GVAD Monthly NewsIssue No. 2 – May 2014

Frank Folino, the Canadian Association of the Deaf President, covered so much during his stay in Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Hehosted the townhall meetings in Nanaimo (approx. 20 persons) on Thursday, May 1st and at VancouverCommunity College (approx. 56 persons) on Saturday, May 3rd. He visited and met the staff and students at BC School for the Deafon Friday, May 2nd. Later in the evening, he attended the Sean Forbes Show and met many spectators. Also, he visited Deaf, Deaf World.

GVAD thanks all who helped with the various activities during Frank Folino’s stay in BC especially

-Sandi and Ron Thorpe in Nanaimo for arranging the townhall.

-Henry Vlug for driving Frank to and from Vancouver Island.

-Kim Wood for being Frank’s tour guide in downtown Vancouver.

-Ronald Peggy Fee, Yassi Shahbakshi and many others for organizing the townhall meeting at VCC and the social event afterwards

-Interpreters who were great in providing communication access for the Deaf-Blind at the events – you know who they are!

The BCSD secondary girls attended a 7-week workshop on money management skills. GVAD helped cover some workshop costs. The workshop was sponsored by the BC Local Working Group Deaf Women Leaders under the CAD project “Strengthening Deaf Girls and Young Women’s Economic Prosperity.” More information can be found in the CAD project’s Facebook.

The Happy Hands Club members were gratefultoGVAD coordinatingthe field trip on May 15th. The members attendedthe FlyOver Canadaat Canada Place and enjoyedthe Vancouver Trolley Company’s 5-hoursightseeingin Vancouver.

Rogers Wireless is offering the GVAD’s $35 2GB Data Service Plan. There is a promotion for a $200 credit for 3-year data only activations. The promotion will expire on May 31st.If a new 3-year plan is activated on the customized data plan, you'll get the $200 credit with or without activating new hardware. If a new $35 data plan on 36-month term is activated and just kept using their current hardware, they would get still get the $200 credit. For your eligibility, pleasecheck with their Business Care at .

Watch for the Deaf-Blind Awareness Week Performance: “The Johnnie and Vinnie Show” at VCC on June 26th. The event is sponsored by GVAD’s Deaf-Blind Planning Committee and VCC’s ASL & Deaf Studies Department. Please check deafbc.ca for tickets to the performance. The Deaf-Blind members are selling v-neck shirts andBraille wristbands.

GVAD received a few applications for the scholarships. The scholarships are designed to recognize the post-secondary educational needs of Deaf students residing in Greater Vancouver who plan to attend a college or university program.

GVAD is looking for an experienced web designer/developer to upgrade GVAD.com. Please or more information.

GVAD will provide a How-To Mobile Phone Workshop in the Old Navy Community Room at Metropolis Mall in Metrotownon May 28th, Wednesday at 6:00pm to 9:00 pm. It is a drop-in style workshop. Topics will be accessibility features, how to use the App Store, video calling, messaging, email, pictures and more.

If you need assistance with T911 registration, please contact the GVAD office at for an appointment.

The Old Navy Community Room at Metropolis Mall in Metrotown will be open from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm every Tuesday in the month of July except July 1st (Canada Day) for socializing or meeting or workshops.

Dart Club will play at Royal Curling Club every Friday night at 6 pm in June, July and August.

Watch for the 36thAnnual CornFest flyer in deafbc.ca. The CornFest will be held at Royal City Curling Club in New Westminster on Sunday, August 17th.