Dursley Town Council

Dursley Community Long Stay Parking Initiative– Terms & Conditions.

  1. Application Forms must be returned to Dursley Town Council Officeby 5pm on 15th January 2016.
  2. Only numbered permits obtained from Dursley TC and displaying the Town Council seal are valid.
  3. Permits can be issued to businesses or individuals who work in Dursley town centre.
  4. All permits issued to businesses must have an appointed responsible person with contact details provided.
  5. The number of permits issued to businesses would be allocated based on the number of employees within the town centre and whether the business has its own parking provision.
  6. Permits maybe transferred between employees, the named applicant remains responsible for any misuse.
  7. Permits are only valid Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.
  8. Permits must be displayed during the above times.
  9. Permits are not valid at the weekend or on individual occasions at the discretion of Sainsbury’s.
  10. Failure to display a permit may result in a fixed penalty notice being issued.
  11. An admin fee,for each application approved, of £20per annum will be payable to Dursley Town Council.
  12. Current members of Dursley Business Inclusive will receive a reduced administration fee of £10 per annum.
  13. Vehicles displaying the permit should park within the location highlighted yellow on the plan.
  14. Vehicles parking outside of the area highlighted yellow on the planand exceeding the normal waiting times may receive a fixed penalty notice.
  15. Permits will require to be renewed annually.
  16. Enforcement of parking by non-permit holders would remain at the discretion of Sainsbury’s, carried out by their enforcement team
  17. For larger events and one-off activity in the town outside the working week which may require some long stay parking provision, enforcement of the car park could be suspended at the prior agreement and discretion of the store manager.
  18. Permit holders continue to use the carpark at your own risk, Dursley Town Council and Sainsbury’s do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your vehicle and you park at your own risk.

Long Stay Spaces are highlighted yellow (to the rear of Sainsbury’s carpark

Dursley Community Long Stay Parking Initiative– Application Form.

Name of Applicant:

BusinessAddress:Home Address:

Contact Telephone Number: Office: Mobile:

Email Address:

Applying as: IndividualBusiness

Business Applicants Only

Business Address (if different from above)

No. of Employees: No. of Parking Spaces available to employees (private):

Are you a member of Dursley Business Inclusive:

Number of Community Long Stay Permits Requested:

Administration Fee (£20) included:Note: Cheques made payable to DursleyTown Council
(£10 for Dursley Business Inclusive members)


Print Name:

Office Use Only

Date received / Date Issued
Application Approved / Signed (Applicant)
Permit Number(s) Issued / Signed (Dursley TC)