Hoy es lunes, el 8 de septiembre
-Due today:–ar, -er, & -ir verb conjugation sheets (3; attached to Ch. 1 review guide)
-Tarea para miercoles: Ch. 1 Exit Assessment handout (if not completed during class after finished Ch. 1 test)
-Ch. 1 Test – Test Taking Procedures:Please follow these instructions upon entry so that we can maximize the full amount of time in successfully completing the test:
-Se prohibe hablar durante la prueba.I will give one verbal warning if I hear you talking and/or looking around at other people’s paper.Second violation will result in an automatic zero on the test and a call home to your parents. If you have any questions during the test, please come see me at my desk.
-You should have been assigned a number by me. Find your desk that has the corresponding number affixed atop the desk. That is your desk for today, as well as for the rest of this quarter.Turn in your number with your test; write your number in the top left corner & circle it
-If you have special accommodations as stated in your IEP or 504 plan, it is your responsibility to inform me of whatever accommodations you need prior to beginning your test. Please see me at my desk once the test begins to discuss with me your accommodations as noted in your file.
-Please remove everything off of your desks and tuck everything out of the way and underneath your desk except for your writing utensils and a bottle of water.
-Those of you who were absent last class may continue to work on the following missing assignments and turn them into the Late/Absent Folder located to the right of the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Please DO NOT work at your regular seat; take a seat at the table or desks along the entrance wall of the classroom:
-(1)Mas Practica Gramatical pg. 528 #1-3, pg. 529 #1-2 (second half set of questions) pg. 530 #5 – To be completed on a separate sheet of paper (at the back of your textbook).
-(2)–ar, -er, & -ir verb conjugation sheets (3; attached to Ch. 1 review guide)
-Once you have completed your test, return your note card to me at my desk first, and then your test afterin the bottombasket located atop the table next to the laptop projector. Also, take a copy of the handout Ch. 1 Exit Assessment located in the basket.
-For the remainder of class, you may work on your homework for next class: Ch. 1 Exit Assessment handout. If you finish it before the end of class, please turn it in to me at my desk. If you do not finish before the end of class, the handout is due for homework next class.
- Homework for next class: Ch. 1 Exit Assessment handout
-¡Juegos! 3-6-9:
-El Alfabeto/El Abecedario: