepted declaratives. Each will be formally hosted and resolvable by it’s namespace. Versioning will not be included as the expectation that the artifacts are the “latest” and completely backwards compatible.
3.1Audience Schema Example
The following XML Schema snippet is meant to illustrate a few Audience properties that will be published for general use. The namespace of the Schema is“urn:scte:224:audience” and indicates that this Schema contains the standard audience properties.
The example defines two properties:
- DeviceFeature – An enumeration of possible string token values, which may be expanded by the process proposed in this document.
- Zip – A simple string token meant to contain a 5-digit U.S. Postal ZIP code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xs:element name="DeviceFeature"
xs:documentationProperties/attributes of a hardware device that is being used to viewcontent. May be controllable features of that hardware device. i.e. digital output</xs:documentation
xs:restriction base="xs:token"
xs:enumeration value="DEDICATED_DISPLAY"
xs:documentationA device that has its own integrated content display (e.g. tablet,smartphone, smartTV)</xs:documentation
xs:enumeration value="DIGITAL_OUTPUT"
xs:documentationA device that has the capability to output digital content through anymeans (e.g. hardware port, wireless casting)</xs:documentation
xs:element name="Zip" type="xs:token"
xs:documentationThe client is located geographically within a region designated by a 5decimal numerical digits indicating the postal codes used by the United States PostalService (USPS) audience:Zip>80202</audience:Zip --</xs:documentation
3.2Action Schema Example
The following XML Schema snippet is meant to illustrate a few Action properties that will be published for general use. The namespace of the Schema is “urn:scte:224:action” and indicates that this Schema contains the standard action properties.
The example defines two properties:
- Content – A URI indicating alternate content to be displayed for the corresponding audience.
- MaxResolution – An upper bound on the resolution to be provided to the corresponding audience.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xs:element name="Content" type="xs:anyURI"
xs:documentationalternate content or slate</xs:documentation
xs:element name="MaxResolution" type="xs:integer"
xs:documentationMaximum allowable resolution</xs:documentation
3.3Audience Usage Example
The following example shows how the Audience Schema would be used in an actual ESNI document. The audience namespace is declared as part of the Audience and then used to reference a corresponding property from the Schema in 5.1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Audience xmlns=" xmlns:audience="urn:scte:224:audience" id="audience/145"
3.4Action Usage Example
The following example shows how the Action Schema would be used in an actual ESNI document. The action namespace is declared as part of the ViewingPolicy and then used to reference a corresponding property from the Schema in 5.2 along with the Audience declared in 5.3.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Audience xlink:href="audience/145"/>