ApprovedMINUTES FOR – 8/19/2009

CALL TO ORDER at 7:35pm l


President– R EspinozaAUFC-(2)Classic-(2)Rio Vista-(2) Elite-(2)New Mexico Rush (2)

Vice President- C HarmonJohn WelchJorge BeraunWoody Woodhouse Dennis GenasGreg Hielman

Secretary – S WoodhouseGeoff SteffensRicardo BeraunChris Cartlidge Tricia RomeroMichelle Barba

Treasurer- K MaloneALTERNATES

Coach Adm – L Robles Sage MooreJason Moran Bob Edwards Justin Sells

Josh NelsonShelly Herbst Michael Erwin Damon Lucero

Staff: Bill Nordin (Ex Dir)

Guests:David Ehrhardt (AYSO), Steve Kramer (D/C)


Approval of Minutes:Motion to approve by Damon, seconded by Woody. Motion passed


With all the new member we went around the room and introduced ourselves. Bill introduces Steve Kramer as District Commissioner for District 2 NMYSA.



Club Representatives:

Rio Vista – Woody: Referee Certification concerns. Wanting to know if anyone other club was having problems get referees certified to meet referee requirements? David Vehart not responding to members wanting to get certified. No one (AUFC, NM Rush, Elite) having problems.

Bill informed everyone that Dave has clinics scheduled for 8/30 and 9/13 moving the location to Eldorado High School. Please communicate to your new referees to register on-line and leave your contact information as this will be used to determine if another class is going to be scheduled. Promise from Dave V. that he will set up another class is the classes are full and there is still a waiting list.


Management Report:

Bill is working on the schedule it should be ready by 8/29.

Will be adding another U12 field at the Complex will be at (5) field the fall, 17 will be used by both U12 and Adult league.

The number of teams playing in the METRO schedule U7 – U14 is up from 182 in 2005 to 237 in 2009.

Lease with Santa Ana has been completed, highlights:

  • Extended to 2046
  • Rent to be adjusted every five years and tied to CPI
  • Restroom: must extend the Lessor’s water and wastewater system to site
  • Santa Ana will be granted first rights of refusal for naming rights in future
  • Water agreement $10/acre foot of water used from prior year

No new Grant information to help with Complex

ADO – Frank will continue to help with Referee Mentor program and asked all members to inform their referees. Also would like all referees to show up 15 minutes early to get training or ask questions.

Weekends 8/29 and 9/5-6 are currently open to reserve field 2, 3, 4 at ADO for scrimmages. Contact Bill

BFP is open until 9/4 – if you go the park please let your members know they will need to work with other out there using the park, don’t set up in front of the air plane pilots and PLEASE don’t let CARS into the park Coaches ONLY.

BFP will be closed3/15 through 4/5

Website has a NEW LOOK


Financial Statements

Year End information was available from Kelly, did not have time to review with Kevin. Will have everything ready at next meeting.

Tournaments Updates:

Gaylord Sheppard –RVFC - Everything is going

Sandia Cup update Elite

  • NOTE: Bill will set up schedule for both Gaylord and Sandia Cup

Coaching Administrator:Nothing

NMYSA / District Commissioner:Steve Kramer

U-12 State Cup Discussion

  • Steve met with Josh Groves, Frank Sanchez, Chris Brennan, Simon Rothman and Justin Sells to go over and readdress U12 State Cup.
  • After a long discussion with some wanting to see this, some not and some not wanting it to happen this year. Do you go 11 v 11 or play 8 v 8 until state cup and go 11 v 11, the State has mandated 8 v 8 at U11 and U12 so they would have to make a change in order to accommodate the request. It was decided to let the Directors of Coaching make a recommendation that Steve could take to the state and let them decide.


AYSO: David had nothing new




Dennis brought up an ADA issue regarding Color Blind player and the color of the ball and the lines. A lot of decision on how to word this issue around ball color and what color ball is acceptable and not. Bill with work with Louis to get the wording right and add it to the rules that will be published in the NEWSLETTER.

The following calendar of event was reviewed for the upcoming year, Rush would like to move out the RUSH OPEN by one weekend nothing was decided.

Calendar for 2009-2010

Board Meetings

August 19th

October 21st

November 19th

February 17th

April 21st

June 9th (2nd week of June was due to Regional’s being the third week)(Regional’s moved to Fourth Week)

Metro Season

Fall – Starts September 12th

Through October 31st

Spring – Deadline for entry December 8th

Starts March 6th

Through April 24th – with makeup’s on May 1st

DCSL Sponsored Tournaments

Rio Open 8/29 & 8/30

Gaylord I11/14 & 11/15 Rio Vista

Gaylord II11/21 & 11/22Rio Vista

NM Rush Open2/13 & 2/14

Classic Cup I2/20 & 2/21

Classic Cup II2/27 & 2/28

United Open5/8 & 5/9

Sandia Cup5/29, 5/30 & 5/31Elite

Motion to adjourn by Ron seconded by all at 8:55 PM