Dutchtown High School Air Force JROTC

Dear Faculty and Staff: 9 March 2015

Dutchtown High School Air Force JROTC cadets would like to show faculty & staff their appreciation for exemplary dedication to teaching by volunteering to assist teachers with classroom “housekeeping” chores for approximately 40 minutes on Tuesday, 17 Marchduring their assigned JROTC class for our spring “JROTC Teacher Appreciation” event. You may utilize the cadet’s service with any appropriate chore (working on bulletin boards, posting papers, straightening out the classroom, tidying up your desk/cabinets, etc.).

If you wish for this cadet to serve you, please complete the form below and return it to the cadet. The cadets must submit the form to me by 4pm on Thursday, 12 March. I will email a complete list of volunteers by class period, matched with the approving teacher, on Monday, 16 March. Students will receive one hour of JROTC school servicecredit and a school service grade for participating in this event. Please email me if you have questions or concerns.


Major Sarah A. Beavers, Major, USAF Retired

Cadet First & Last Names: ______JROTC Period: ____

Teacher Name Printed: ______Class Room #______

Teacher Signature:______

Dutchtown High School Air Force JROTC

Dear Faculty and Staff: 9 March 2015

Dutchtown High School Air Force JROTC cadets would like to show faculty & staff their appreciation for exemplary dedication to teaching by volunteering to assist teachers with classroom “housekeeping” chores for approximately 40 minutes on Tuesday, 17 Marchduring their assigned JROTC class during our spring “JROTC Teacher Appreciation” event. You may utilize the cadet’s service with any appropriate chore (working on bulletin boards, posting papers, straightening out the classroom, tidying up your desk/cabinets, etc.).

If you wish for this cadet to serve you, please complete the form below and return it to the cadet. The cadets must submit the form to me by 4pm on Thursday, 12 March. I will email a complete list of volunteers by class period, matched with the approving teacher, on Monday, 16 March. Students will receive one hour of JROTC school service credit and a school service grade for participating in this event. Please email me if you have questions or concerns.


Major Sarah A. Beavers, Major, USAF Retired

Cadet First & Last Names: ______JROTC Period: ____

Teacher Name Printed: ______Class Room #______

Teacher Signature: ______