Module Focus: Grade 1 – Module 5
Sequence of Sessions
Overarching Objectives of this February 2014 Network Team Institute
· Module Focus sessions for K-5 will follow the sequence of the Concept Development component of the specified modules, using this narrative as a tool for achieving deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Relevant examples of Fluency, Application, and Student Debrief will be highlighted in order to examine the ways in which these elements contribute to and enhance conceptual understanding.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
· Focus. Participants will be able to identify the major work of each grade using the Curriculum Overview document as a resource in preparation for teaching these modules.
· Coherence: P-5. Participants will draw connections between the progression documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within each module, thereby enabling participants to enact cross- grade coherence in their classrooms and support their colleagues to do the same.
· Standards alignment. Participants will be able to articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade in order to fully implement the curriculum.
· Implementation. Participants will be prepared to implement the modules and to make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of their students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum.
Related Learning Experiences
● This session is part of a sequence of Module Focus sessions examining the Grade 1 curriculum, A Story of Units.
Key Points
· The Concept Development for Module 5 focuses on the standards that are considered additional clusters.
· Fluency and many of the Application Problems for Module 5 focus on the standards that are major clusters.
· Shapes can be described by their defining attributes.
· Large nameable shapes can be composed of smaller nameable shapes.
· When shapes are made of two equal parts, those parts are called halves.
· When shapes are made of four equal parts, those parts are called fourths or quarters.
· Students are expected to tell time to the hour and half hour on digital and analog clocks.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?· Focus. Participants will be able to identify the major work of each grade using the Curriculum Overview document as a resource in preparation for teaching these modules.
· Coherence: P-5. Participants will draw connections between the progression documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within each module, thereby enabling participants to enact cross- grade coherence in their classrooms and support their colleagues to do the same . (Specific progression document to be determined as appropriate for each grade level and module being presented.)
· Standards alignment. Participants will be able to articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade in order to fully implement the curriculum.
· Implementation. Participants will be prepared to implement the modules and to make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of their students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum. / Participants will be able to articulate the key points listed above.
Session Overview
Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator PreparationBridging the Gap for Grade 1 Learning / 75 mins / Focus on strategies for bridging the gaps in some students’ learning. / · Grade 1 Module 5
· Grade 1 Module 5 PPT / Review Module Overview, Topic Openers, and Assessments
Grade 1 Module 5 / 135 mins / Examine the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons. / · Grade 1 Module 5
· Grade 1 Module 5 PPT
· Grade 1 Module 5 Participant Handouts / Review Grade 1 Module 5 lessons.
Strategies for Implementation / 60 mins / Summarize key points of the session and share strategies for implementation. / · Grade 1 Module 5
· Grade 1 Module 5 PPT
Session Roadmap
Section: Grade 1 Module 5 / Time: 270 minutes[270 minutes] In this section, you will… / Materials used include: Grade 1 Module 5 PPT
Time / Slide # / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
1 min / 1. / / Welcome! During the first part of this session, we will focus on strategies for bridging the gaps in some students’ learning. During the second part of the session, we will more closely examine Grade 1 – Module 5.
1 min / 2. / / Our objectives for this session are to:
•Examination of the progression from Kindergarten, Module 4 into Grade 1 standards.
•Consideration of how to utilize curriculum materials to bridge learning gaps for students.
0 min / 3. / / We will begin by examining how Grade K, Module 4 learning provides a foundation for the Grade 1 focal standards of Grade 1, Modules 1 and 2.
15 min / 4. / / Read through the Focal Standards of early Grade 1 Modules. Consider the questions on the slide.
Possible responses:
•Composing and decomposing
•Partners of 10
•Partners for sums below 10
•Number bond work
•Focused work on using number sentences, both addition and subtraction
0 min / 5. / / We will begin by examining how Grade K, Module 4 learning provides a foundation for the Grade 1 focal standards of Grade 1, Modules 1 and 2.
2 min / 6. / / Share the student profile listed on the slide.
1 min / 7. / / Read the questions from the slide. In the case of this student, the teacher felt that he has limited understanding of counting on. His mental images and ability to subitize numbers is weak, and so he does not rely on counting on because he is not confident that the the counting of the initial part is accurate. In using the number bonds, he has limited conceptual understanding of their notation.
3 min / 8. / / As a large group, share thoughts and suggestions for supporting Breccan and helping bridge the gap in learning as much as possible. Consider the work from the Foundational Module (Grade K- Module 4) as well as your knowledge and experience with the Grade 1 Standards and the Grade 1 Modules.
4 min / 9. / / Share the bullets listed on the slide. These are some of the methods that supported the student in bridging the gaps in his math understanding.
2 min / 10. / / Share the student profile listed on the slide.
1 min / 11. / / Read the questions from the slide. In the case of this student, the child is able to apply the concept at the concrete and pictorial levels. Her ability to apply or transfer her understanding is held back by her weak fluency with the underlying components: possibly partners of 10, 10 + n facts, or decompositions of the second addend. The student may also not be connecting the concrete and pictorial experiences with the activities that use the abstract level.
3 min / 12. / / As a large group, share thoughts and suggestions for supporting Maria and helping bridge the gap in learning as much as possible. Consider the work from the Foundational Module (Grade K- Module 4, Grade, K- Module 5, and Grade 1- Module 1) as well as your knowledge and experience with the Grade 1 Standards and the Grade 1 Modules.
4 min / 13. / / Share the bullets listed on the slide. These are some of the methods that supported the student in bridging the gaps in his math understanding.
35 min / 14. / / Provide 5 minutes for participants to share math learning profiles of their students. At tables, brainstorm potential support strategies for 20 minutes. Share as a large group for 15 minutes.
1 min / 15. / / Welcome! In this module focus session, we will examine Grade1 – Module 5.
1 min / 16. / / Our objectives for this session are to:
•Examination of the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons.
•Introduction to mathematical models and instructional strategies to support implementation of A Story of Units.
0 min / 17. / / We will begin by exploring the module overview to understand the purpose of this module. Then we will dig in to the math of the module. We’ll lead you through the teaching sequence, one concept at a time. Along the way, we’ll also examine the other lesson components and how they function in collaboration with the concept development. Finally, we’ll take a look back at the module, reflecting on all the parts as one cohesive whole.
Let’s get started with the module overview.
0 min / 18. / / The fifth module in Grade 1 is Identifying, Comparing, and Partitioning Shapes. The module includes 13 lessons and is allotted 15 instructional days.
This module builds on understandings established in Kindergarten during Modules 2 and 6, and prepares students for their Second Grade learning, which takes place in Grade 2, Module 8.
2 min / 19. / / Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
2 min / 20. / / Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
2 min / 21. / / Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
1 min / 22. / / Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
15 min / 23. / / Read pages 1-5 and 8-9 in the Progressions, K-6 Geometry. As you read the introduction, how would you describe the overarching goals of exploring and understanding geometry in the primary grades? In reading parts that are specific to Grade 1, both in the introduction and in pages 8 and 9, what stands out to you about the examples? (5 minutes to read)
Turn and talk with elbow partner about the questions (5 minutes)
Engage participants in a discussion of their reading, using the questions listed on the slide. (5 minutes)
3 min / 24. / / To achieve these goals, students explore 4 topics: attributes of shapes, part-whole relationships within composite shapes, halves and quarters of rectangles and circles, and application of halves to tell time.
As discussed after reading the Progressions Document, there are many interesting and exciting ways to explore geometry with first graders. This creates the additional challenge to remember the need to Focus, as one of the major shifts accompanying the common core standards. While many various activities CAN be used to achieve the standards, activities should be chosen so that the focus for learning is clear and so that instructional time is held to an appropriate proportion considering these are additional clusters, rather than major clusters in the standards. We want to get the most “bang for our buck” with each day’s lesson, knowing that we have a finite amount of time to spend.
That being said, we have tried to likewise limit the materials used throughout the module with the hope of creating as much connection throughout the module for students and teachers while exploring the various aspects of each standard. In front of you, there is a “toolkit” of materials for the module, including:
coffee straws, cut at various lengths,
Ruler (for straight edge)
pattern blocks,
three-dimensional shapes,
a paper copy of a tangram puzzle,
paper parts and a brad fastener for making a clock,
a digital clock template for your personal board.
We have given all of the materials to you at once, so that you can get a sense of the materials used in the module and consider your preparation needs. When working with students, materials would be added to the toolkit as needed or introduced.
2 min / 25. / / Take out your coffee straws. We will be using these to begin our exploration of the attributes of shapes. As shown on the slide, the toolkit of straws is made using 4 straws, 2 that remain full length, 1 straw cut in half, and another straw first cut in half, and then one half cut again to make 2 shorter straws that are ¼ the length of the full straws.
Present the task listed on the slide. Give participants about 1 minute to create/explore shapes that they can make using the straws. If useful, remind participants that they can try to manipulate the straws in ways they believe their students might use them, so that they can anticipate student challenges and questions, which may be used as an entry to the objective.
1 min / 26. / / Some of you created designs that are open, like this (point to design labeled Open Shapes), and some of you created designs that are closed, like this (point to design labeled Closed Shapes). If you have participated in the K/1 sessions before, or you are familiar with the kindergarten Module 2 or 6, what have children learned about the difference between an open shape and a closed shape? What might we “remind” students now?
(Answer: A closed shape is one that has no opening to get out if you were inside the lines. There’s an inside and an outside for a closed shape. Both ends of every straw touch another straw.)