2017/18DHS Course Outline and Expectations
DHS Foundations of Physical Education
Coach Passos
Phone: 972-708-2164
Class room/gym expectations:
Respect oneself and others (teachers and other students).
No cell phones or cameras in the gym.
Hallways, locker rooms, bath room. See school rules for further explanation.
NO FOOD OR DRINKS of any kind in the gym, except water bottles.
Do not sit or stand near mats on the wall.
No profanity.
No littering.
No defacing property – this includes writing on walls, mats, floors, bleachers, etc.
No back packs, purses, bags, etc allowed in the gym.
We are not responsible if any items (books, clothes, shoes, electronic equipment, etc) are lost or stolen.
Passes to the nurse and restroom will only be issued in EXTREME cases. Take care of these issues between classes. Passes will NOT be given for the counselor, office, library, or to go to another class.
No hair driers, flat irons, or curling irons are allowed in the locker room.
Suiting Out/Equipment: Acceptable clothing:, T-shirts with sleeves, shorts to the knees, sweats, and tennis shoes. No tights, spandex, or leggings. No boots, backless shoes, or flip-flops allowed. Going barefoot is not allowed. Each student will leave his or her backpack, bag, purse, etc in the locked locker room for the duration of the class period. Lockers are available, but you must bring your own lock.
Class Organization: Each student will be assigned a spot in a roll call line. They must be seated in this spot when the bell rings; otherwise they will be counted tardy. After roll call, students will be given 10 minutes to suit out. At the end of the class period, students will be allowed 10 minutes to change clothes and return to their assigned seat in the gym. No Restrooms passes once we leave the Locker Room!
Grading Procedure: Each student receives a participation grade in class and will be required to do some skill performance tests and written quizzes.
Grades are determined as follows:
1. Participation grade/60%= 60/40% of student’s grade
Minimum 9 grades
2.Suiting out (Proper Attire) 40%
*** Parents will be notified (Email or telephone call) when their child is not participating in class and whose grade may drop below a 70 in class.
Excuses:A note from a medical doctor will be the only note accepted that would excuse the student from participation. The student will complete a 1-page report on a sport of their choice to receive a participation grade for that day. NO PARENT NOTES ALLOWED!
* Policies will go into effect on Sep 5th