Dungog Shire Youth Interagency

Wednesday 31st July 2012

10.30am - 12.30pm @ Dungog High


Meeting Open: 10:45am

1. Acknowledgement of Country

2. Introductions:

James Butler (Samaritans), Jenny Moore (DSCC), Erin Saxby (Maiwel), Jenna Towers (Human Services/Centrelink) and Tracey Lowrey (DSC)

3. Apologies: Jane Thompson (Youth Express),

5. Mental Health Month

·  Dungog Shire Community Centre and Samaritans YDO are looking to hold a youth event Friday night 10th October 2013 (6pm-9pm) at Dungog Show ground.

·  Dungog High School won 2013 Mindplay and the school is looking into having the play performed for the students

·  Dungog High School is interested in having some teachers trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid. James to pass on the info of any upcoming courses

6. Service Update

Fiona McLarty (Dungog high School)

·  NAIDOC week went really well and included local public schools.

·  The school executive participated in the Traditional Games on Thursday

·  There is interest in running activities during mental health month/week in the school including speakers for parents and young people as well as the items mentioned above.

Jenna Towers (Centerlink)

·  three social workers covering seven offices

·  Intensive support for YP especially for those under 15 Include contact details in minutes

Erin Saxby - Maiwel

·  Work with YP in year 11 and 12 (term one to three) and term four is about transitioning form school

·  Can receive referrals from schools, other organisations or directly form the young person to engage in support

·  YP with disability or mental health diagnosis

·  Services includes some groupwork based in Maitland and previous participants from Dungog have arranged travel to groups

·  There is no transport funding available

Contact details:

Erin Saxby

School Transition Facilitator, Hunter LabourForce Solutions, Mai-Wel Ltd

P: 02 4934 3144 M: 0423 859 772 F: 02 4933 1034


Jenny - Dungog shire community centre

·  Youth services coordinator

·  Working with the school counsellors including those YP in year 6 moving into high school

·  No radio this term at high school - has moved to the primary school (YP can only choose radio once a year and then have to choose another sport)

·  The community centre has received the trailes and is waiting for the gazebos, trailer modification has been delayed due to unforeseen injury

·  Looking to organise a 'tour' of the shire to show it to the young people.

Tracey - council

·  All insurance covered for the BMX event

·  Hayden will get back with some dates

·  Graffiti workshop at Clarencetown (3rd Oct)

·  Graffiti workshop at Dungog (1st Oct)

·  Funding for Clarencetown skate park and includes seats and basketball backboard

·  Council needs 4 to 6 weeks notice before an event is run on council property Contact council directly at shirecouncil@dungog and: cc” Tracey in on the email

·  The youth art exhibition has been moved again and Tracey is currently looking for a venue to display the art.

·  Unique to have three female counsellors at Dungog. The counsellors will be coming to talk to female students about women in politics.


·  Grace is on student placement (Diploma of Youth Work) conducting research into young mums and education options available.

·  Robin Trapple, teacher in the shire (has a passion for young mums)

·  Talk to Michelle Archer about her experience

·  What can we do with the grandparents?

·  James is currently acting in the headspace management position for four weeks.


Meeting Closed: 12:30pm

Next Meeting:

Thursday 25th August 2012

Dungog High School Library


For agenda items or details on the interagency contact:

James Butler

Maitland Dungog Youth Development Officer

PH: 0407 891 650