The FindelDue Diligence Questionnaire
About the Findel Group
It is a Group formed of Asset Managers representing over €1.4 trillion of assets under management of the cross border funds industry. The Findel Group is focused on identifying common opportunities to improve operational efficiency in cross border distribution and where relevant recommending and promoting common solutions to the benefit of fund market participants and ultimately end investors. These companies have funds in most major cross-border domiciles including Luxembourg, Ireland, UK, Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the US.
Our key aims are to:
- Identify common opportunities to enhance operational efficiency in cross border distribution.
- Recommend and promote through a single voice, common solutions that would be of benefit to fund market participants and ultimately end investors.
- The Group cooperates with other existing working groups & industry bodies and participates in relevant forums across the industry to further its goals.
Completion Guidance
1. General information
2.Targeted information for Distributors
3.Distribution and Marketing
4.Marketing material
5.Legal and Regulatory Oversight
6.Oversight of Sub-Distribution
7.Risk Management and Controls
8.Technology and outsourced services
10.General AML Policies, Practices and Procedures
11.Client due diligence requirements
12.Sanction and PEP screening
13.Transaction Monitoring
14.AML Training
Declarations and execution
Completion Guidance
- Distributors
Complete the below sections:
- 1. General information
- 2.Targeted information for Distributors
- 3.Distribution and Marketing
- 4.Marketing material
- 5.Legal and Regulatory Oversight
- 6.Oversight of Sub-Distribution
- 7.Risk Management and Controls
- 8.Technology and outsourced services
- 9.Compliance
- 10.General AML Policies, Practices and Procedures
- 11.Client due diligence requirements
- 12.Sanction and PEP screening
- 13.Transaction Monitoring
- 14.AML Training
- Declarations and execution
- Introducers
Complete the below sections:
- 1. General information
- 3.Distribution and Marketing
- 4.Marketing material
- 5.Legal and Regulatory Oversight
- 7.Risk Management and Controls
- 8.Technology and outsourced services
- 9.Compliance
- 10.General AML Policies, Practices and Procedures
- 11.Client due diligence requirements
- 12.Sanction and PEP screening
- 13.Transaction Monitoring
- 14.AML Training
- Declarations and execution
- Financial Institutions not distributing but holding shares on the register on behalf of a third party – (E.G. Nominee shareholdings)
Complete the below sections:
- 1. General information
- 5.Legal and Regulatory Oversight
- 9.Compliance
- 10.General AML Policies, Practices and Procedures
- 11.Client due diligence requirements
- 12.Sanction and PEP screening
- 13.Transaction Monitoring
- 14.AML Training
- Declarations and execution
1. General information
- Financial Institution Name/Intermediary Name:
- Country of Incorporation:
- Country of Domicile:
- Website:
- Name of your regulator and Registration No.
- Ownership Structure:
Please include any company that holds 25% or more of the shares/voting rights of your firm. Please provide the details up until the ultimate natural beneficial owner. If your firm is listed or owned by a listed firm you do not need to disclose the details above the listed firm (please provide a Group Structure Chart).
Ultimate Parent/Shareholder / Percentage controlledListed Company or Parent:
Exchange / Country- In addition to inspections by the government supervisors/regulators, do you have an internal audit function or other independent third party that assesses AML policies and practices on a regular basis?
Yes / No
- Please confirm if there have been any significant deficiencies raised in the lasttwo years?
Yes / No
- Management Structure:
Please fill in the details of your current management board. You can satisfy this question by submitting a separate document detailing the current Board of your firm.
Board Member / Year of birth2.Targeted information for Distributors
- Does your firm have experience in Distributing Investment Funds (whether open or closed ended)?
Yes / No
- If yes, how many years of experience does your firm have?
- Has your firm been rated by a dedicated ratings agency (international or local)?
Yes / No
- If yes:
Agency / Rating / Date of last rating / Date of next review
- What is the current level of your assets under management?
AUM Range US$ / Please select
- Please confirm how you will trade with the Fund?
Method of trading / Please select
3.Distribution and Marketing
- Will you be distributing the UCITS Funds in any jurisdiction other than your domiciled country?:
Yes / No
- If yes:
Country / Are you aware of the marketing restrictions?
- Will you be utilising Sub-Distributors?:
Yes / No
- Do you enter into formal contracts with Sub-Distributors?:
Yes / No
- Does the contract include liability clauses for breaching?:
Yes / No
- Do you have suitability controls to ensure that you only distribute the Funds to eligible and appropriate investors?:
Yes / No
- Do you monitor against miss selling?:
Yes / No
- Do you monitor your salesforce and ensure they comply with the local regulations as well as the contractual obligations?:
Yes / No
- What is the estimated AUM that you foresee being invested in the Funds through your firm?:
AUM Range US$ / Please select
4.Marketing material
- Do you have the mechanisms to obtain and provide, to underlying investors, the marketing material and product documents required by the local regulations?:
Yes / No
- Do you create your own marketing material for the funds you distribute?
Yes / No
- Do you require any specific documentation to be provided by us for your marketing requirements?
Yes / No
- Please provide the detail:
5.Legal and Regulatory Oversight
- Has your organisation been prosecuted, fined or otherwise, for failure to comply with any stipulated regulations or legislation? If yes, please provide the full details and action taken to address the deficiencies.
Yes / No
- Have you developed written policies documenting the processes that you have in place to prevent, detect and report suspicious transactions?:
Yes / No
- Please provide a description of your process for monitoring account activity to detect suspicious transactions and your process for reporting such activity
6.Oversight of Sub-Distribution
(Only required when utilising third party sub-distribution)
- Do you make use of sub-distributors that are not subsidiaries or part of your group of companies?
Yes / No
If yes, please complete the remainder of the section.
- Do you perform a full due diligence review on the sub-distributor before appointing them?
Yes / No
- Do you perform ongoing monitoring on the sub-distributor to ensure that they are acting in accordance with the relevant agreements and the local laws and regulations?
Yes / No
- Do you risk assess your appointed sub-distributors?
Yes / No
- Do your sub-distribution contracts include:
- Access to end investors KYC files through the distributor
- Adherence of the network to AML/CTF requirements
- Adherence to local marketing regulations
- Accountability of sub-distributors to liability
Yes / No
7.Risk Management and Controls
- Do you have an Operational Risk Function?
Yes / No
- Do you have professional liability insurance in place?
Yes / No
8.Technology and outsourced services
- Are your Systems and IT infrastructure adequate to safeguard the security, integrity and confidentiality required?
Yes / No
- Do you have a business continuity policy?
Yes / No
- Do you have a disaster recovery plan?
Yes / No
- Does both your business continuity policy and disaster recovery plan meet the local regulatory requirements?
Yes / No
- Do you outsource any of your primary functions, including risk?
Yes / No
- If yes, please provide the details:
- Please confirm the type and frequency of monitoring you conduct on these outsourced services:
- Are SOC and ISAE reports available?:
Yes / No
- Do you have an AML compliance program?
Yes / No
- Is this program approved by your Board of Directors or a Senior Committee?
Yes / No
- Do you have a legal and regulatory compliance program that includes a designated officer who is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the AML framework?
Yes / No
- Do you have policies or procedures for the identification and reporting of transactions that are required to be reported to the authorities?
Yes / No
- Where cash transaction reporting is mandatory, do you have procedures to identify transactions structured to avoid such transactions?
Yes / No
10.General AML Policies, Practices and Procedures
- Do you have a policy prohibiting accounts/relationships with shell banks? (A shell bank is defined as a bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it has no physical presence and which is unaffiliated with a regulated financial group):
Yes / No
- Do you have procedures to reasonably ensure that you will not conduct transactions with or on behalf of shell banks through any of its accounts or products?
Yes / No
- Do you have any anonymous or numbered/lettered accounts?
Yes / No
- Do you have policies covering relationships with Politically Exposed Persons (‘PEPs’), their family and close associates?
Yes / No
- Do you maintain accounts for Politicians, Senior Government Officials or members of their families?
Yes / No
- If yes, do you have enhanced due diligence procedures for opening accounts and monitoring these accounts?
Yes / No
- Do you require Senior Management approval to open such accounts?
Yes / No
- Please provide a description of your process for or opening and monitoring such accounts:
- Do you have record retention procedures that comply with applicable law?
Yes / No
11.Client due diligence requirements
- Have you implemented processes for the identification of those customers on whose behalf you maintain, operate accounts or conducts transactions?
Yes / No
- Does your process for the identification of customers include the identification of Beneficial Owners/Controllers and Ultimate Economic Owners of corporate customers, trusts/foundations and other non-personal customers?
Yes / No
- If yes, does that include the verification and identification of all beneficial owners where multiple layers of beneficial owners exists?
Yes / No
- Do you have a risk-based assessment of your customer base and their transactions?
Yes / No
- Do you determine the appropriate level of enhanced due diligence necessary for those categories of customers and transactions that you have reason to believe pose a heightened risk of illicit activities to your organisation?
Yes / No
- Do you have a requirement to collect information regarding your customers’ business activities to enable you to understand the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship?
Yes / No
- Do you complete a risk-based assessment to understand the normal expected transactions of your customers?
Yes / No
- Do you have procedures to establish a record for each new customer noting their respective identification documents and KYC information?
Yes / No
- Do you have a process to review and, where appropriate, update customer information relating to high risk client information?
Yes / No
- Where appropriate do you assess your customers’ AML policies and practices?
Yes / No
12.Sanction and PEP screening
- Do you screen customers and transactions against watch lists of persons, entities or countries issued by governments and other competent authorities?
Yes / No
- If yes, which local or global watch lists do you screen against?
- With regards to customer screening against watch lists of persons, entities or countries, please provide additional information in relation to your procedures for this, including when, how and the frequency of ongoing monitoring and systems used.
- Do you screen customers against OFAC’s Specially Designated National (SDN) and Blocked persons List?
Yes / No
- Do you have policies to reasonably ensure that your company only operates with correspondent banks that possess licences to operate in their country of origin?
Yes / No
13.Transaction Monitoring
- Do you have a monitoring program for unusual and potentially suspicious activity that is deemed to be outside of their customers risk profile?
Yes / No
14.AML Training
- Do you provide AML training to relevant employees that includes:?
•Identification and reporting of transactions that must be reported to government authorities
•Examples of different forms of possible money laundering activity involving your products and services
•Internal policies to prevent money laundering.
Yes / No- Please confirm the frequency of such training:
- Do you retain records of the training sessions including attendance records and relevant training materials used?
Yes / No
- Do you communicate new AML related laws or changes to existing AML related policies or practices to relevant employees?
Yes / No
- Do you employ third parties to carry out any part of your AML functions?
Yes / No
- If yes, please specify:
Declarations and execution
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
1.Confidential Document